Sexual PsychologyAsexuality
26 Posts • 8164 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
My offfhand question here is...
"Do those who consider themselves, or defines asexuality, as asexual, still feel sexual?"
This is similar to the questions of those who consider homosex... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33987 Views Religion Forum |
If God had to show himself to us for us to believe, then that defeats the whole definition of 'believe'. According to <http://dictionary.referenc e.com/browse/believe> it is: to have co... |
Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45439 Views Psychology Forum |
"Okay dingle, Cruel Women? Can't men figure out if a girl is interested in them or not. Seems as though it might be obvious in some ways. On the other hand, what about men that p... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17047 Views Religion Forum |
"What you really mean is "protestantism is great" not Christianity. OK, good, I wish you would argue things clearly instead of making sweeping generalizations like "christianity is... |
Alternative BeliefsWhy do we exist?
20 Posts • 8623 Views Religion Forum |
I believe that this universe holds many dimensions, many of which we do not understand and will be revealed with time. I simple believe that we move on to another stage in are life's that holds a... |
DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141031 Views Psychology Forum |
Yes, I often feel this way.
I think a lot of the depression and anger I feel towards others comes from a conflict in what I think and hope they could/should be, and what deep down I know that they... |
BooksDa Vinci Code
26 Posts • 11979 Views Talk Talk |
actually it is based on historical fact. no, there was no person named langdon or girl named sophie that endured a wild adventure through history. that was the entertainment part. the author is a prof... |
Are all Philisophical minds elitists?
37 Posts • 9525 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yes, thats true.
But in a sense, you can be 'better' then another in cetain ways. Say for example, there was 2 smokers under a bus shelter because it was raining, along with a mother and... |
Religion & HumanityThe End justifies the Means
13 Posts • 3131 Views Religion Forum |
You cannot know what is false unless you first know what is true.
Yep, and since it is a fact that most biblical stories are just stories, and indeed rehashes of prior stories, we know it is not tr... |
What is the hardest degree course?
3 Posts • 4021 Views Talk Talk |
I'll tell you its vetinary science.
Physics is done by people who like physics. Law is for masochists who take delight in learning because they cannot think beyond materialism. English is wish... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33467 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =IwNcFKUy-0o
there look at the detail. Do you want that guy looking at your mother daughters wifes or sisters genitals?? You think he and the other men working there w... |
God in Religionwhy is there no God
4 Posts • 2606 Views Religion Forum |
oh well let play devils advocate. Literally.
1 they believe science has explained away god. some 'expert' has said this and so they believe it. (surprising conclusion given the number of... |
God in ReligionIf God exisit...why there is so much evil in the world?
24 Posts • 7556 Views Religion Forum |
When I said that some "goodness" can be selfishness, I just meant that sometimes people do acts of so-called goodness because it makes them feel good, or it gives them the sense that people... |
Human Nature & EmotionWhat is Love?
11 Posts • 7167 Views Philosophy Forum |
.What is Love?
Love is a state of being. Love is not an emotion. To want something out of Love means the Love is an attachment. To Love someone, truly Love someone it has to be unconditional, when... |
Uncross the lines
39 Posts • 28300 Views Jokes & Games |
Just completed level 22 today. Took approximately 100 minutes. Current score is over 400 million.
The main difficulty I am having now is the limited amount of space to put the graph.
I checked... |
PedophiliaChild Predators
46 Posts • 18707 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Strangler - I wonder if you don't have issues. What other people do in other countries they do in other countries, what people have done in the past they have done in the past. A wrong thing migh... |
Gender Psychologywhy are men treated so badly
23 Posts • 13927 Views Psychology Forum |
:D Men are the way they are today because they have allowed themselves to be so...new job a store, previous experience & hard work . . . voided when new femle co-worker accusation: inappropiate to... |
Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46377 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Perhaps it would have been better had I lied -- and said I dont judge pedophiles or any one who harms children ???
I wont
I DO see your confusion - here
---------------------------- -----... |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49766 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Forgiveness, Compassion, Understanding, I am all of these and yet I look in the mirror and all I see is hate, all I see is anger. A hypocrite that is all I am, that is all I see now. How can I forgive... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"listen the facts are we need to do what is being done. we both know that."
Your opinion is duely noted, along with your assumptiveness. Keep your words in your own mouth, I say legitimac... |
War & TerrorismChomsky and WTC
0 Posts • 607 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We all know that one of the principle elements of crime investigation is motive, with a careful examination of those who have benefited from a crime being key.
Yet with regard to 911 (and those wh... |
God in ReligionDefining God
61 Posts • 14841 Views Religion Forum |
Hey angel, with the "our" god "your" god thing you said you are so wrong.
Specifically in Christianity there is an active term, exclusivism or something to that effect, it speci... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7315 Views Religion Forum |
well if i had cancer. and didnt know, i would fear someone telling me. it would scare me. but it was necessary. and ultimately helped me. Unfortunately there are a lot of folks who do things just for... |
GovernmentPro-Bush thread
33 Posts • 9780 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"true.. i have never liked any of our presidents...except lincoln simply because he took the first step in equality amongst men.... however he himself owned slaves. no i am not black either"... |
Free will
12 Posts • 3859 Views Philosophy Forum |
freewill = enigma
But personally I think that we do. I've thought through freewill for many hours, and the only thing that I can factor in that makes freewill viable is an unknown or somewhat... |