Movie ReviewMoon
0 Posts • 541 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I watched this film yesterday for the second time, and I really enjoyed it. Sure, it regurgitates themes which recur in many sci-fi films, like 2001: Space Odessy, but it does so in an original way, e... |
Random QuestionsTop 5 Artists
45 Posts • 10009 Views Talk Talk |
Positively 4th Street is a good song. If I had to pick a favorite... probably "It's All Over Now Baby Blue" - that one just speaks to my soul.
...what if someone has multiple persona... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainRe-writing Memories...
1 Posts • 2158 Views Psychology Forum |
Sure, it will remain that you did what you did, or said what you said... but...
This does not mean you can't change what you think of, when you cover that memory...
Consider, a song sung withou... |
Dance VideosGangnam Style
3 Posts • 3913 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Never heard of 'Gangnam Style' before, apparently it's the song playing in this video.
But that's not why I'm posting this up. Just watch, even though you don't really... |
70 Posts • 22669 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
music- LOVE IT! listens to it everyday,everyhour,everyminute . form punkrock to hip-hop RnB, to soul, jazz, regae to house. Alternative and pinoy rock and classics (those in 5o's-80's) Beatle... |
Random QuestionsBest Band.
20 Posts • 24310 Views Talk Talk |
in answer to dawn right now spitting venom its a song about the duality nature of lies and subjective perception, redundant sounding but people forget the difference
"for every bit of venom t... |
SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views Religion Forum |
Aaah, that I can understand. I believe in something which could be called "God". And if quantum mechanics exist then it is proof of "something" making decisions on a microscopic le... |
Dance VideosNuma Numa Dance
18 Posts • 18582 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
i love the numa numa guy... i also love the song by ozone. ive downloaded it plus the many remixes.... its fun. hes like an idol to me.. just do what u feel ... thats what i sense from him. hehe.... |
What do I do...?
15 Posts • 3850 Views Talk Talk |
Words are just a state of lie, i can go up to any random girl and tell her "I Love You" and they take it very personally. Your girlfriend has probably taken the same ability to lie. If you r... |
3 Posts • 4435 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I don't listen to the radio much... but I enjoy CDs... I mostly listen to...
A Perfect Circle
Marilyn Manson
Nine Inch Nails
Finger Eleven
Smashing Pumpkins
with the occa... |
Mental IllnessEminem Schizophrenic or Bi-Polar or both
7 Posts • 30067 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm not saying I don't like eminem. I fucking love his music. What I am saying is that he suffers from schizophrenia. 1/3 of all schizophrenics are pretty normal people as long as they take... |
DreamsDreams... useless or amazing
50 Posts • 14235 Views Psychology Forum |
Dreams aren't really supposed to be much of anything. From what i do know, They are just completely random signals being sent to your brain when you're sleeping. It doesnt really recognize w... |
Rehab & AddictionDrugs- yes or no?
30 Posts • 8289 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Angel - If you do decide to take a hallucinogen, an important thing to remember is to keep your frame of mind positive. Bad trips and flashbacks are highly random, but having a positive attitude and a... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24426 Views Religion Forum |
I read part of your link. No more was needed, as I am quite familiar with evolution. Lets put it this way. The simplest form of ameoba has information in its nucleus equal to 1000 volumes of the Encyc... |
Mellowdrone - Fashionably Uninvited
3 Posts • 1905 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
This song is pretty awesome if you ask me. I've never heard such a beautiful rant. :)
Mellowdrone - Fashionably Uninvited |
Child & Family PsychologyMusical Reminders
0 Posts • 3062 Views Psychology Forum |
The song -Uptown Girl- remindes me of when I was about 6 and would go to my grandparent and dance around there house. They had a huge older type of sterio.
Another one is Playin with the Queen of H... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousSubconscious
43 Posts • 10959 Views Psychology Forum |
it's my impression the soul is some sort of a conduit for receiving the feelings that are transmitted to the physical being.
the song Parabol on tool's LA TE RA LUS album goes like this-... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34072 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"support the war on terror and our troops!"
To do this one must get at the source of the terror, but unfortunately you would probably rather bomb poor people than the governments creating... |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19103 Views Religion Forum |
As I said before, you can claim all you want to be doing something in the name of Christ, but unless it lines up with the word of God, you are deceiving yourself!
He even went as far as to take qu... |
Funny TidbitsWho Has The Best Pick-up Line?
86 Posts • 34063 Views Jokes & Games |
man, Im sure most of u guys got these jokes from break.com, but come to think about it...its better than my crapy one (Y).
But come to think about it.. I know this girl who got asked if she's fr... |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71107 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Gentelmen, you are all good looking.
Wes, that little baby girl is adorable!
Mia, you are gorgeous hon. Gorgeous! I love the black/white picture. Great photography.
All right, you all saw my... |
My life as I know it... or do I know it??
14 Posts • 4217 Views Talk Talk |
Yup, yup, yup. He admits it. But you see, IRME...(hey, it rhymes, hehehe) That whole situation is a "fart in the wind," hahahahahaha. I have gone on. I am woman. I am song.
I shall update... |
You and I
3 Posts • 3667 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
You and I
You and I, we have greeted so many!
We are not evil; we want liberty.
We are angels in disguise. We follow
Your souls and their great, immortal flambeau.
We know who you are; we love... |
70 Posts • 22669 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
"i smoke two joints before i smoke two joints, and then i smoke two more..." well i can see how a person would sort of interpret them as being stoner rock... if they had only heard that one... |
Free will
12 Posts • 3858 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes, but particles inside a living being's body are not random as such, but how baffles me. Don't know how does a sperm knows where to go and what to do....
perhaps same is the case with th... |