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Tagged > Science fiction
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21053 Views
Religion Forum
The problem with science lies in its tendency to be its own religion many people believe in science to solve their problems and they worship technology. Science is not a religion, it is a philosophy...
THREAD Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers II (YouTube)
110 Posts • 23443 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Stranger than Fiction This looks like its going to be the first Will Farrell movie I personally am going to have liked since Night at the Roxburry, but I've not seen them all mind you. None...
THREAD BooksMind Fields, anyone?
3 Posts • 3557 Views
Talk Talk
Its an interesting book, not a GREAT read; I am not positive the fiction can be defined as short stories. Then again, I am not sure what one WOULD call them. The art of Yerka is most interesting to me...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12088 Views
Religion Forum
No-one is trying to convince you that your crazy to believe in god. Mainly its just that debate is the easiest way to sort fact from fiction, it is largely unlikely that any one side is going to chang...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismA case for atheism
34 Posts • 10666 Views
Religion Forum
Seem to have gone FAR off topic. No longerarguing for or agains Atheism, but for or against the existence and/or truth of science. Absolutely correct we have gotten pretty far afield Now, parado...
THREAD GodWhere do the ideas in religion come from?
42 Posts • 12267 Views
Philosophy Forum
Lefty, I too studiied science and read to learn on my own. I loved scifi when I was like you. Science tends only to deal with what they percieve so medicine now has its psycho--related doctoriates and...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyThe Edge of the Universe
32 Posts • 9573 Views
Science & Technology Forum
It's one of the fundamental limits of science. It can only really help us discover truth with in certain limits. Once we move beyond the limits of what we've previously been able to observe...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42107 Views
Religion Forum
I guess the general assessment one could make about black helicopters is that they are somewhere between fiction and reality. But there is an abundance of hard to obtain information available on the w...
THREAD ChristianityScientific Proof of the Bible vs Theories
44 Posts • 21053 Views
Religion Forum
ok - the original poster claims that science proves the bible to be true. I don't believe science can prove the bible to be true but that does not make the bible false. The bible is poetry,...
THREAD Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7668 Views
Philosophy Forum
Diverisity is in unity. Can science and philosophy explore nothingness?
THREAD Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8897 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Yes, I agree its mostly based on sensory data; in theory that it is. But most scientific revolutions, have of course been made by a few men. And this isn't so much based on sensory data. What thi...
THREAD Religion & Humanitywhat religion are you and why
25 Posts • 7683 Views
Religion Forum
Becouse of my grandfather am christian, but I dont believe in god. I dont believe in any religion. Why? Science. Its the only thing that has facts and today it stands strong even stronger then religio...
THREAD Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7668 Views
Philosophy Forum
Plain and simple science cannot explore nothingness. In order for it to be a scientific question it must be an answerable question. In order for it to be a scientific theory, it must be provable. Ther...
THREAD Kill Bill
0 Posts • 4037 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
There are some people that deserve to be forgotten, and some that deserve recognition, he he he. I just watched Pulp Fiction again...after a very long time, and it isn't that bloody after all....
THREAD Infinite universes from Matter and Anti-Matter
39 Posts • 10632 Views
Philosophy Forum
This is why people can not truely move fowards. Logic.... Science.. Logic tells you that UNI-verse means one univers, but yet agian.... as I said before 1= actually equals two.... and actually equals...
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5180 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Science and its wonders are not inherently good or bad. Is a nuke good or a bad? A genetically modified tomato? Soap? In the same way, nature isn't good or bad it just is. Go on believing that...
THREAD DreamsWhats Happening to ME?!
23 Posts • 8356 Views
Psychology Forum
Heh, that might explain half of it, but when i have my de ja vus, its COMPLEATLY EXACT. Like i can tell the future or something. One time in science class, we were talking about condensation, evaporat...
THREAD BooksNovels - what are some good novels?
5 Posts • 5382 Views
Talk Talk
It might be helpful if you listed a few novels that you have already read, the likes of which is in keeping with the kinds of plots you are most interested in. Let us know what it was you liked about...
THREAD Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22988 Views
Philosophy Forum
Angel, save me the science talk. Science used to be comrehendable, until I started taking college classes. That's when I realized that chemistry or biology was not my language. Sure, I like to st...
THREAD ChristianityBible: Fiction or Non-Fiction
40 Posts • 20098 Views
Religion Forum
Jesus should be in fiction.. just chek the couple links i posted (theres probably way better ones google it... AND THINIK CRITCALLY.. casue o havent heard good comebacks from christians against the re...
THREAD Name your Top 10 Movies
45 Posts • 12076 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
1. Pulp Fiction 2. Godfather I II II 3. Scarface 4. Dances With Wolves 5. Debbie does....oops, I mean Saving Private Ryan 6. Predator 7. Silent Night Deadly Night 8. The Program 9. Fallen 10....
THREAD Writing AdviceTricks of the trade: things to consider when writing
10 Posts • 3259 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Does anyone recall Frost's idea of the "Sound of Sense?" It was more than just than poetic rhythm expressing the rhythm of human thought, I think. I've notice that in the works of...
THREAD what if..
12 Posts • 4049 Views
Philosophy Forum
No angel you are wrong (opnion of course). First you must realize that we as humans have a very limited capability to percieve what may or may not exist. Secondly it is true that on our "physical...
THREAD GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24582 Views
Philosophy Forum
"there is a scientific explination for everything," --------- -- at least, for everything there is a scientific explanation for. The "blanks" your speaking of, are what sci...
THREAD FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16771 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In the next thousand years I would not rule out that humans could become the first self-determinant evolving species ever known. A hybrid bio-electromechanical being. But, then, this would constitute...
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