Atheism & AgnosticismAtheist Ideals
21 Posts • 7463 Views Religion Forum |
BethewateR (Bruce Lee)
I agree with most of what you are saying, except this.
"no church no agenda no god"
You are attaching fellowship and agenda to god, when those two things have... |
ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Makes you wonder did he help make 9/11 happen just so he can TRY to justify his wars on terror with the secret agenda of getting resourses and spreading our "democracy" to other nations.I te... |
ChristianityHaving agendas
1 Posts • 7991 Views Religion Forum |
I've been thinking over the past couple of weeks about having agendas. I wasn't sure the religious forum was the best place for this thread but then I thought why not? Religion definitely ha... |
ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6544 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You have proved nothing except that anyone who doesn't submit to the gay agenda the way you dictate is a bigot in your eyes. You also prove that everything that is important and vital... |
BiologyMercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
2 Posts • 2475 Views Science & Technology Forum |
David Ayoub, M.D. goes through the relations of Mercury to Autism as well its connections to “National Security Study Memorandum 200â€; for ... all » population control. Showing its shoc... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12477 Views Religion Forum |
I do believe you are right Angelfire, and although I usually will not make personal comments about individuals in particular, we are indeed 'graced' with the presence of a Web Troll. And I do believe... |
Relationships & LoveForgiveness
8 Posts • 3261 Views Psychology Forum |
Forgiveness and the ability to forgive is a blessing. It is a blessing in that it makes you feel better and yes also the people around you better and happier. HOWEVER!! It can be seen also as a curse.... |
SocietyALL the world's problems in one single word:
26 Posts • 7993 Views Philosophy Forum |
To govern is to control
How and why would a species need to be controlled.
Unless there's an hidden agenda |
SocietyConservatism: Its Time Has Passed
7 Posts • 3390 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
And on that note......
PISS on my elected representatives for having their own agenda.
There ought to be a law against that......oh yeah, they friggin make those don't they. |
Gay Bishop??
57 Posts • 15677 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
II'm glad that he was finally confirmed. The timing of those accusations was very suspect. It was just some retard with an agenda. |
ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6544 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I'm mostly prolife. However Mr. Cain believes that victims of rape incest and when the birth of the child puts the mothers life at risk should be forced to have the baby. He actually said this. N... |
ChristianityConspiracry Theory
6 Posts • 3521 Views Religion Forum |
Nope, not the (or jsut the?) Government this time. What I speak of is a small group within the Christain Church hierarcy, who have a purely political agenda, to achieve as much power as they can. |
SocietyThe Esoteric Agenda Of The NWO
9 Posts • 2909 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Full of information! Check out the links at the end of part 13.
Part 1 of 13 |
The Theory of the Multi-verse(Omniverse)
18 Posts • 6018 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is gaining knowledge the loss of love?
This is your choice again. You can use knowledge to further your own agenda and condemn others, or you can use what you learn to understand that others are real... |
ChristianityThe time is NOW! IT is your choice.
50 Posts • 12477 Views Religion Forum |
I am in 'peril' by your beliefs dear, not mine.
You will just have to get over the fact that Pagans are here to stay, and that as long as Fundamentalists hold to their world domination agenda, you... |
SpiritualityBlind Faith
42 Posts • 11626 Views Religion Forum |
I also told you in that pms that you should give me a reason to consider changing. That was the original challenge. Then you bombarded my mail box while blocking me from responding. Typical age... |
War & TerrorismTo The SwiftBoat Vets For Truth
97 Posts • 22662 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You are now supporting insurrection and acts of treason from members of the miliatary if they agree with your agenda?
Its one thing for a private citizen to do this but members of the military? Are... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64047 Views Religion Forum |
Scripture can't be accountable for adversity in the world, man is. Mankind has failed to understand them and acted on his own agenda. Because we have a proclivity for sin and God wa... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeThe Hard Working Paradox
10 Posts • 4228 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its all a state of mind. Someone who works with the intention of helping others can easily work twice as hard with half the effort of someone who works for themselves and feels they must suffer.
As f... |
ElectionsWhat's going to happan next
12 Posts • 3761 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
yeah aint it tragic how one person can screw up the world in just four years. Makes you wonder did he help make 9/11 happen just so he can TRY to justify his wars on terror with the secret agenda of g... |
SocietyExcerp: Rockefeller Admitted Women's Lib Agenda
2 Posts • 1894 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Excerpt: Russo recalls his conversation with one of the Rockefellers, who told him that they created and financed the womem's lib movement so they could tax another half of the population and so... |
EconomyWill Iran's oil kill the U.S. dollar?
0 Posts • 3238 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
England and USA are pushing the UN for economic sanctions against Iran.....that's about the only thing Bush's administration can go forward with atm......due to being over stretched on the l... |
Religion & HumanityBah'ai the religion
11 Posts • 4124 Views Religion Forum |
The political agenda of Fundamentalists is historical fact, and applies today. Fundies seek total political power, by subjugating all around them. Your reference to angels, in reply to my divine exper... |
EconomyEver wonder...
12 Posts • 2772 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
In short, yes I'm sure. I see your point about inflation though. But I believe your statement would be more accurate if you had said "inflation devalues pensions and savings more... |
ChristianityA New Church
30 Posts • 8823 Views Religion Forum |
'That goes two ways tootsie. Get over it.'
I respect Christians and their Faith (note lack of the word Fundamentalist, I have no respect for their agenda of world domination). We are not the ones w... |