81 Posts • 21655 Views Religion Forum |
"generality. If someone says something that doesn't match up to the well established facts"
WELL ESTABLISHED FACTS. According to Strongclad.
"I gave five principles or guidlin... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16507 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ya, talk in terms of 'ultimate reality'.
Lets see, how do we know our toes are relly toes. Well, pehaps a simple answer is that they are not real! I mean, they are a creation, and through e... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Art of Self-Discovery
0 Posts • 3056 Views Psychology Forum |
sup I'm the gnome on Cory's shoulder. From what I can see this kid is pretty indifferent about everything that goes on in his life. Bad things and good things happen and he just can't s... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12646 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wiz - I could really care less about winning or losing. Thanks for the concession but it wasn't warranted.
The data I imparted really has nothing to with my point of view, either. Its about c... |
Reality & MetaphysicsWhy do we exist?
83 Posts • 60668 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: zakary6
Last Login: 12:50 am – April 6, 2005
DATE OF POST (Topic Thread - Post #1): Why Do We Exist?
12:43: am - April 6, 2005
http://www.captaincynic. com/thread/39227/why-do-we-exi st.ht... |
ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21062 Views Religion Forum |
ok - the original poster claims that science proves the bible to be true.
I don't believe science can prove the bible to be true but that does not make the bible false.
The bible is poetry,... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13334 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think the definations are jumbled up here, though the basic idea is correct.
Anaylitical, actually neither is the brain useless, neither is the 'mind'. the problem arises when we start... |
Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7694 Views Religion Forum |
Becouse of my grandfather am christian, but I dont believe in god. I dont believe in any religion. Why? Science. Its the only thing that has facts and today it stands strong even stronger then religio... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11977 Views Talk Talk |
I've read half of it....I tried and tried......and...tried.....yaw n!
Loved the detail......liked to speculate on its "truth"
-- but I just couldn't get past the story....so I a... |
Relationships & LoveConfused about almost everything...
8 Posts • 3386 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe its better to just let things happen just wait for a girl to show interest in you
Agreed, so many fish in the sea. Just find one who appreciates you and your ambition. You two may get bac... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27337 Views Philosophy Forum |
I was about to point out some of you fallacies and ignorant statements. Untill I got a call from a pissant small minded anti-life carpet muncher. I work in a helpdesk environment for the s... |
what is the truth?
15 Posts • 2808 Views Talk Talk |
there is no truth only facts and opinions and trying to find truth in an opinion is like trying to find a niddle in a hey stack I guess the only way to truly find truth is to find it with in your self... |
Society & SociologyDeath Penalty?
16 Posts • 7900 Views Psychology Forum |
lol, i've said about everything i have to argue, so i'll just leave you to consider that canada and most(all?) of europe has abolished the death penalty, and as i've said before, has a... |
Religion & HumanityAllegorical or Literal?
21 Posts • 7196 Views Religion Forum |
The Bible is very often allegorical. Noah's arc can only be allergorical, "if thy eye offends thee pluck it out" is (one would HOPE) allegorical, Jesus will return with fiery hair and s... |
How do we know?
60 Posts • 16507 Views Philosophy Forum |
Ya, talk in terms of 'ultimate reality'.
Lets see, how do we know our toes are relly toes. Well, pehaps a simple answer is that they are not real! I mean, they are a creation, and through e... |
ConspiracyTom Coburn and The Franklin Cover Up
12 Posts • 23538 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's a good path to follow, another is in the form of frustratingly underspoken facts, such as how many well known and reported major terrorists, despots, etc. were all CIA FBI MI6 or MI5 agent... |
Governmentbut I fear that he sleeps soundly
0 Posts • 1873 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I don't know if you people care about the "mass graves" being uncovered everyday in Iraq! Saddam is not a nice guy. I think dubya & the prime minister could have made better argumen... |
About You / Introductionspaying for college
6 Posts • 2657 Views Talk Talk |
Get as many scholarships and grants as you can. If that not enough get a stuent loan. If you have parents with reasonable credit that shouldnt be too hard, if you dont, you may need to ask someone for... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17208 Views Religion Forum |
If you think about it, Religion is just a bunch of theories and ideas that people have developed over time. There are some proofs in holy scriptures but they never really reveal the author so can they... |
64 Posts • 19304 Views Philosophy Forum |
This subject keeps coming up - and unfortunately, I can't stay away from it either.
730 - you explain scripture very well - think of scripture as poetry and then you will find it believable an... |
28 Posts • 13989 Views Philosophy Forum |
So is science. How many "facts" have been proved only to be disproven later and possible go through this cycle many times. Nutrition is a classic example. Try finding a consensus on what hum... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10021 Views Religion Forum |
okcitykid, you refer to the commonly misused passage 1 Corinthians 11:5-10
5And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head-it is just as though her head were sha... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27253 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
im so tired.
i've had to repeat me self..constantly with the same point.
this back and forth..is unbecoming.
the empty words(which are words that do not serve/or benefit the point your a... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeNothing is fact?
20 Posts • 18329 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't really think that nothing is fact.. There IS a fact. its only whether you choose to believe in the truth. The truth is the fact. But everybody just happens to have different experiences a... |
GovernmentIt Will Be Hard Work, But He Will Be You Impeached
24 Posts • 7604 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What I copied was a portion of a letter sent to Mr. Conyers. You can't find it in the media or the newspaper. Obviously you are clueless as to what I posted.
What suprises me is your erogance... |