11 Posts • 5346 Views Talk Talk |
Good stress, bad stress....stress is stress to me and it terribly sucks.
I totally agree with I R Me about the deep breathing.
When i'm stressed the FIRST thing I do is take a DEEP breath.*sl... |
11 Posts • 5346 Views Talk Talk |
Stress, Good or Bad?
Most people View stress as a Bad thing, which it can be if you let yourself get overly stressed, Stress though does help us reach are goals in life. It motivates us.
So when y... |
 34yrs • F
" live life to the fullest" |
DreamsWhat do you dream about?
29 Posts • 10727 Views Psychology Forum |
Dreams- they are so weird they seem to me to be a mishmash of what was on my mind that day- such things as what i may have recalled what i did and if I was upset or not. If I remember or thing about s... |
Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12805 Views Psychology Forum |
I think overpopulation does have a drastic effect on our minds and bodies. Living in cities and being constantly overwhelmed with human contact we tend to be more stressed and more on edge. And that s... |
GovernmentBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned paper'
8 Posts • 4571 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The Navy participated in a study to determine what causes stress and it was discovered that the inability to control your surroundings caused stressed. So while it may appear that the person in charge... |
 42yrs • F
Happy days |
JokesFunny School Excuses
10 Posts • 25942 Views Jokes & Games |
parents can be so stressed! :) |
BooksHarry Potter #6
23 Posts • 10951 Views Talk Talk |
Attolia, we know why Malfoy talkd to Moaning Meartle, don't we? They kind of did explain it... it was when he was feeling really stressed and overwhelmed about....his task. |
DepressionMental Cusp
13 Posts • 3817 Views Psychology Forum |
Hey Wyote, maybe you should check out this site: http://www.dhara.dhamma.org/ns /index.shtml
I think you might find it interesting. If you're stressed out or depressed this might be just the me... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34731 Views Talk Talk |
rap music is just another in the long line of scapegoats we choose to explain why we live in a violent culture. its rap, or its marilyn manson, or its quentin tarantino and oliver stone. kids today ar... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160481 Views Talk Talk |
If I am stressed and talking to a stranger while standing up I fell this urge to spit on them......... it is weird I know
Why? god damn I have no clue- probably because i am crazed- there is no ratio... |
Mental Illnessmy mind can't rest
12 Posts • 7853 Views Psychology Forum |
Two words: Smoke. Weed.
In all seriousness, i have just entered my second to final year in school and the work is piling up and yet i can cope. I cannot imagine how many more crazy stressed out peopl... |
Human Nature & EmotionCan you choose to be happy?
12 Posts • 16607 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'm a massive stress head. But I don't stress excessively about things that are of little importance. Things I stress about are more serious big issues, perhaps issues that I don't have... |
11 Posts • 5346 Views Talk Talk |
I agree, stress can be either good or bad depending on how you let it effect you. My fiance for example, it's a BAD thing. Every little thing stresses him out and it's been known to cause pr... |
Natural Cures & Alternative MedicineHomemade Toothpaste
8 Posts • 9425 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Home nees are the first thing we must buy for our family. Most of us would think about toothpaste a regular necessity. But in these stressed times, grabbing pennies has become a requirement. Here are... |
Gender PsychologyWhy men really will never understand women
26 Posts • 8634 Views Psychology Forum |
Her wanting time out of socialising is nothing unusual during the exam period, but she needs dragging out of her room every now and then otherwise she will just sit there all by herself and get more a... |
About You / Introductionspaying for college
6 Posts • 2668 Views Talk Talk |
So I am graduating this year and the thought of going to college is really scaring me. It's not actually going to college but, rather more the cost of college. I have been really stressed lately tryin... |
Rehab & AddictionMarijuana,weed,pot,mary-jane...etc
35 Posts • 20628 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Man forget that smokin sh*t bad for your lungs.
I've did it alot when i was 16-24 but whats the use when it doesn't even affect you anymore not just weed schwag, laced marijuana, all it... |
Relationships & LoveAdvice would be nice
19 Posts • 4879 Views Psychology Forum |
I understand what you feel even though I'm a male and everything but in a way its best that you don't see each other that often as it can get very tiresome and ruin a good relationship, you... |
11 Posts • 5346 Views Talk Talk |
there is eustress and distress and the first one is the good kind and the second one is the bad kind.
uh i kind of wish my life wasn't stressful at all i wouldn't have a problem with just... |
Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7250 Views Talk Talk |
I can see how this would work due to the kids not getting as stressed out about there grades. I think it was a good test but some kids zone in class so it wouldnt work for everyone.
I think the teach... |
Mind in overdrive
3 Posts • 2390 Views Talk Talk |
Recently ive been very stressed out, mentally dealing with cancer and having the fact that im not immortal thrown in my face, my minds been in over drive. Ive realised im a very anxious person, the ti... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20684 Views Psychology Forum |
i think what you said makes quite a lot of sense. I can agree totally with your position, if you are lusting after someone else, either you lack self control, or there is something wrong in your relat... |
WE owe it to ourselves
9 Posts • 3375 Views Talk Talk |
even when i believe whole heartedly that things are unjust, i believe im not one to judge. im not against society, just against the way we have built it, without first building ouirselves, life would... |