EconomyWhy are American people angry?
8 Posts • 4125 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I watched the whole video. I agree that was a great speech.
I know from people I've spoken to. I know people who have been unemployed for years and have just given up. One of my clients today... |
Habits & Behaviorzoning out
6 Posts • 4317 Views Psychology Forum |
I heard masturbation was bad for your eyesight when i was growing up.
I never heard daydreaming was. And I'm not sure why it would be. Its like your eyes are taking a break because they are no... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25436 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I enjoyed the story about the crossroads. There were a couple choice excerpts that actually made me want to read parts of the Bible.
I loved how they sandwiched these two "inspired writings&qu... |
13 Posts • 4429 Views Talk Talk |
My computer was a self built one.
I have:
Amd 2800+ processor
1gig memory
2 hardrives- a 40 gig and a 60 gig
8500 radeon video card.
a DvD cd-rom
a cd burner
and DSL which i have to share o... |
1 Posts • 2830 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader is going to be the David Letterman show tonight Oct, 14 at 11:30 EDT(CBS). He will be on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer Sunday Oct, 17 12PM EDT (CNN). Do... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
0 Posts • 570 Views Psychology Forum |
This definitely works. Something he doesn't stress in the video is the importance of saying things out loud. Pronounce the words clearly.
My body seemed to resist heavily the first go around... |
Movie Trailers & ClipsRandom Video Thread
147 Posts • 25436 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Julian Beever makes an interesting comment on Art being a valuable, collectible, object for investment and museums.
Clearly the start of the video shows evidence of sponsorship and funding. But by... |
God in Religionproof of the existence of God, maybe...
14 Posts • 3723 Views Religion Forum |
yea this kind of tripped me out when I was like ten... haven't thought about the concept in a while.
In order to get from one red dot to another red dot you must first travel to the blue dot w... |
17 Posts • 7520 Views Talk Talk |
Chained, the guy in that quote is exactly the kind of person I wish didn't have a life. They don't deserve it. Portraying a woman like that is the most disgusting thing I can think of.
Ev... |
GodWhy say 'life doesnt matter' without god
19 Posts • 8583 Views Philosophy Forum |
hmm and so conway it seems it is the reward (not neccesailry support from god during your life) but that you are in some way rewarded for moral behaviour you did in this form of living afterwards? i g... |
Mental IllnessThe Deliberate Dumbing down of the USA (and the world)
2 Posts • 2723 Views Psychology Forum |
I feel there's no middle ground you can truly take on this subject, no self-formulated comfort zone to rest in.
If you understand this video, lying to yourself is only going to bring you down... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13487 Views Religion Forum |
http://www.biblemysteries.com/ library/saddam.htm
So, this is where Saddam got his odd ideas?
AND now that we can look back to this man's research, we might need tp check out the history of... |
GovernmentMorgan Reynolds interviewed by Alex Jones about 9/11 and Bush
2 Posts • 2166 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
A Chief Economist who resigned from Bush administration.
http://vide o.google.com/videoplay?docid=- 3667288936784661648&q=morg an+reynolds
Can't seem to find imbed code so here's a li... |
About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views Talk Talk |
Aight well you know for as long as I have been here I don't think I've gievn you guys a The Low down of who I am and What I do.*eek*
Well First off I'm nineteen and I dropped out of h... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21448 Views Religion Forum |
Teens find church boring because it is BORING!
What is exciting or stimulating about a bunch of crusty old folks listening to some preacher's witless prattle? It is time for the church to move... |
War & Terrorismal-Qaida / Iraqi link?
25 Posts • 8184 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
War is hell. Berg was STUPID to try to profit from American-style imperialism during a 'hot' war. People that enter into a war zone give up all rights to outrage at their deaths. American bo... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34618 Views Talk Talk |
I think anyone is kidding themselves if they don't look at the racist implications
If thats aimed at my comment, there were no racist impllications what so ever.
I am not a racist, and just b... |
Human Values Network
1 Posts • 4471 Views Promotional |
The Human Values Network is a website dedicated to spreading awareness and information about human values in order to protect human beings. The Human Values Network strives to spread visual media and... |
Red Dead Revolver
2 Posts • 3508 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Good, but not great.
The story is average, your same old western-style revenge plot. Still, you can tell the developers made an effort to turn your basic action video game into a game with a more w... |
Emotions & FeelingsRelease
4 Posts • 2775 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok i just watched a video from dercius's artical section about tappinng (http://www.captaincynic.com/a rticle/587/emotional-freedom-t echnique-eft.htm)
I tried this technique with frustration i... |
The "Void"
66 Posts • 18644 Views Philosophy Forum |
ive had this belief for a long time now about a "void" within everyone. i have read articles online and in magazines that touch base on something like this so i know i am not the only one ou... |
Physics & CosmologyDimensions
14 Posts • 4587 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ok i have researched on this string theory that Haider is talking about. Its actually called the M-Theory.
Heres a link to the article that talks about the extra dimensions:
http://www.suki dog.c... |
ElectionsWhat Black People think about RON PAUL!
2 Posts • 2619 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Quoting an Afro-American lady from the video:
..I wanted to make it very clear that Ron Paul is not a racist. I mean, look at what he talks about. First of all he's a libertarian, so you can... |
GovernmentFall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
5 Posts • 2388 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
hahaha I wonder if they really do get intel from the church.
I feel warm and cozy now.
Although if any of this is true....It's quite clear that the greed and laziness of the people would b... |
12 Posts • 4670 Views Talk Talk |
Other than catching the person red handed that is cheating there is another way besides video taping to catch them. It costs but it works and there's no way of disproving it. Could have the perso... |