GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The words we used may have been a little harsh. I didn't vote for him. I voted for his opponent. I did not want to see him president.
I've been in the military. I think Mr. Bush is a sel... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15509 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The time for change is now!
When will humans over look greed, personal gain and indifference. To unite as a species?
When will man stop listening to the governed force and lay down arms?
Isn... |
Common FAQ's
21 Posts • 35115 Views Captain Cynic Guides |
You user center is your personal CC control panel - used for receiving and sending private messages, editing your account settings, uploading images to your photo album, storing your favorite threads,... |
13 Posts • 3726 Views Philosophy Forum |
every living thing posesses it, but not every thing experiences it in exactly the same way, just as not every human experiences it in exactly the same way.
the end, very end is what every thing exp... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9375 Views Philosophy Forum |
The response to this would be a whole other thread. But here are some short replies:
Before he was the 'first economist,' Adam Smith was an ethicist. He was not writing about what should... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43988 Views Religion Forum |
"What many seem to forget is that, although the governing body itself and the policies it would enact would be secular, the people that made up the governing body would be as religious as their c... |
The dilemma of Choice
9 Posts • 3004 Views Philosophy Forum |
Now, I'm not saying that I LIKE this conclusion about the nature of choice, free will, determinism, etc. It's just that such an explanation appears to be fully sufficient to account for huma... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10432 Views Philosophy Forum |
Yea I guess it is kinda true that "Nice guys finish last"..even with me..some of the "nice guys" are just too nice..and yea girls lik some of the jerks b.c they giv us attention..e... |
Firebird, and Decius
3 Posts • 3310 Views Talk Talk |
It was wonderful talking to you. You were the best in debates. Nothing got too personal, you were truly wonderful opponents for a stimulating conversation, but alas, I ahve to move to my other site no... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
the point is, good stuf comes from war, that is undeniable. how much those things matter is up to every person to decide for themselves. so the qeustion is answerd. "Can war be a ood thing?"... |
Cult films
20 Posts • 10125 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
When I think of cult I think esoteric. Most of the movies mentioned are good but they just seem to be popular movies that grabbed people's imagination.
Rocky Horror Picture Show is a good exampl... |
SocietyWhat went wrong with America
9 Posts • 3618 Views Philosophy Forum |
Greed, secrecy, immorality, decadence, laziness, fear, and lack of personal responsibility and general accountability.
Plus people who let things get this bad in their youth complaining about the y... |
Life & DeathSoul: Born or Grown
0 Posts • 2018 Views Philosophy Forum |
The question of whether a soul is born or grown seems to be the same thing you are born because you are grown. However perhaps a question of defining what we mean by soul first is much harder. What is... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21992 Views Religion Forum |
My original post on this sub-forum seemed to fit the concept of alternative religious beliefs – that God and the Universe are different names for the same entity. I remain surprised that the th... |
HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27265 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
i dont see how two people who love eachother can be wrong,as long as they are consenting adults peoples sex lives should be personal, who you have sex with makes no difference to me as long as you... |
Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 132028 Views Philosophy Forum |
TO: NicOfTime
'Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself, can spare time for personal contention. Still less can he afford to take all the consequences, including the vitiat... |
Life & DeathThe reason of life.
30 Posts • 7322 Views Philosophy Forum |
I've been questioning life and it's meaning for years. Recently i had a sort of personal epiphany. I realized that there is one moment in life that matters. Only one. Very simple. The moment... |
Too much deep thought.
32 Posts • 13810 Views Philosophy Forum |
Have you ever thought so deeply about everything that you stepped back finally and realized that you're better off just taking things simply or just letting things go instead of complicating them... |
Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55466 Views Philosophy Forum |
evolution is real, god is real. organized religion is what prevents people from having faith, true faith. through logic and reasoning answers can be found, but only within yourself. outwardly expressi... |
SocietyBastardized American TV News
0 Posts • 1388 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
i was talking about this just about a week ago. today we are exposed to so much tragedy that doesnt even directly affect us. i am sure it is causing some psychological damage to people. when a "g... |
GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12506 Views Philosophy Forum |
(this was intended in my last post)
The point of this is, rejecting God, or other's interpretation of him?
My belief is based on my questions to God, I have asked and he has answered. As I... |
Ethics & MoralityAre Ideology and Morality like AIG and Citibank?
5 Posts • 2698 Views Philosophy Forum |
Everything can work out just fine, we simply have to stop feeding the "elite" with our own personal power.
If we focused on cooperation over competition, we would have everything we could... |
Things That Bother Me
27 Posts • 7734 Views Talk Talk |
i mean your personal best. the best that you can do, period. the best youve ever been should get better and better each day.
i feel like my own life is hopeless
right there is a flag. if you fe... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views Religion Forum |
Right sorry I should have defined that better. By atheism I mean someone who does not believe in the existence of a God or indeed any higher being. I am not including agnosticism in the definition. By... |
CelebritiesMichael Jackson and his new album
9 Posts • 7611 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
It's hard to debate music, since it's all a matter of personal taste. My view is that while he had good songs on every album he has put out since Dangerous, he has put out very little that w... |