Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36750 Views Philosophy Forum |
i've been programming AI software for the past 9 years and have made most of my money using those programs. i never went to college so most of my knowledge is from the internet and my own thought... |
PoetryFirst poem attempt
7 Posts • 3346 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sure mutnuaq, I'll give you a line by line interpretation of how I read this.
Spiraling down this clockwork of Life -
As we age and move through a routine, planned out life.
Learning th... |
Society & SociologySave us from puritanical soul-torturing 'Green' people.
25 Posts • 10352 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand where you're coming from Ophion but I can't say that I don't understand where the green cause is coming from either. If we look at the earth as a mother common to all of us... |
There is No God and You Know It
17 Posts • 5931 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Okcitykid, first things first....realise that science is based on testable hypotheses who accept or refute theories. Religion on the other hand claims fact. Belief in a god is unreasonable. An Atheist... |
Science vs ReligionScience is prooving the Bible
142 Posts • 36242 Views Religion Forum |
One way to prove something is true is by making predictions with it. Science makes predictions every day, from the trajectory of a meteor to the odds of having diabetes.
If science and the Bible ag... |
War & TerrorismExerp: Sign the petition and send it on
9 Posts • 3473 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I have know Okcitykid , as a voice sounding across the web but I share many of his sentiments, I too wonder at the apparent ignorant or naive manner of the people?
I'm also ashamed of our educat... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64045 Views Religion Forum |
Godservant has an interesting theory - can't say I buy all of it.
But angles. The bible talks about angles all the time. When you met an angle, you knew it. And when you met one, you told some... |
Was I Right? (Relationship Problem)
6 Posts • 4184 Views Talk Talk |
:( I have a problem that I was wondering if you can tell me what I did was right or not.
I had a girlfriend for 6 months and some weeks. We had gotten far in our relationship and I did a lot of thi... |
Notes on a Scandal
1 Posts • 6758 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Based upon the true story of a schoolteacher who was convicted for having an affair with her 15-year old pupil; this movie is a brilliant play on the conventional roles of sexual power, betrayal and p... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12237 Views Psychology Forum |
You should hate someone who causes extreme distress in your life because it is natural to counter with an extreme dislike. You accept the case that if someone is causing minor distress in your life to... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31802 Views Talk Talk |
"Assuming you are being sincere, and not just an ass..."
I appreciate your kind gesture, do go on...
"Human beings are set up as omnivores; "
Human beings can be omnivores, y... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57892 Views Religion Forum |
tanker: I can believe that God has been and will always be. That's not hard for me to believe. Because to me that makes sense even though its not possible and that doesn't make sense. In the... |
War & TerrorismEnergy
2 Posts • 2900 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
As a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the growing uncertainty with the situation in the Middle East, South America and Europe, the United States is now forced to re-think its... |
SocietyThe Tale of Two Water Fountains
1 Posts • 2022 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Back in the days of Jim Crow, gas stations across the South always had two water fountains: one labeled “white†and the other “coloredâ€. Now if a modern-day segregation took ho... |
GovernmentGovernment Child Sex Trade
25 Posts • 10431 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ok, I'm just finding out some more on this and there have been convictions, if you dared to bother to watch the film the Larry King fellow did go to prison, he apparently got out too.
But this... |
EconomyWhy Are We Paying High Gas Prices?
1 Posts • 1923 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This was a question given in a locally produced office newsletter. The answers were good but incomplete. This once was a mystery to me but now I understand.
Before the war started our state of Okla... |
RelationshipsViews on sex(ladies reply please)
11 Posts • 14511 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
If, however, one believes sex has a revealed meaning--say, it must always "nurture a relationship"--then there's no room in the model for sex to have a dark side. One has to deny that i... |
God in ReligionGod's Will
128 Posts • 30339 Views Religion Forum |
"Ummm, well having a place where people can worship together seems like an obvious idea. And many don't only worship on Sunday at that agreed upon place but also meet through out the week in... |
Science vs ReligionScience gives proof of God.
19 Posts • 6822 Views Religion Forum |
:p It is my position that "God" is still real and active even if the Bible were completely false or fake.
And a lot of the Bible is - IMO - completely false and fake.
I myself came to... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
Elemental says:If the possibility of God existst, then in that universe, God is necessary and must exist.
Because of what he is. If God exists, he is necessary to the survival of the universe. So if... |
DrugsAcid as a Catalyst
11 Posts • 3485 Views Psychology Forum |
I did acid for the first time roughly a month and a half ago and then again last week. I had many trips on shrooms before trying acid but none of them were as revealing to me as my two experiences wit... |
ChristianityWhat is faith: Why Christianity?
23 Posts • 7994 Views Religion Forum |
Just because you have yet to meet a 'healthy' christian in your eyes, does it mean that one does not exist? If you have an understanding of the human race then you know that many of them con... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24428 Views Religion Forum |
Another question: if history is so unreliable, why did you talk about Ceasar crossing the Rubicon so much?
The Caesar Crossing is part a comparison with Jesus's resurrection rega... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17255 Views Religion Forum |
If you're going to express yourself so eliptically, we'll go nowhere. Do you mean... that we can't rule out the possibility that someone will be born, now or in the future, with the cap... |
Christianity2 Candidates for Jesus's daddy - you pick...! ;)
19 Posts • 5971 Views Religion Forum |
Chris D - Thanks for the posting, and perhaps I was raised to be a different type of service to the community and causes... perhaps this is as rare as pure altruism... someone raised by a true leader... |