Major parts of the U.N & N.A.T.O. were both making money off of an illegal scheme. Kerry's Iraqi plan is based on bringing in the same kickback taking countries to help Iraq. What do you think about Kerry's plan to include countries that are guilty at the top levels of stealing from the Iraqi people? Will they suddenly do the right thing or go right back to stealing the money?
Yep...the waffler wants INNOVATIVE..LOL....ways to deal with the war.
Yea..like put your tail between your legs and run...
I was stupid enough to actually watch that horrid beheading...and let me tell you...it was beyond sickening...and awful...it was unspeakably awful. No words can tell you the haunted feeling I now have. These people are inhuman, and what caught my attention was the almost evil chanting and (Was it actually prayer...?) they did as the act was being done...
It was slow, methodical, and purposely inhumane....
And we have americans sitting here with their freedoms intact....reassuring themselves that we DESERVE THIS CRAP!!!
You want to watch that video?
This man was guilty of nothing more than wanting to embark on free enterprise....but he was detained..and held. WHY ?
Further.....if the al queada is getting bigger and stronger...just drop an A bomb. Sorry...but they are poison in the world...
just like Hitler was...and who here sympathises with him?
Yet terrorists are killing women, children, themselves, civilians, innocents, or anyone they can...because they are world bullies.
Should we sit down and talk about why they destroyed the lives of well over 3000 people on 911?
There was a quote I must impart here....
'They hate us more than they love themselves.'
Now go reason with them...liberals...and see if you find the fate of Nick Berg...
God rest his poor soul. O man..that was truly graphically horrible.
His poor family.
I pray everyday for my enemies to change....and for world peace...but in revelations..this is all to come about.