I am saddened by the situation in the courts
30 Posts • 7732 Views Talk Talk |
May she rest in peace, and those who grieve find solace in the end of her pain.
And may the Gods help us all. |
Gender PsychologyAre Break-Ups Worse For Guys Than Girls?
26 Posts • 9868 Views Psychology Forum |
I think that it could be either painfull for either of the two. I know friends from both genders that have gone through alot of pain over break ups, and those who were like, it was no big deal. |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167900 Views Psychology Forum |
Oh yes! I have fantasized about it many times. But even death is too good for her. Pain and suffering is what she deserves. |
suicide with heartbreak?
16 Posts • 12048 Views Talk Talk |
I will be truthful in that I never thought I would be in the same situation i must be honest ive lied about my age locations everything because I never want the girl I love or 'future mate'... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42426 Views Religion Forum |
You who all believe that he suffered for his sins, I want you to listen. He sweat a drop of blood and suffered every measurement of pain imaginable for the sins that were and the ones to come. He suff... |
Society & SociologyRevenge
15 Posts • 4817 Views Psychology Forum |
i don't think it's harsh, i think it's natural to want to cause some one pain, emotional or physical, who badly hurt or betrayed you |
Gender PsychologyAre Break-Ups Worse For Guys Than Girls?
26 Posts • 9868 Views Psychology Forum |
Who ever does the breaking feels less pain because they got what they wanted. I don't really see it as a bad thing. I'd rather someone spoke up than sat silent in misery. |
the thread of LIES
79 Posts • 18457 Views Talk Talk |
God will torment with extreme pain, for all eternity, thoughs who weren't beleivers in the 'right' relegion |
Sexual PsychologyFemale Sexuality
0 Posts • 1077 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
personally i would take part in the sadistic areas of porn because, hell, i love the pain :) |
to believe or not to belive
21 Posts • 8307 Views Philosophy Forum |
God's need for death I can handle, its such things as pain and suffering, abuse and truama I can't get my head around. |
19 Posts • 8034 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well, yeah, fate in the sense that if I punch you, you will not start to fly. If I hit a brick with my toe, I will feel pain. |
What is Heart Break ?
5 Posts • 7444 Views Talk Talk |
i am going through the same phase.I have broken up with my gf of past 2 yrs.I am completely shattered.This pain is unbearable.How can i be happy again? How can i let her go? |
33 Posts • 9726 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes, one can chose to feel pain, but say there is a basis of judgement..wait, if there was, we'd know the answer to what we deserve. I don't know. |
Smokin for pain
5 Posts • 2563 Views Talk Talk |
Although there are about 400 chemicals in cannabis satvia, the one that I think you are explaining is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In Pharmacology, breakthroughs in recent research have come to see tha... |
Doctor-Assisted Suicide
13 Posts • 3796 Views Philosophy Forum |
Clea Benson of the Bee Capitol Bureau
(Published 2:15 am PST Sunday, November 14, 2004)writes,
"The Bush administration last week asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn
Oregon's assiste... |
Mudvayne- Nothing To Gain
5 Posts • 2180 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Their crowed was completely overwhelmed by his pain and the looked worried for him. Not upset with his performace. Watch it again. |
33 Posts • 9726 Views Philosophy Forum |
well, taking in the circumstance that you're the one afflicting the pain to yourself, no.
But theres some people to try hard in life and get cheated on--what they have being taken away from th... |
If You Forgive Yourself - Are You Forgiven?
12 Posts • 3481 Views Philosophy Forum |
no. which is why some sort of act of retribution is neccessary. doing something as a kind of penance to cover the damage or pain you caused. |
27 Posts • 17667 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
It's really hard to accept all of what you're saying in the state of hurt. How is the girl going to heal? She's going to be in more pain in her adult years . |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160031 Views Talk Talk |
i love giving myself pain , cos that makes me stronger and ready for anythin the world has to give |
It's been years and still... I loved you so much... Go fu** yourself
2 Posts • 3892 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Bravo! I feel that pain in an exactness that I cannot explain in writing. Good job, very open and great flow. |
27 Posts • 9964 Views Religion Forum |
by Max Gordon
November 23, 2004
There is a thirteen-year-old boy in America who walks to school this morning. He believes he is a pervert because he is sexually attracted to a boy in h... |
Is attachment weakness?
0 Posts • 6864 Views Philosophy Forum |
The question is, once attached to someone, presumably for the right reasons, you will suffer great pain when that person perishes.
Yes, but why do you feel pain?. Because you feel you have lost par... |
Life & DeathLife, Death, Choice
19 Posts • 7115 Views Philosophy Forum |
Life itself is improtant Human or otherwise. We all know that weather or not we have a emotional attachment to it is irrelevant, but I should hope that you can feel the pain of a loss as if it were yo... |
Ethics & MoralityCan revenge ever be justified?
18 Posts • 33526 Views Philosophy Forum |
The law is revenge except that it is meted out to extend suffering of the perpetrator for tens of years instead of one quick burst of pain in an eye-for-an-eye killing. |