Truth is like the foundation of a building. To cover its lack up, you can build over it. But that only hastens the inevitable collapse. - Chained Wings
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Tagged > Step child
THREAD Nature & GeographyglOBaL waRMInG
69 Posts • 18705 Views
Science & Technology Forum
War and starvation will be 10x worse if global warming submerges our coasts and nails our agricultural production. Kyoto may not solve this, but its a step in the right direction.
THREAD Deserving?
33 Posts • 9713 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hopefully no one deserves a kick to the groin. Personally I feel Im owed and owe nothing. So I guess thats what I would have, and what I already have. If you step on your own toe 42 times do you...
THREAD Genetic engineering
40 Posts • 18528 Views
Science & Technology Forum
""Picking" your child's "life" is playing GOD.....and our race is by far not responsible enough to play god. There are no exceptions either." Why is it playing God?...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyEffect of aggressive voices on TV on baby
3 Posts • 4631 Views
Psychology Forum
My memory is hazy so some of this may be incorrect: There was a study done where children in group A watched some footage of another child punching an inflatable wobble doll and generally playing a...
THREAD Favroite movie quotes
78 Posts • 22243 Views
Talk Talk
"to tight? i could land a jumbo fucking jet in there tyrone!" "what the fuck i want with the caravan? its got no fucking wheels." -both from Snatch "Lay off me, im a ch...
THREAD LawRight to choose Right to kill.
5 Posts • 3386 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
It's her RIGHT to kill a child that is in the process of being birthed? You do realize that the child is half out of her? Do you also realize that she can just give it away? How about yo...
THREAD Present soundtracks of your life?
10 Posts • 3854 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
"Numb" I'm tired of being what you want me to be Feeling so faithless lost under the surface Don't know what you're expecting of me Put under the pressure of walking in...
THREAD Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20607 Views
Psychology Forum
i think instinct is self driven and morals are superimposed byt others. a child sees a candy in a store and reaches out for it instinctively. but the mother stops the child - its not yours and so u...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73020 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Maybe we can both learn from this conversation, It started by me saying that "I" would rather kill myself that cause harm to a child, If I had said I would rather kill a paedophile that have...
THREAD BiologyBreed Humans?
26 Posts • 15210 Views
Science & Technology Forum
As a geneology major, I've been wondering for some time why it's such an unpopular idea to breed humans. Hitler may have wanted to do it, but just because someone with evil intentions wa...
THREAD A small Situation
6 Posts • 2272 Views
Talk Talk
As they say, this female may be trying to use you to promote (reinerest) her bf. Yes , you seem to be on the rebound still, try being friend's before you start into a relationship? Take it one st...
THREAD GovernmentJohn kerry out of touch with UN
59 Posts • 14053 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
All of this just so they can have free elections. Gosh, I thought this was about oil, how did I get so lost. The last few days before the war, arrangements were being made to have Saddam step down....
THREAD The Hardest Question?
110 Posts • 42919 Views
Philosophy Forum
...... i think i got one it's not the harderst one but i haven't found the answer to this one yet WHY DO WE REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKES OVER AND OVER ? don't we see that if you dome...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73020 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
our problems are the adults who take their "feelings" over a child too serious. Sure there are kids who have crushes on their teacher but when their teachers begin to reciprocate those same...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73020 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Thankyou for your responses. It's interesting (for me) to note that when given this perspective, people did not write any strong argument against. That is why I posted it - to see whether that vi...
THREAD A realization
3 Posts • 2705 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have realized that we as humans (all that live or have lived), are what we are. And no one can really fault us. Yes we have been given free will but we have no real clue as to how to chose. We have...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
They're called Saddam's Lion Cubs. The children are trained in infantry tactics, ambush techniques and terrorist operations. A series of photos from Iraqi News.Com shows children for...
THREAD Is it so bad?
12 Posts • 3587 Views
Talk Talk
if we were all the same, there'd be no adaptation to any situation. A single problem that one man could not solve therefore cannot be solved by a thousand of that man. When life gets shitty, I...
THREAD ElectionsSarah Palin VP?
7 Posts • 2641 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wyote, not only that but McCain was born in 1936 and he just turn 72 recently and if he dies in office Sarah Palin will have to step up and become the most powerful person on the planet. I don't think...
THREAD Innocence.
4 Posts • 2568 Views
Talk Talk
I remember one class my acting teacher said "we're most engaged when we're most vulnerable." I believe that's true. By not being vulnerable we're missing all kinds of mom...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73020 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
An interesting subject. I would argue that all sexual preferences (including heterosexuality) are a result of nurture and learning. Many paedophiles do not lust after children per se, but have persona...
THREAD What happened to the forums?
15 Posts • 3193 Views
Talk Talk
cc shirts would be cool. has decius actually finished changing the forum, or is this just an slightly buggy middle step on the way there? i'm hoping the latter, as there are strange bits aroun...
THREAD SpiritualityPhysical Body: Blessing or Curse?
36 Posts • 8909 Views
Religion Forum
there is no such thing as being better than perfect. know that plaes. now is god the same as an angel. or are angels a step lower. can they still evolve? or ar etheyu better than god? and doe sevoluto...
THREAD Am i going gay?
21 Posts • 6932 Views
Talk Talk
hey boomstick, if your battin' .000 with the ladies then u might want some catchy pick up lines, or you just aren't ready to step into the dating world. Give it some time and, in the end, yo...
THREAD When to move in on the big ones
4 Posts • 2090 Views
Talk Talk
:( 1st are u a virgin? If not u should know the basic steps that lead to intercours! You also have to under staind the grl your with, how does she feel about taking the next step? As far as the kiss...
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