Tagged > The church of the flying spaghetti monster |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7774 Views Religion Forum |
I beg to differ.
Scientology and Catholicism....both are corrupt, but at least Scientology doesn't hide it.
(Minor note going off topic:
"Even without being Catholic, any poor person... |
ChristianityI've searched everywhere for the true church,
23 Posts • 8510 Views Religion Forum |
the true church is within yourself... not withing organized religion, stay away from organized religion... organized religion is evil.
ask yourself... "what do I believe" with your answer... |
Quantum questions
2 Posts • 3513 Views Philosophy Forum |
The Hawaiian religion that was outlawed by the Catholic Church - Can't remember the name, but, they claimed that they could predict the future and even change it through their dreams. They knew w... |
Religion & HumanityReligion has history
55 Posts • 13577 Views Religion Forum |
[But man is man...and shall never be equal to Christ and God the Father...and this is why we need to go to church!]
Huh? Excuse me? Thats it, I can't stand it.
Christianity is a false religi... |
LawEvolution vs Creationism
19 Posts • 6412 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Should Creationism or "Intelligent Design" be taught in schools? Should students be informed on the different views of how life began or is Intelligent Design simply not science? If so, shou... |
ChristianityDo You Want to be a Christian?
14 Posts • 3394 Views Religion Forum |
I would like to be a christian, but at a lot of the churches i've went to they've critized gay people, people who read like vampire novels, etc... and tell us or preach to us that we will go... |
Religion & HumanityGrand Religious Theories
16 Posts • 6111 Views Religion Forum |
730 - your dissagreement is noted
Fin - Ofcourse you know we don't know, we're all guessing here, so the best I can give you is my best guess, and this is based on memories, dreams and it... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6146 Views Philosophy Forum |
Freedom of speech made some people treat their mouth like a sewer pipe will it be unethical if i disrespect that freedom?
we would refer to religion if the power was still with the church. Is it stil... |
AnimalsBioluminescent Creatures
4 Posts • 8161 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Fireflies aren't actually flies - they're winged beetles that use the bioluminescence created in their abdomen to attract mates or lure prey.
Some facts:
- "All fireflies... |
ChristianityRevelation, are we in it?
12 Posts • 4108 Views Religion Forum |
^^Revelation has been going on before revelation was written! The symbolic texts make it seem to be prophetical, but it's just ultimate truth....Mans corruption is constant revelation of his end.... |
Life & DeathMy Theory on Life
8 Posts • 3642 Views Philosophy Forum |
oh yea dude I actaully asked my brother the same thing when I was younger than him.
I asked him if we grew up a different religion, would he go to Catholic faith.
And he said good question but he... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7774 Views Religion Forum |
Regardless of whether or not the Catholic Church is corrupt, who can vouch for a religious or secular group which hasn't made decisions contradictory to what they teach. Or, more importantly, who... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29261 Views Religion Forum |
I didn't think Enoch was reincarnated - I found it fasinating and decided to share it and am surprised you can explain it.
Ok, basically if you go to that chapter you will see that Henoch, Abr... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15796 Views Religion Forum |
Religion has been removed from public and resorted it to purly a private matter.
the fact about that is... there are people to fight it... back when our country was founded the main rule was seper... |
Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16244 Views Religion Forum |
I'm an atheist, and I haven't killed anyone yet. Conversely, I know very religious people who haven't commited murder either.
A system of balance, keeping the powerful from going ov... |
Alternative BeliefsPagan Religion??? or devilry
34 Posts • 11710 Views Religion Forum |
Very little is really known about Paginism, because like Gnostisim, it was pretty much destroyed. It survived a little better, unlike the Gnostics, some of them got to live.
The church had taken a... |
BooksChristopher Pike Books
4 Posts • 5223 Views Talk Talk |
Between the age of around 9-12 I read every Christopher Pike book I could get my hands on. I think it provided some form of escape for me, the way watching a movie can. I never owned a copy, I always... |
8 Posts • 3502 Views Religion Forum |
We are all children of God and those who promote peace shall be called children of God and Jesus promoted, taught and was an example of peace.
A subject I need to study more - but it is my opinion... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42141 Views Religion Forum |
"[qoute](myself) Decius - you are right, unfortunately, I just recently joined the Unitarian Universalist church - and even they are disappointing. They have an agenda, and if you're not apa... |
Ethics & MoralityEthics: DARE YOU IGNORE IT?
17 Posts • 6146 Views Philosophy Forum |
Youve got to be kidding me... "Ethics" is made up just to keep people in line just like all beleifs in a higher power. Just a set of social rules silently agreed on. Soldiers are allowed to... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43978 Views Religion Forum |
Most people don't realize what this nation was like at its beginning. Even as late as 1776 – 150 years after a Christian group we refer to as the Pilgrims moved their church to America, we see the p... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40737 Views Psychology Forum |
Exactly. I'd say the larger issue should be whether homosexuals are alowed to marry at all. Canada in this sense, is miles ahead of the U.S. I agree with Azhrei that if a church wants to tell peo... |
God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33962 Views Religion Forum |
the bible has never been misproven and it has been proven to be true because we have found stuff it says exists and people are still tryin to misprove it and guess what not gonna happen
http://www... |
Alternative BeliefsThe Church of Scientology
18 Posts • 7774 Views Religion Forum |
*roll* Maybe the concept...poor doesnt get thru to you.
They do NOT take the land for friggin crying out loud...the poor dont own land. Does that help?
The only land the Church has is either wil... |
LawSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Worldwide!
59 Posts • 22160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Yeah...I like that: Marriage IS just a word. But worse than that is it's a "biblical" term. Truth is, the word marriage should be removed from legal terminology. Only religious doctrine... |