songs of praise and worship and those that inspire
63 Posts • 12763 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Mainly it was the animation that did it for me too, but Sutras are interesting to use to put yourself into a meditative trance! I like experimenting with whatever meditation techniques I come across.... |
GamesInteractive buddy
100 Posts • 88934 Views Jokes & Games |
It's all do to the fact that people are getting caught more often. As women become more independent more and more rape crimes get reported and more get convicted.
Theft increases as a result o... |
Imogen Heap- Hide And Seek
11 Posts • 3832 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yeah I see that that is what the video may suggest. But what about the lyrics. What are they telling us. To me it's a song about how ruthless and cynical this world has become. How two people hav... |
29 Posts • 8395 Views Talk Talk |
Female gamers are nothing new I grew up with a brother and two sisters we all loved games we of course had atari which was a lot of fun- anyone ever play Demon attack or astteroids? those were a lot o... |
ConspiracyRichard Hoagland: What do you think?
2 Posts • 2354 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I remember seeing this documentary... and from what is portrayed in this video I believe there is a very high chance of cover-ups of a greater truth and what not, but there is the possibility of it be... |
ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23539 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A relevant thread with some footwork done for you if google is too tough. It is simply far too important not to be educated on. It includes video links.
http://www.captaincy nic.com/thread.php3/thrd... |
4 Posts • 3541 Views Science & Technology Forum |
This is pretty cool if you ask me. |
Bob sinclar video :)
1 Posts • 2205 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Very positive videos by Bob Sinclar ;)
http://99ea.com/tags/bob-s inclar/ |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85880 Views Science & Technology Forum |
18 February 2013
The Great Russian Meteor of 2013
Video Credit & Copyright: RussiaToday
What in heaven's blazes is that? Thousands of people living near the Ural Mountains in Russia saw... |
War & TerrorismBeyond Stuxnet: massively complex Flame malware ups ante for cyberwar
0 Posts • 278 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Mostly people are volunteering these audio and video recordings on YouTube and disseminating private data on FaceBook.
It's a waste of time and money to catch somebody secretly picking their n... |
Life as seen by Cynical
21 Posts • 11535 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
suddenly i want to join the kkk. i never realized how patriotic they are. *roll*
they left out the fact that people suck. always have, always will. which kind of negates the whole concept of the v... |
what do you do?
8 Posts • 3349 Views Talk Talk |
Masturbation doesn't count? Damn...:( . Well I play video games, watch tv, go to movies, go shooting, and surf the internet. Shooting is my favorite, nothing quite like setting up random things t... |
GovernmentMeet the President, of Iran.
3 Posts • 2038 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I guess I wasn't fast enough - low life people at CBS - here is part of it here>
http://www.cbsnews .com/sections/60minutes/main34 15.shtml
and more of it here
http://video.google.co m/v... |
DocumentariesInteresting video - Contempt of Court
0 Posts • 830 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Thought it was Sharpton for a second.
I feel like there's not enough information from that video to make any judgements. What is a trial inspector? Is that just someone who is unrelated to the... |
Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 17005 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ah, IronWood that was a great beginning for the New Year, I really needed a good laugh this morning. Thank You for that 1st video. As for the second well it wasn't as entertainning. Besides the f... |
16 Posts • 6490 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I would be interested how other people see the meaning in this poem based on different knowledge bases and religions connotations.
I saw a link between the first part of the above video and the boo... |
Physics & CosmologyDr. Quantum
3 Posts • 2328 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Great video. This is an old concept that was devised by Edwin Abott Abbott in the 19th century. Its used a lot in religion now to try and say God exists in other dimesnions an we have to reach out to... |
Audio/video converter for protected files
10 Posts • 3653 Views Talk Talk |
Hello! I've made a list of key features of TuneCab:
* Selectable compression level and output format
* Allows to convert complete folder structures and recreates these structures on output... |
battlefield 2 - daft things
3 Posts • 1813 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
video made with battlefield 2. that last bit of this only makes sense if you have seen the advert with all the bouncy balls. though i cant remember what the advert was for, either a tv or paint i thin... |
2 Posts • 2976 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
A video made from footage from Halo 2- Fifty minutes of very interesting footage.
Cortana looks even more stunning in this one, her goodbye monologue was perfect. |
19 Posts • 7618 Views Religion Forum |
Just saw an interesting video on MNBC on an \"Islamic child\" having \"the writing of the Koran\" to appear on the skin?
Strange, I wonder if it will be shown to be a hoax? |
9 Posts • 2734 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Listening to Ensiferum is like jamming LOTR in your ears with a trident, so this video is perfect.
Into Battle (clips from LOTR) |
7 Posts • 3693 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Hehe...Can you get me an autograph? LOL...j/k.
I want to go see it but unfortunately have to wait till it hits video and dvd to catch it.
On the plus side we don't have to wait till Aug. fo... |
What I listened to today.
44 Posts • 8997 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
These guys a pretty talented. When I first watched this video it was to learn to play the song, now, if I can ever play this song I will be happy with my skills as a guitarist. The man shreds. |
Chris Crocker
2 Posts • 2282 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This guy caught on like a wildfire on the internet. The first video I'm posting here is what seems to have made him so famous and has sparked people's imaginations in creating parodies. I do... |