Take your favorite quote or phrase with the word 'life' and replace it with 'wife', in order to make it more interesting. But don't say it out loud at an inopportune moment, on fear of losing your wife. - ravenclaw
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Tagged > Opponent process theory
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyHave you ever wanted to kill your mom?
136 Posts • 167835 Views
Psychology Forum
Vonuchiha>> The situation you are in is terrible. And it feels as though there is no way out of it. But I want to believe there is. No child, ever, ever deserves to be hit and threatened the...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorThe Acceptance of Bullshit
0 Posts • 4671 Views
Psychology Forum
it was a slow process starting out in sixth grade or so (around pueberty) but i think the biggest change thus far occurred during tenth grade for me. it was my first official year of high school (9th...
THREAD What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3428 Views
Philosophy Forum
Let's start off what "Life" is. As we all know, plants came first, then the creatures showed on on planet earth. Because of this, it would be logical to assume that creatures came...
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55375 Views
Philosophy Forum
though i love the subject evolution isnt viable for two reasons; one that dna prevents changes that massive from being possible, and two, because no scientific find has ever found the link between ani...
THREAD Relationships & LoveMen and Women don't want the same things, so why bother?
14 Posts • 6103 Views
Psychology Forum
So, love as an experience has nothing whatsoever to do with anything other than breeding? And all experiences it yields other than this, meaningless? This is an objective model. We are not o...
THREAD Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8016 Views
Religion Forum
Evolutionary theory is established, but is scope and import are yet to be determined. To repeat, I am not questioning its general validity, but the claim that it has rendered the concept of God null a...
THREAD Life & DeathBeing succesful.......
26 Posts • 13949 Views
Philosophy Forum
i think when looking at the WORD success we need to look at it more accurately than society typically does. We need to look at the meaning behind the word *success and how we personally perceive it....
THREAD Spiritualitysoul Ties
13 Posts • 5224 Views
Religion Forum
i think what fairyboy is trying to explain is something along the lines of eastern philosophies/religions. "Ki" or life force energy would be exchanged in your theory. though i do not agree...
THREAD Life & DeathLife, Already Planned?
62 Posts • 24168 Views
Philosophy Forum
Tough question? Hmm . . . Jeudo-Christian belief is that although animals have a spirit, they do not have a soul (?). http://www.captaincynic.com/th read.php3/frmid=12-u-thrdid=19 358-u-page=0#19369...
THREAD Emotions & Feelingsare emotions what define human beings?
42 Posts • 26388 Views
Psychology Forum
Equal, but not identical. Then you and I were created as equals. But since we are not identical, we would have differences. The differences between us then must be the defining factor in the differenc...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63979 Views
Religion Forum
Ironwood, "Um no, I would be specific but you offered no example. " Examples you requested: "I know I'm tired of wars over this squabble, why haven't you fixed that?...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17185 Views
Religion Forum
"Let me put it this way, science would not exist without creation, and neither would the thought process of man. " Without a universe man wouldn't have created God or science to explai...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyDimensions
14 Posts • 4612 Views
Science & Technology Forum
my understanding of string theory goes like this. all matter is made up of tiny strings. these strings can come in varying types which is what creates new dimensions. for example the string can be...
THREAD What will happen when we die?
26 Posts • 6585 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Borderline psychotic"--I like that Bantam_Confrere. Whether a beliefe in the theory of eternal recurrence is a symptom of psychosis really doesn't matter--you can believe in it or not-...
THREAD ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10177 Views
Philosophy Forum
a freind said this Thu human mind is capable of solving any problem it can think up.of course i think he meant philosophical. and problems in relationships and stuff like that. no. i think he meant e...
THREAD Harmful philosophy
11 Posts • 3439 Views
Philosophy Forum
Philosophies are working theories based on study. They are not belief systems. ? A theory is nothing but a belief. In this case philosphies are belief structures. A philosphy is a belief struct...
THREAD Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77213 Views
Psychology Forum
Wyote, My theory is, stupid people have stupid kids, and their stupid kids have stupid kids...and so the population is littered with these dense idiots.*alien*
THREAD Life & DeathIf your a clone do you have a soul?
41 Posts • 19306 Views
Philosophy Forum
Tough question? Hmm . . . Jeudo-Christian belief is that although animals have a spirit, they do not have a soul (?). So unless they have gone cloning animals, we can't say what human cloning wil...
THREAD Chaos theory
70 Posts • 17048 Views
Philosophy Forum
It did make sense. I think your refering to fractals. Fractals are shapes found in nature, like the coast (as you said), or something like a fern or flower, where there are infinite gaps. Yeah what...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyHyperspace
9 Posts • 3642 Views
Science & Technology Forum
So stephan hawking is wrong then, about his black hole theory, in which he stated that light itself wud be absorbed into the hole, which is ridiculous, dumb and downright stuipid, because as c turtle...
64 Posts • 19285 Views
Philosophy Forum
"He states that He has created the universe when it was not, for a particular purpose, and with all its systems and balances specifically designed for human life." This is a speci-centri...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21955 Views
Religion Forum
If I have faith in my "convictions" then it is no more than having trust in reason and evidence. I object to you and your implication that I am not open minded. There is a difference betwee...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19534 Views
Religion Forum
True, but can you really call something science when part of the "theory" entails that you beleive in the intelligent designer? There's nothing wrong in beleiving in creationism, or int...
THREAD Who killed Marilyn Monroe?
5 Posts • 4568 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
(this month's Playboy mag...which also has a great interview with Pacino and another good read on Super Bowl tix bookies.)-mooser745 Nice disclaimer for reading this in Playboy. Interesting stor...
THREAD God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122892 Views
Religion Forum
Dumb Teen, as far as your moth/evolution theory goes, who's to say that the the maths evolved, as opposed to different moths being attracted to different trees??? Also, you gyus claim that christ...
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