33 Posts • 10052 Views Philosophy Forum |
thank you Decius for your welcome !
What do you feel were the purported benefits of meditation that you are now denouncing, and more specifically, do you believe it is possible that rather than all... |
BooksHarry Potter #6
23 Posts • 10931 Views Talk Talk |
Has anyone noticed how in the movies, they make Ron out to be rather useless? I find that annoying. |
57 Posts • 10410 Views Talk Talk |
lol. lol. Codewarrior; there's no point putting up facts here.
See you may be able to know all the facts of a building. you may even build the empire state building. But chicks will go around... |
SocietyFacts and spins
9 Posts • 3709 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"The author of that thread wanted a pipe dream - to be given only unbiased facts - I hated to be so blunt and tell him that was mere wishful thinking. Instead I explained that the emergence of mo... |
God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40991 Views Religion Forum |
why do u believe in evolution over creation? really, if u look at the facts, evolution has no more scientific proof than creation does. life is far too complex to hav developed from a few chemicals co... |
SocietyFacts and spins
9 Posts • 3709 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The media is getting better not worse. The more you have conservative and liberal media organizations competing the more the 'facts' will come out. 20 years ago the media was overwhelmingly... |
uc berkeley
8 Posts • 2625 Views Talk Talk |
*lol* Ok, I admit, with that one, I post useless stuff just to see where it will go. Got me there. But I still want to stick to discussions of anything rather than announcements. |
SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4418 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
decius is a dickhead who deleted my entire side of the arguement
You don't know what the word entire means do you?
No, most of your argument is right there, making sense to only those who b... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49752 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm loosing track of myself...
I've started to break apart. There's nothing anyone can do at this point. Going back to my old ways keeps others from harm--it's for the best. I... |
ChristianityA few questions for Christians.
13 Posts • 3231 Views Religion Forum |
Well, I can't specifically respond to the questions I've posed and you've answered, but I can summarize what I was thinking when I read that post.
I agree. :P
While I still don... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17208 Views Religion Forum |
Okcitykid, I can see what you are saying, but science cannot be both theory and the search for facts. Unless, the facts you find can be put into a theory that has both a valid beginning and conclusion... |
7 Posts • 3361 Views Talk Talk |
it wasnt a useless day though. you showed some kindness and even though you werent automatically rewarded for it, it will pay off in the long run. good job |
What would you do without rules?
20 Posts • 9479 Views Philosophy Forum |
Oh yeah! And I'd ignore all this french high school crap and that insanely hard (and useless) driving test :D |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301110 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
If you staple or clamp something with a stapler or a neddle to the wrapping of the condom, you will spoil it 'cause it would be broken and it would be useless, that's the only wrong thing th... |
258 Posts • 67421 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Let's get fucked up and die.
I'm speaking figuratively, of course.
Like the last time that I committed suicide,
Social suicide.
Yeah so I'm already dead, on the inside,
But I can s... |
Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9548 Views Religion Forum |
science as a whole is pretty much a huge set of theories
yes that is correct. scientific theories are not facts. religious theories are not facts. The word 'theory' refers to a speculativ... |
Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14470 Views Religion Forum |
The bible is a nice read to enslave humanity and to build the fundamentals of a society living a pseudo-faith...the bible creates limitations, there is nothing mystical about it, and limitations are t... |
uc berkeley
8 Posts • 2625 Views Talk Talk |
Just remember, all, that any virtue; intelligence, physical fitness, humour, confidence, etc. is useless, but to become great a s aperson, we need as many virtues as possible...to become a master of a... |
LawEvolution vs Creationism
19 Posts • 6412 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Actually creationism is completely logical
Mr. T how is creationism logical?
I bet you believe life is fixed and unchanging and is best understood in a linear Scala Naturas
CrypticTruth get... |
TechnologyIKEA UPPLEVA - Furniture with embedded HD TVs
0 Posts • 363 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Duel purpose furniture, tools and appliances are by no means a new concept. The problem with combining two or more unlike things is one will fail before the other or others rendering the other or othe... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33962 Views Religion Forum |
What if you accept the fact that some people in this world have a concept of God. You carry on looking at the facts as you see them and you don't see a God anywhere in your picture of reality. I... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
Only because you cannot comprehend it.
Ethereal: Your contradicting yourself now. You did claim that your 'God' can think logically and illogically. I said that Gods motives are overpowered... |
War & Terrorism[i]Why Desert Storm II is Wrong[/i]
14 Posts • 4595 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Thanks for reading it, I realize it is long, but there is so much to say about this subject! Lol. :D
I might just take your advice OK, and put it on a webpage. I have a useless one so I might as w... |
Atheism & AgnosticismScared to be atheist
22 Posts • 6311 Views Religion Forum |
Its a well used cliche but theres a reason for that:
Fear is the only thing to fear.
Repeat that until you get what it means. If you don't you're going to continue being useless. |
philosophy of friendship
31 Posts • 17941 Views Philosophy Forum |
Hey every one i'm new. Just wondering what do you think about friendship is it really important. I think it's useless because friends will either leave you or stab you in the back. |