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Tagged > Universe
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55373 Views
Philosophy Forum
^^see when you don't think of what you see you're open to understanding everything in sight. Without the process of thought hindering you to make any judgements cuz when you see a person tha...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91101 Views
Philosophy Forum
How do you define nothingness? If nothingness is when there is nothing, then, for my existence prior to my life there was nothing. If you don't want to call it nothingness, we can call it lack...
THREAD God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20507 Views
Religion Forum
IN The Bible it states God is all good and perfect. But the world around us isnt, so how can something evil and imperfect come from a perfect creator. How can he make a mistake if he is perfect?...
THREAD God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42371 Views
Religion Forum
"I say there are laws to existence. Like maybe the one way this planet would be able to support man kind would be one that involves earthquakes." This seems paradoxal. God is all powerful,...
THREAD Cliqueless
0 Posts • 5643 Views
Philosophy Forum
"If everyone was intelligent, you wouldn't have to dissregard anything, which means communication would be far quicker and more efficient." Hey decius what about the senate and congr...
THREAD Speed Of Time
64 Posts • 16948 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well, I mean no one can imagine what other dimensions would be like, but there could be various dimensions of time (perhaps in some other universe), like moving sideways, up down etc. Like maybe time...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsTime, existence, and reality
25 Posts • 9493 Views
Philosophy Forum
Even if space were to "crunch" I don't feel time would cease to exist because what ever it is that makes everything up in the universe would still exist, or at least I think. I base thi...
THREAD Life & DeathLife on other planets?Yes ot No
9 Posts • 3187 Views
Philosophy Forum
I absolutely think there is life on other planets. however, I think if they have visited before they might be a little cautious about us because honestly if I went to another world and saw this much d...
THREAD Life & DeathWhat happens after death?
107 Posts • 91101 Views
Philosophy Forum
"But they have affeced us, with their gravitational pull if nothing else. " Are you sure? Do we know that dark matter has a gravitational effect? Or does it have an anti-gravitational eff...
THREAD The "What probably is = what is" fallacy
31 Posts • 9360 Views
Psychology Forum
1) Ghosts exist even though I have not seen them. 2) I avoid ghosts even though I have not seen them. You're jumping to conclusions you want here and putting them in a logical looking format...
THREAD God in Religionlife, Gods doing?
8 Posts • 3027 Views
Religion Forum
Why? Who said? The best argument I've heard from people who believe they're so informed of their creator is that " look at the universe, it's perfect, something had to of created i...
THREAD grandfather time
7 Posts • 4605 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, as I said, either life is pretermined, or the dimension thingy. Basically, what u said about the space continuom thingy is the same thing. All moments of time are taking place at the same time....
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29865 Views
Philosophy Forum
Time to early humans was the course of the earth round the sun and the seasons,so is time not just distance, were the first clocks then regulated measured against the distance around the sun, is it no...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27177 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Noting a television series 'The Universe' Yea, kind of a stumbling block understand how the building blocks of our reality conform to those presented by science & mathematics . . Ah,...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17185 Views
Religion Forum
"Dark matter (I think its called) has been discovered that passes right threw the earth. If I did a search I could find the links to these scientific studies." Dark matter is something in o...
THREAD A Little Bit of Everything
6 Posts • 2863 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yes I can see how you link it to other threads such as "one tries one's best." I also thought about the thread on cells and memories (can't think what its called right now) ; But b...
THREAD Life & DeathScariest Thing About DEATH
72 Posts • 20457 Views
Philosophy Forum
THREAD God in ReligionProving God Existence
30 Posts • 7084 Views
Religion Forum
Set 1 and Set 2 are just grouping of events (assuming that there are infinite events) we can just label some of them as past event i..e -1, -2 where -1 mean happened during the last hour and so on...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55373 Views
Philosophy Forum
^^but every high is still not the peak yet tho??.... why differentiate between creation and evolution when they're both the same thing....something came into being, no matter which way it happene...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyReality in the melting pot
11 Posts • 10566 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Well to some extent your quite right Ancient, there are two theories of multiverse of which are related to string theory. M-theory where universes are created by collisions between membranes in an 11-...
THREAD DreamsMy Metaphysical Experience
17 Posts • 9565 Views
Psychology Forum
A few nights ago, I had a very weird/enlightening dream. Here's what happened. Me and a friend were doing something, and somehow I fell off a building and died. As I fell, my thoughts were &qu...
THREAD SpiritualityI need absolute Proof
26 Posts • 9805 Views
Religion Forum
"Science is here, because we are here. We are here because God put us here. " How can you use this as an argument if I don't believe in God?? Your site ignores the many layers of s...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyIs the atom filled with matter?
26 Posts • 9085 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Many scientists believe that neutrenos hold the key to anravelling the mystery of the origin of the universe. The reason for this is because as we delve further into matter the fine line between matte...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40939 Views
Religion Forum
"I'm sorry too, but God made the rules but man chooses not to adhere to them." You misunderstand, by rules I meant laws of the universe. That is, that things fall down, that men are ma...
THREAD War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7544 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Or are we truly only concerned with ourselves and truly are a cancer on this planet? I think that's the case for some but not all. I agree with you that it does go beyond humanity but also inc...
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