War & Terrorism"Terrorism": Does Anyone Really Understa
22 Posts • 7556 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well you gotta see and examine why they do it. for instance people in Iraq and Afganistan are afriad just like us but we are one of the most powerful and richest nations on this earth but some are not... |
what is gravity?
9 Posts • 3704 Views Philosophy Forum |
what creates the force of attraction
A polarized incoming particle applies a force to its host mass as it vibrates in a wave like forward fashion, while rotating about 360 degrees its directional axi... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21552 Views Religion Forum |
I think teenagers find church boring becuase if u were told that if u were to worship a god thats been worshiped for thousands of years in a church that dont even smell to inviting, also adding all th... |
Newly declared WMD's and threats to National
11 Posts • 3386 Views Jokes & Games |
Bush Has Given a new list of Illegal weapons currently in use by foriegn soveriegnties against International law.
The Power of Greyskull
The Dark Crystal
The Force
The Eye of Thundara... |
Society & Sociologydeterioration of identity in society
12 Posts • 2650 Views Psychology Forum |
i think you're missing the point here. I share your list of societal ills wholeheartedly, but for the most part I don't let it get to me in the same way. While there is a lot I'd like t... |
Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 12088 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
So what are your top 10 movies? Whether they be the most entertaining or moving. Here is my list-
1. Star Wars - That film still blows my mind!
2. Clash of the Titans - Chessy but AWESOME!
3. Sla... |
Random QuestionsObservations Thread
48 Posts • 10976 Views Talk Talk |
I wrote down a long list of things that bothered me (not bothered as much as were on my mind) which all summed into. Two basic categories.
Explaining to people why questioning things around them su... |
Musical Legends
10 Posts • 2868 Views Talk Talk |
Ooh, music thread. Fun.
I mean, there are some bands that were just plain out revolutionary like...The Beatles, Elvis, Queen...things like that. I respect them, but I don't like some of them.... |
Interesting Facts & Statistics
0 Posts • 854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Related to Angel Falls:
Jean-Marc Boivin was a well accomplished French adventurer with extra passion for extreme sports. His list of achievements is way too long to list, but he did some serious b... |
You know you're a gamer if...
39 Posts • 17497 Views Jokes & Games |
you know ur a gamer when you are im'ing ur WoW buddy with the funist ones on the list. When you know more people online then you do in the whole country. when ur litening to techno music while ch... |
What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6588 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm impressed with your knowledge Wyote. I tend to agree it wouldn't prove life after death. There's always a but though. Finding out what happens after death is no easy task.
Howev... |
The two biggest neo-fags in Hollywood
0 Posts • 3558 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
but episodes 1-3 were good, and how did making those films make lucas a"fag" in your eyes. Most people i think did want a backsotry for episodes 4-6, and considering they were named that, im... |
Society & SociologyCapitalism and war exits because of females.(Male domination theory)
4 Posts • 3254 Views Psychology Forum |
I will dive into the gender garbage, biases and overt lack of understanding in other areas later on, but first I would deeply love you to back up this...
"why are you equating capitalism to wa... |
Has natural selection been aborted?
1 Posts • 1898 Views Philosophy Forum |
Has natural selection been aborted?
I would say that natural selection, i.e. evolution, has taken a dramatic turn since the birth of human consciousness. Natural selection produced the human specie... |
Chuck Norris is the biggest bad-ass ever!
15 Posts • 15072 Views Jokes & Games |
Oh, and to all those who celebrated Christmas, Chuck Norris says thank you.
Chuck Norris is what Willis was talkin about.
Chuck Norris did not speak for one day. That was, in fact, the day the m... |
29 Posts • 10384 Views Talk Talk |
some of my favorite authors are dorthy parker,edgar allen poe,v.c. andrews,shel siverstien,john grisham,stephen king,anne rice,mya angelou,poppy z brite and many more that i just cant think of right n... |
Cheater or not
14 Posts • 4196 Views Talk Talk |
From the earlier question I would have to disagree with wes. I beleive there is a corolation If a man checks out other women when on a date he obviously lacks discretion and any respect for their part... |
70 Posts • 22663 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i dont know, i think kiss is worse than aerosmyth(spelling?). kiss and ac/dc--most simplistic and reduntant bands of all time. like ninety percent of these guys songs are about the same four subjects-... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132003 Views Philosophy Forum |
World Population
You're offended by the beer?
What about heroin and crack babies? Children born into poverty? Or, under a cruel dictatorship?
The list of immoral birth si... |
Riddles & PuzzlesThe 27 Club
5 Posts • 3319 Views Philosophy Forum |
"The 27 Club"
otherwise known as "forever 27"
and "curse of 27"
Ive recently stumbled upon a a string of unrelated incidents regarding many celebrity's (manl... |
The Mind
49 Posts • 13330 Views Philosophy Forum |
I wish that it were easier to completely ignore the mind, and live free of it at ALL times, but it is a very difficult task that i have yet to accomplish, and doubt i ever will. But one thing i must s... |
Relationships & LoveConfused about almost everything...
8 Posts • 3386 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't really believe in God I find it's a way to shift the blame away from oneself.
Losing a loved one is a tough emotional task, to feel emotionally unstable is normal or human.
The... |
GovernmentAmerican Union
16 Posts • 6473 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The secret death of America, Canada, and Mexico at the hands of Government and Corporate insiders.
This is what YOUR REPRESENTITIVES are deciding behind YOUR back in explicit secrecy, don't wo... |
Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 64025 Views Religion Forum |
"Geology shows that fossils are of different ages. Paleontology shows a fossil sequence, the list of species represented changes through time. Taxonomy shows biological relationships among specie... |
Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17204 Views Religion Forum |
Einstien would say that there was something religious about science. I would have to say that it would depend on the scientist. It is not impossible to believe in science and god or god and science. F... |