DreamsImagination/Dream theory
14 Posts • 7770 Views Psychology Forum |
*Imajination(or dreams) is made up of tiny shape changing particles that can change their shape according to the subconcious(not neccessarily). This can only happen if the brain exerts some power or t... |
Relationships & LoveChrisD
16 Posts • 6301 Views Psychology Forum |
Dear Ironwood and awakenedwrath,
What on Earth are you doing? Why do you come here day after day seeking empathy and support from such negative individuals? I have only communicated with Dawn and D... |
GovernmentObama is a Communist - should we really vote for him?
23 Posts • 5471 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"I don't understand what you mean by this. (?) "
i mean that if one were to take a little bit of time out of their day and look at where the majority of what product they bu... |
GovernmentIt Will Be Hard Work, But He Will Be You Impeached
24 Posts • 7607 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Do you remember Bush's first debate, he tried to explain that his job was really hard work.
Sheehan ridiculed Bush for saying that it's "hard work" comforting the widow of a soldi... |
Framing: Thug, Terrorist, Pirate, any Difference?
3 Posts • 2231 Views Philosophy Forum |
A form of government wherein the citizen is sovereign one must have a citizenry that comprehends the facts. What we have learned is that the facts are often distorted by the framing of the issue. I su... |
EconomyGold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce this year
11 Posts • 3810 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think the Feds is preparing another financial tsunami in the rest days of this year. In which US dollars will rapidly devalued to a historical low. The price of the gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/oun... |
Astrology, Myth Or Magic?
6 Posts • 2753 Views Talk Talk |
To the people the magician practices magic, but for the magician it is science. I may start a thread on the concept of magic so as not to pull away from the subject of astrology.
Have you ever heard... |
Christianitywhat's the logic in x dying for our sins?
128 Posts • 26736 Views Religion Forum |
well stated Decius. I would also like to mention the following:
Jesus dying for our sins cannot be logically supported as God's motives are illogical. If one believes that Jesus died for our s... |
ElectionsElectoral College
2 Posts • 3011 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Actually you are not quite correct. The Constitution does not provide for any kind of popular vote for the President. In fact, it gives each state the right to decide how they will elect their slate o... |
BiologyWTF with conditions had to be just right for life?
4 Posts • 2494 Views Science & Technology Forum |
the vital signs of life may exist under many different conditions. consider our own human physiology; the conditions for our existence are suitable on this planet, but not any other planet in our sola... |
ChristianityConspiracry Theory
6 Posts • 3521 Views Religion Forum |
I have been following the news this winter layoff closely, particularly the attempts to completely secularize our nation's government, but also reading the garbage spewed by a certain person here, whe... |
1 Posts • 2154 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Cut the skin to the bone,
Poverty in malevolence sleeps alone,
In a glass case,
Of hallowed prayers,
Smiles break and souls bleed,
In the trepidation of corrupted lies,
Taste it on your tongu... |
62 Posts • 22010 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
cturtle - To be honest I haven't looked at the morality thread for a while, I'll pop in again to see what's up.
"Because as you stated I really have questions about feeding and... |
Life & DeathCircle of Life
34 Posts • 11603 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I'm curious about what you mean by social inclination, Leftwood."
I'm not sure what question you have on the idea, or even what context you pulled it from, but I will gladly di... |
Those Who Really fought for freedom
6 Posts • 3261 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I agree with your intentions here. Its an old cliche but still holds true that the past is there to learn from, and act upon interpretation. This is nothing against your post, of course, but merely th... |
IslamDo you know what Islam means?
67 Posts • 17048 Views Religion Forum |
"Does that mean protestantism was all good? No it doesn't. Calvin's Geneva was just as bad as Komeini's Iran."
No you are right - it wasn't all good - but lets not exa... |
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Cheezy Version
3 Posts • 8186 Views Jokes & Games |
I Made this up.
M aria
Plac e:
Castle Keep
Alucard: Dracula, I shall slay you!
Maria: Alucard... Do this for me.
Dracula: Oh please, son, you can neve... |
Gender PsychologyWhat Women Seek In Being Fucked By A Man
3 Posts • 15711 Views Psychology Forum |
Nothing like spending an hour on a post only to have it disappear forever because you get logged out and this forum magically loses what you just wrote when asked to log back in after you press reply.... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
My bad, let me try and clarify, if I'm still off track just delete this.
I believe that the soul is a combination, I do not think it is effected by things beyond or the time of day or year we... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
I dislike hoes. Girl.... I see you every weekend with another man..... can't you keep just one?? *roll*
I hate drunk girls. Girl..... you are wasted. They are all checking out the fact that y... |
93 Posts • 30411 Views Philosophy Forum |
I agree with your theory. It just makes simple sense that what we are experiencing now is what we always have experienced. I think time itself renews with the big bang, contraction & expansion of... |
ChristianityJesus's death was faked
82 Posts • 24432 Views Religion Forum |
i am not sure if you want answers to the questions you posed because chose to use the phrase 'reason(ed) my questions'. you have your own beliefs, and obviously Jesus Christ and Christianity is not am... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42429 Views Religion Forum |
"If u don't think God exist, then i got one thing to say to u: that's, u have to ask urself how u came to existance, how come u sleep and wake up the next morning, how do u breathe, loo... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
this is all sounding distinctly like a conspiracy theory, i know i said that earlier but its true. (as for being a ted kennedy fan, could someone please tell me who he is? im english i dont really kno... |
Is the Brain Really Big Enough?
15 Posts • 3451 Views Philosophy Forum |
:p I change, and say it is possible the brain might remember everything and maybe it is even a photographic memory to some degree.
The brain might remember while the person does not.
And I still... |