Tagged > What makes women superficial |
 34yrs • M
Practice makes perfect |
Gender PsychologySome insights into men and women
9 Posts • 5867 Views Psychology Forum |
My suggestion to you would be to focus on your own growth, on uncovering your own unconscious defenses which keep you from finding what you truly want .. which may or may not be a family.
Well, wh... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
Human nature is human nature. Power does strange things to many people and women are not exempt from temptation because they are women. Women are neither more nor less likely to resist temptation than... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
if you went back in time and asked a women there if she would go to the future and live a life where you're the boss do you really think they'd go. As you are probably thinking it depends on... |
SocietyYour Veiw on Society
6 Posts • 3423 Views Philosophy Forum |
Society is made up of a bunch of superficial and ignorant pricks. That prey on the weak for self gratification. |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22926 Views Psychology Forum |
i gues it's not that complicated to date women or to know what exactly women need it's starts from the first eye contact u could figure out if she is interested or not if she is just don... |
 34yrs • F
Losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth. |
 44yrs • M
"Whatdoes not kill you only makes you stronge |
 34yrs • M
what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger |
Gender Psychology15 Year old girl hangs herself... for being a girl.
0 Posts • 4971 Views Psychology Forum |
Without a doubt girls get ridiculed more for having sex because of stereotypes. A girl who sleeps with a lot of guys is a slut or someone who gets around. Where as a guy who sleeps with a lot of women... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16872 Views Psychology Forum |
Who's to say women won't change if they dominated the world? Obviously they will, or else they would be ruling the world in their current position. And this is what is tough to understand. W... |
so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12766 Views Talk Talk |
Sorry to say that's kind of what irritates me. That lots of girls aren't comfortable with me just because I'm a man. Under similar circumstances were I a woman they might be but for man... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views Psychology Forum |
The women's liberation movement destroyed the female mind in America.
American women, for the most part, suck. It's not their fault. They've been brainwashed into believing that they... |
SocietyFight for Women's Equality!
3 Posts • 2452 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah, it's all a MANS fault. A women isn't choosing to have unprotected sex and get pregnant, let's make not just one man, but ALL men pay for the mans crime of her asking for sex.
An... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13312 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that men and women are essential equal but have different natures. There is a balance of masculine and feminine and although it is so stereotypical it is generally true...men are from mars and... |
 43yrs • M
That which does not kill me makes me stronger |
Dressing for your age?
68 Posts • 19198 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ok but who wants to see an old wrinkly woman wearing a mini skirt and low cut top? It's not so much that they should dress their age it's more simply disgusting. I try not to be superficial... |
All Mens College?
3 Posts • 3782 Views Talk Talk |
I would just guess that men don't like to be around only men, but women like to hide from men alot, lol. Maybe because most guys can tolerate women trying to distract them by hitting on them, and... |
SocietyFight for Women's Equality!
3 Posts • 2452 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The controversy of Rush Limbaugh's comments has brought the question of women's oppression to the forefront of the news. As a Trotskyist sympathizer I believe we should fight for the followi... |
Gender PsychologyWhy I hate women
32 Posts • 82902 Views Psychology Forum |
lol i dont think he was saying all women do that Kindred. Maybe he's just not met the right kind of girls.
I do understand that it is hard to meet women that are not so defensive that they pla... |
 47yrs • M
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. |
RelationshipsWhy do women give guys a hard time.
3 Posts • 7235 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It doesn't make sense why they do this, considering the men that most women end up choosing are problematic down the road. "Most" women's sense of who to date and who not to date i... |
Relationships & Lovenobody loves me!
0 Posts • 31969 Views Psychology Forum |
I used to prize love but then I got over it.
The only thing of real value is cash. With money I can buy anything I want.
You say money can't buy love? I don't want love, man. I want a... |
ChristianityWomen and the Bible
6 Posts • 3907 Views Religion Forum |
And women are not equal because they are less holy then men, "the head of the woman is the man", women must be shorn for praying without a veil.
I'm not saying the bible is completely... |
 34yrs • M
i think that the world should jus give us the potential hell to pay...it what we deserve |