GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Wolf look at you go. Alluding capitalism with Nazi "slave labor".
1. The majority of Jewish wealth obtained by the Nazi's was stolen. That money went directly to their army efforts.... |
SPC Schwarz
6 Posts • 3168 Views Jokes & Games |
Passsive aggresiveness at its best?
Once upon a time, there was a SPC Schwarz stationed with the Army in the Balkans. SPC Schwarz was either very clever or very bored; but probably both, since he... |
Audio/video converter for protected files
10 Posts • 3652 Views Talk Talk |
Hello! I've made a list of key features of TuneCab:
* Selectable compression level and output format
* Allows to convert complete folder structures and recreates these structures on output... |
EconomyMetric system.
10 Posts • 4005 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Second. it may look like two pages but a tiny part runs onto the third so I just threw it in with the one for the post.
We are making some progress in our metrification. Back in 1886, Congress pass... |
Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12833 Views Psychology Forum |
There was a time when Man used to say –
I work in order to feed my family.
I work in order to put Food on the Table.
Today man is putting a lot more than Food on the Table.
Cars, Compu... |
GovernmentBush and God's will...
28 Posts • 7954 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Teen (and you're not dumb but the smartest debater I have read on this board yet),
>>>>" ;The fact is Saddam violated the ceasefire agreement
>>>>(repeatedly over... |
StoriesA short story
9 Posts • 2582 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Joey looked down at his watch. 22:51, only 9 minutes until he had to be home. Oh well, he thought, as he closed the book he had been reading and shoved it into his pack. Might as well head home to see... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85851 Views Science & Technology Forum |
26 October 2012
Reflection Nebula vdB1
Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter, University of Arizona
Every book has a first page and every catalog a first entry. And so t... |
IslamDo YOU hate muslims?
11 Posts • 3830 Views Religion Forum |
doom123: Gerin Oil isn't real. It's actually an anagram for religion. Same letters. Religion = Gerin Oil or Geriniol. And what you said is exactly what he did - he created a fictional name f... |
28 Posts • 7703 Views Jokes & Games |
Is it sold loot? No, I suffered loss. A man is god; Amen! I came nice Tahiti (sic).
It's ale for a ban if for a fast – is role to help mash turnip? Use zoo? No - grasp order – use no zoos. Wart... |
SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29194 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
How is this not a relevant comparison? Not that is not relevant but it is deceptive. The WWI had put Germany into the press repaying those who had defeated it.
The world was determined to leave the G... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21139 Views Philosophy Forum |
Adam, I think that is the best one I've read from this entire list.
I do want to point out; however, that many of you have used world peace as a supporting factor for your thesis. There can n... |
Actually put on some resumes....
4 Posts • 3176 Views Jokes & Games |
These are taken from real resumes and cover letters and were printed in the July 21, 1997 issue of Fortune Magazine:
1. I demand a salary commiserate with my extensive experience.
2. I have lu... |
15 Posts • 4687 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
SSBN Marylyn Monroe
"Contact, sir. Russian sub, Mike class refit, identifying itself as Ice Fox."
Captain Arthur Peary crossed to the sonar station. "I don't recognise her. Ask... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64026 Views Religion Forum |
So you are just arguing for an interpretation. I can see how someone could presume archetypes are meant, but further analysis sees that as more likely a shaping of interpretation to bols... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12235 Views Psychology Forum |
If your parents abused you why would you want to bring yourself closer to those people? Blood relation is really over rated in that really they are just your DNA. What you do and choose in life is up... |
Habits & BehaviorHumility
0 Posts • 1492 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, I will not indulge in such arrogance that tries to ‘make you a better person'. You are the person you are for better or worse. I am not here to teach or attempt to change others, that se... |
Just For FunHindi Swear Words
6 Posts • 63496 Views Talk Talk |
When I first read a list of Hindi swear words about 4 years ago, I laughed so hard that my face hurt. Hindi is this special language where you kind of have to know it in order to appreciate expression... |
SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33457 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Hmmm let's see first off he was on a watch list, his own father contacted the CIA and said watch out for him I think he is planning something really stupid and he still boarded the plane.
He... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27085 Views Talk Talk |
ehhh......mine doesn't really make sense when you break it down, which makes it more like slang.
Pent up - enclosed, restrained from willful movement
Entropy - A study of chaos as related to... |
DreamsThe Mind Portal...An Un-Researched New Discovery
37 Posts • 21289 Views Psychology Forum |
"It has many, many keys (I already made a list). I think it is important to note here that in order to get in to it, you have to get into life. Without rich experiences the portal won't open... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12235 Views Psychology Forum |
quote: With the understanding that I have gained over these past years, I certainly appreciate that my parents kept me physically well and alive, and have voiced this appreciation to them. But the fac... |
Undeniable Logic
10 Posts • 4119 Views Philosophy Forum |
do you think you have original theories?? (with the possiblity that itrs been tohguht of but you either just dont know or ont remember it being said simlarly to what your idea is).. can someone try to... |
Physics & CosmologyWhat does it mean there are Four Dimensions?
57 Posts • 27185 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well speaking of science fiction, "what is dark matter?"
What if matter exist beyond our 3-dimensions? Theory of Relativity it would also exist relative to our (four dimensional)existence b... |
GovernmentOccupy Wall Street
33 Posts • 8567 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Actually American indoctrination these days is very very left leaning. Ask any highschooler what form of government America should head towards and they invariably say Socialism. Asked why and they sa... |