Gender PsychologyGirls Suck
16 Posts • 34885 Views Psychology Forum |
I dislike stereotypes too. They are illogical not to mention unfair.
But at the end of the day, stereotypes are formed because there was a reason for it to form, yes? |
 39yrs • F
"I just love actors and actreses that just be themselves and are not all about stereotypes." |
6 Posts • 2759 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
America's foreign policy is being written by many Jewish Zionists. As well as self proclaimed, and I say bullshit to that claim, Evangelical Christians.
Any religious fundamentalist in power c... |
Society & SociologyMedia's representation of African Americans
2 Posts • 3839 Views Psychology Forum |
Have you ever noticed how African Americans are portrayed in the media?
African Americans portrayals in the media are often times based on negative stereotypes they do not accurately portray realit... |
Chinese People
5 Posts • 1931 Views Talk Talk |
An observation followed by an attack? Interesting.
I would say that these questions are based on simplistic stereotypes, and are pointless twaddle. |
What's Masculine and Feminine
19 Posts • 8557 Views Philosophy Forum |
Specify the question. With the existing posted question, the logical answer would be stereotypes. |
LawI learnt a new word today: Apartheid
0 Posts • 3281 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
We still have a long way to go as far as repudiating negative assumptions based on races and other general stereotypes. Even in places considered to be 'international melting pots'. I find i... |
Do you deserve respect?
73 Posts • 15359 Views Philosophy Forum |
I have read all of the posts here, and am particulary interested in the discussions by etherealmeekle and awakenedwraith. In your prostitute vs virgin discussion, why do you speak of respecting a pers... |
3 Types Of People
29 Posts • 9944 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've come to believe it depends on the person. Though a select few may be all three, I find myself stuck mainly to Sadism. Or Sado-Masochism if anything. I will rule the world one day, but though... |
IntimacyOrgasm Denial Frustration In Women?
8 Posts • 17648 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Cain... Even as a guy I can say they do, though I can not say to have any true insight into their entire thoughts and opinions, as I can not offer any insight into yours, it's obvious that they d... |
18 Posts • 5729 Views Talk Talk |
Wow. reading the last comment really opened my eyes to how much girls jump to baseless conclusions about men on the basis of a few scattered examples that confirm the stereotypes they've grown up... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views Philosophy Forum |
How can you criticize someone for being racist at everyone (including themselves)?
How can you not?
Not all stereotypes are true. Are 900 milliom Muslims terrorist (in the strictly defined way by... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
i myself dont watch snl ,so i havent seen this skit.i am not racist but i do feel that its unfortunate that people think that it is ok to mock other cultures and perpetuate their stereotypes and hatre... |
Humankinds place
7 Posts • 2353 Views Philosophy Forum |
Is nature everything but me?
I'm sure Einstein said it was. I disagree.
Psychologists would say that its possible to predict other people's behaviour based on stereotypes. Why does thi... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43989 Views Religion Forum |
How did this happen? Poland survived -- better, Poland prevailed -- because of culture: a culture formed by a distinctive language, by a unique literature, and by an intense Catholic faith (which, an... |
Gender Psychology15 Year old girl hangs herself... for being a girl.
0 Posts • 4971 Views Psychology Forum |
Without a doubt girls get ridiculed more for having sex because of stereotypes. A girl who sleeps with a lot of guys is a slut or someone who gets around. Where as a guy who sleeps with a lot of women... |
SocietyRed Vs. Blue: Who Picks Who?
8 Posts • 2447 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I view red and blue much differently and maybe that is the difference when voting, how you view what the parties stand for. I think republicans stand for corporate welfare and I think democrats stand... |
independent films
4 Posts • 3816 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
We have the IFC it is great - when you can actually find some time to watch it.....
another indie film i liked=
Hyaku Tunnel
I definetly love the films that shed the hollywood stupidity. Years ag... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views Psychology Forum |
MJClone, even though judging someone by their apperance is ridiculous, how do you spread this message when you have the president of this country and mass media extremely biased?
What can we do abo... |
Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views Psychology Forum |
Not all woman who are well off are like that, it is just the ones we notice. I think that it is just younger woman around 40 and under that appear so rude.
It can be due to a number of things but I... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Ok lena, much like dug said, please don't patronize me based on my age; I would consider that just as much a stereotype as anything SNL has ever done. I understand my previous comment may have co... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6378 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
With all this talk about the "average" guy in bed and all the stereotypes of what we should be applying to ourselves as either sex, I was reminded of an old song: Joe Jackson's Real Men... |
SocietyThe veil of society
6 Posts • 3660 Views Philosophy Forum |
So long as we're throwing definitions out there, we should at least include all the relevant ones. I'll leave out all the ones that have to do with making metal plates to avoid confusion.... |
SocietyThe veil of society
6 Posts • 3660 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree that society is a stereotype in and of itself but because it is merely grouping all people in all stereotypes together as a whole. America's society is definitely fixated on the building... |
Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13694 Views Philosophy Forum |
you can say more or less whatever you want, as long as you are considerate of your audience. a great example of this is the cartoons of muhamed. while not said, they are something that would have been... |