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Tagged > Real or hoax
THREAD happy birthday aliyah
5 Posts • 2282 Views
Talk Talk
That's where I live, spiderz. Hope you are enjoying your stay here, crappy birthday aside. Every birthday since I was 13 has been bad. Whether it's a parent dying a few days prior, or hav...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views
Philosophy Forum
the human brain is basically just a complex computer. how do we know that real "feeling" isn't experienced in some sense by all ordered systems(ie things that have a purpose that they &...
THREAD Don't let people tell you what to do
13 Posts • 4439 Views
Philosophy Forum
Our world is based upon rules, who makes the rules? how do we know the rules? why do we feel guilty? What are the real rules in life? physics contains a set of rules that things obey, where do we get...
THREAD How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4998 Views
Talk Talk
Less arguementative in the real world, i can come here and sensibly debate a topic, rather than argueing with my friend, because he refuses to accept that his views could possibly be wrong. i think...
THREAD Redneck Joke
19 Posts • 8531 Views
Jokes & Games
*waves* means that i am waving at the person i was talking about, the * is used to indicate an action as obviously i can't wave at her in the real world. as for who the relation would be i was...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73103 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
thinking about something and actually doing it are xonpletly different things. Often people fantasize about things that they knwo they cant get inr eal life. I personally fantasize about women my moms...
0 Posts • 10186 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
daisygirl's fault! I swear! Besides Naomi Watts is incredibly, too, ya know. I dunno daisygirl I've always had the impression that Nicole Kidman might be bitchy in real life, but I am als...
THREAD DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25009 Views
Psychology Forum
Another thing, people say you can feel in a dream, but that is not a 'true' feeling, we just feel from memory. Like you can almost 'taste' the foods you love. Also, although you ex...
13 Posts • 3726 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is no real way of seeing who is correct at the time, but i extremely glad that im not the only human trying to figure out what it all means. The only way of knowing is by one of us completely di...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityEvil
19 Posts • 6456 Views
Philosophy Forum
I define good and evil as anything that helps or hinders me in my pursuit of self-realization. Objective, civilization-based consequences have no real bearing on matters affecting moral judgements o...
THREAD The OJ Simpson Case
47 Posts • 31333 Views
Talk Talk
ok you sounds some what convincing... but i think the real question is why are you posting this here? unless i missed that somewhere in the reading.. i just don't see why you would waste time to...
THREAD PerceptionStrength and weakness
11 Posts • 3958 Views
Psychology Forum
p.s. Don't try to be something your not, b/c everyone can sense that. No one likes a faker. Instead find something within yourself that you appreciate that you can radiate outside... and share it...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDo we all really become our parents?
9 Posts • 10038 Views
Psychology Forum
A very nice topic. I would never want to be like my parents. No matter what! I feel proud to have my own character. Like others mentioned, you like it or not, the character has already slipped into yo...
THREAD Spoon bending.
11 Posts • 4004 Views
Philosophy Forum
its a simple magic trick, nothing more. Uri Geller made it real popular for a while, but if you watch tapes of it happening very closely you can see its just a slight-of-hand trick. thats not to s...
THREAD SocietyIt's a big club and you ain't in it!
1 Posts • 1707 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
This thought was spurred by a George Carlin clip I saw sometime (provided at the bottom.) Do politicians have any real power? Or are they just figure heads to make us believe that we have some power?...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsThoughts by an Angel of Fire
5 Posts • 2500 Views
Psychology Forum
Angel of Fire This is a very unique name you have chosen for yourself. The same fire that destroys also purifies. I listen to you and I hear a heart that dwells in the shadow of pain, hidden in the...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhy I come to this site?
8 Posts • 3807 Views
Talk Talk
yeah Wyote, it's not worth it but you can't help it plus you get mad not at the website but at the people on the website, they are real people afterall .......
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36759 Views
Philosophy Forum
Then the computer program is real, the content may not be but the program is. Do you doubt the existence of computer programs?
THREAD God in ReligionIf god exist why doesn't he show himself to the world?
145 Posts • 33978 Views
Religion Forum
If God showed himself (herself) then there would be no point in Christianity now would there? The whole point is for you to beleive!*roll* And if you need to see him to beleive that he (or she) is rea...
THREAD the Dink above me
0 Posts • 2718 Views
Talk Talk
Cynic-Al is a dink because he uses silly web lingo ie "cos" - a word that isn't real - instead of "because".
THREAD How has coming here affected you?
17 Posts • 4998 Views
Talk Talk
I have been here for a really long fucking time. Well actually since the beginning of the whole UGN. I have seen alot of threads and seen a lot of people come and go. From what I have learned i...
THREAD so where's the girl stuff?
66 Posts • 12769 Views
Talk Talk
The real question is why do we need a guy stuff section for what is effectively a brickier brack forum for people to air their hobby horses and miscellaneous topics of choice. I think the sexist thing...
THREAD I don't know anything about anything
7 Posts • 3718 Views
Talk Talk
I thought I replied to your post awakening...but it doesn't seem to be showing up...oh well. Yeah. We reconciled again, but I really am tired of doing it. I decided I'll be friendly and n...
THREAD Sexual BiologyNot Cumming
17 Posts • 7393 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Ok well I lost my virginity when I was 16 and I would say I have had a lot of sex since then. There are no callouses or anything physically wrong with my penis. And when I masterbate my usual t...
THREAD Great American anime? Absurd!
3 Posts • 2990 Views
Talk Talk
the first hundred-ish strips are not that great. some funny but nothing real cool. it picks up after that though. problem is its strongly directed toward gamers, specifally those interested in japanes...
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