Language/Subject Manner
38 Posts • 13596 Views Philosophy Forum |
Meanings and connotations of words change all the time (though VERY slowly.) Knight used to mean servant/slave. Virginity used to be a good thing.
And to answer your question, I have the right to s... |
Random QuestionsTop 5 Artists
45 Posts • 9927 Views Talk Talk |
your top 5 artists, right here right now.
No judging others please, music's music.
1. Red Hot Chili Peppers
2. Audio Slave
3. Chimaira
4. Children Of Bodem
5. Jet |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57485 Views Religion Forum |
God created everything - God created evil. To think that God created evil to make us love him is pretty sick. I think if I believed that God was playing some kinda game like that with me, I would hate... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16728 Views Psychology Forum |
if women ruled... lets see now...
we would go to war less, but wars would be more violent and catastrophic.
many men would become slave laborers (just as many women are now)
the sociological... |
Concerning African-American Decendants of Slaves
4 Posts • 4265 Views Philosophy Forum |
Should there be compensation to address the affects of the ((atrocities)) of the government sanctioned Euro/American slave- trade, ownership and subsequent descrimination?
If so what form should it... |
PerceptionWhat constitutes as alive?
19 Posts • 6170 Views Psychology Forum |
You're definition of alive differs from mine. Indeed, something can be alive and not recognize itself, but is it truly alive? If it does not recognize itself then isn't it more like a comput... |
Nation feels helpless/hopeless
2 Posts • 2692 Views Talk Talk |
The thing that worries me, is that ya, people know something is wrong, but they are not going to worry about it untill its too late.
If you have UN troops hearding you into a camp, its too late. Bu... |
19 Posts • 7544 Views Religion Forum |
Lol, CTurtle. The reason all these verses coincidentally sound like Christian concepts is because Mohammad was a plagiarist. He used the concept of a "one god" religion to gather men to his... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 58829 Views Philosophy Forum |
http://www.captaincynic.com/th read/23985/right_or_wrong.htm
7:08:56 am – May 18, 2004
murder is always "wrong,"
those other things that are being spoken about are simply justi... |
Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7214 Views Talk Talk |
True, true Brann, Jake.
We should be pissed off at this crap (that we let them get away with no doubt). This is one of the reasons why I want to teach, I'm not so greedy as to worry alot about t... |
HistoryAncient Astronaut Theory
0 Posts • 1898 Views Science & Technology Forum |
The ancient astronaut theory includes probable genetic manipulation. Meaning not only could they have created a species they could mate with, but could have created the human species altogether from p... |
I wish i were dumb
3 Posts • 6522 Views Talk Talk |
Sometimes i wish i could just stop thinking. All day all night my mind works like a slave laborer on overtime. I have so many ideas, so many things i want to discover. I want to be dumb sometimes and... |
Is Wal Mart Good For America?
7 Posts • 3449 Views Talk Talk |
http://radio.indymedia.org/upl oads/frontline_-_is_walmart_go od_for_america__1of5_.wmv
h ttp://radio.indymedia.org/uplo ads/frontline_-_is_walmart_goo d_for_america__2of5_.wmv
ht tp://radio.indymedia... |
Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167500 Views Psychology Forum |
*angry* OMG YESS!! she always blames stuff on me she NEVER lets my hang out wit friends im alway takin care of HER baby ! ( i understand shes my sis but still!) she hasnt gave my little sis a bath sin... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43686 Views Religion Forum |
my dad's dad has had that kick his hole life lol iknow my family came over on slave ships even got to see some ggggggfamily ppls on the wall at ellis isldand when i was in 10th grade lol and ther... |
GovernmentIraqi Statue honoring President Bush
63 Posts • 14713 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Every year in every country tons of produce and eggs have to got to wast.... now the citizens will have a use for it - throwing at some stupid statue of George "War Machine" Bush! What are t... |
57 Posts • 10309 Views Talk Talk |
what chiron meant was "ugly" not "eagerly" so it hsould have read "you can't be that ugly if you bf wants you for his little 'sex slave'"
and sorry chir... |
Life & DeathTheories on Death
41 Posts • 51493 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^lol...it's not messing with...I want people to start using their heads,look for answers not questions...why search for so many theories??....lmao...it's funny actually.. don't be a sl... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9313 Views Philosophy Forum |
I assume you mean inciting genocide.
A Jew ought to know better one thinks?
Rand is a disgraceful blot on the landscape. An over privileged women from a Russia Feudalist background who never did a... |
God in ReligionDoes it add up??
46 Posts • 13149 Views Religion Forum |
I agree, Jesus is the Mediator between God and man, and no doubt we shouldn't overlook his importance.
But you should only worship God Almighty, because He is the only one deserving of praise.... |
God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19442 Views Religion Forum |
If god is almeighty then he must have the power to do anything he would ever want. And also it would mean that he is all knowing of the past, present and the future. But then I come across these probl... |
InventionJapanese Tech! Why don't we have this?
2 Posts • 2271 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I thought to create this in response to the Ipad topic but figured it do better off in another thread.
Why don't we ever see such advances in technology in America?
http://www.youtube.co... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8236 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Dont condemn drugs until you've tried them. Lots of things are harmful for you. It was once illegal to help a slave escape and some drugs are legal in some countries. There are also legal ways to... |
Females Inferior?
31 Posts • 13220 Views Philosophy Forum |
I don't like the feminists movement either. They are the biggest hypocrits. They expect you to give them respect but won't give you the time of day. They think its wrong to make jokes about... |
Life & DeathWhat is the soul?
194 Posts • 41919 Views Philosophy Forum |
Whatever, I think you are first of all speculating enormously when you make this nonesense assumption that we somehow choose who we are (if that were true, I think there would be a few less dying peop... |