Movie ReviewAvatar
0 Posts • 662 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I wasn't moved by the movie at all. You pointed out all the flaws of the movie. I was just saying that those flaws can be applied to any movie after watching something similar.
On paper, the... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21825 Views Religion Forum |
If you want know what "a priori" actually means, you would know that does not make it valid. It only makes it a question; a question which reason is not able to answer. In fact calling this... |
LawEvolution vs Creationism
19 Posts • 6353 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"What I'm talking about it something like an engine. If there are 5 different pieces, and every individual piece has no real use on its own, but together they provide an irreplaceable functi... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85399 Views Science & Technology Forum |
1 February 2013
Atlas V Launches TDRS-K
Image Credit & Copyright: Ben Cooper (Launch Photography)
Beyond a fertile field of satellite communication antennas at Kennedy Space Center, an Atlas... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 40792 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Honestly, I think he's a very good actor, with a very natural look and feel to him, while being obligitoraly pretty, he's tall like 6'4" built well and plays the part of innocent a... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85399 Views Science & Technology Forum |
7 February 2013
Comet Lemmon near the South Celestial Pole
Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Ward (Barden Ridge Observatory)
Currently sweeping through southern skies, Comet Lemmon (C/2012 F6)... |
Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21825 Views Religion Forum |
The math shows that the universe was inevitable. As Stephen Hawking has received so much flack for, he has stated that the physics shows this, and therefore, though it does not disprove God in the cla... |
DreamsDream Song
4 Posts • 2973 Views Psychology Forum |
Once about two years ago I had a series of dreams taking place at the Chateau Rouge Hotel during Prohibition, and in this hotel the air is always hazy, the men wear suits and fedoras and the ladies we... |
I am a bodybuilder and have been thinking about taking creatine
4 Posts • 3140 Views Talk Talk |
Muscles derive their energy from a series of reactions involving adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and creatine. ATP, the amount of which is relatively... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85399 Views Science & Technology Forum |
2 November 2012
The Black Hole in the Milky Way
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, NuSTAR project
At the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, a mere 27,000 light-years away, lies a black hole with 4 mi... |
SocietyKhat, your thourghts?
22 Posts • 6138 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Like most "bans" once the "C Lie A" gets a hold of it the truth will be lost in the minutia... so forget it until you try it for yourself if you ever get to ... and then if you get... |
BrokeBack Mountain
7 Posts • 3756 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Let me start off by saying.. if any of you, straight or gay havnt seen this movie.. plz do so now...
[spoilers follow]:
I loved this movie and almost everything about it but the tagline ("L... |
STAR WARS New Series or Classic
10 Posts • 4551 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I think it became popular to dislike JarJar because he represented the wrong direction, or the overdo, but that he wasn't as bad as people tend to say, after watching it again.
I never liked D... |
Random QuestionsInteresting Things
3 Posts • 2751 Views Talk Talk |
Post here if you find something interesting, be it a website or a particular article, and think it's worth sharing.
For instance, I found this website quite a while ago.
www.wefeelfine.or... |
Excerp: Depleted Uranium: Learn & Say No
14 Posts • 4610 Views Talk Talk |
Excerp: Britain, U.S. Using Radioactive 'Dirty Bombs'
World's foremost expert on the U.S. military's use of depleted uranium speaks out
By Dr. Doug Rokke
While U.S. and British military perso... |
SocietyI Spy - Because I Can, I'm The Commander-In-Chief
15 Posts • 4330 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)
Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreason... |
Live Free or Die Hard
1 Posts • 2017 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Bruce Willis is back doing what he does best. Kicking ass. The fourth movie in the Die Hard series is actually quite good! Good casting and an intelligible plot line make for a very enjoyable movie go... |
Are Videogames Good or Bad?
16 Posts • 10907 Views Talk Talk |
Ok i have played videogames since i was 10 or even younger. I was even called a gamefreak. I have played all types of games from the extremely violent Mortal Kombat to the Very Emotional Addictive fin... |
Emotions & FeelingsI cry when forced to express something in words that has emotional connection
11 Posts • 6097 Views Psychology Forum |
1) I will cry when forced to write about benign things like socks or food if I'm under enough pressure.
2) Using words in any way (choosing them from a list or typing or saying or writing) for... |
ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62322 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Here is a basic reason why this investigation is not over and shouldn't be seen as such.
Our government, with all its defense spending (we are either close too, at, or above the spending of al... |
Human Nature & EmotionOptimism VS happiness
13 Posts • 14155 Views Philosophy Forum |
Looking a little deeper into this:
It has often been asserted, and generally easy to observe, that our psychological makeup has two general components: an emotional/reactive side, and an analytical... |
Life & DeathIs Life Worth the Strife?
23 Posts • 7530 Views Philosophy Forum |
Perhaps you are right - perhaps the mind is capable of answering the questions it poses, and my chagrin is just a result of my (implicit) knowledge that each answer indefinitely poses a new question.... |
Conscious and Sub-ConsciousThe Conscious and Unconscious Duality
13 Posts • 3586 Views Psychology Forum |
No you are not the odd one chrisD. It is very uncommon to have lucid dreams on a regular basis. I dont think people are lying to you either. I think that because is such an odd occurrence the people t... |
Surgeon General's Warning
1 Posts • 3155 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
This is a song in a series of protest songs I will hopefully be getting off the ground very soon.
"The Surgeon General's Warning"
Now this is how we will be heard
Raise your fist... |
SpiritualityWe didn't exist before we got here
48 Posts • 13662 Views Religion Forum |
Summit, making claims of absolutes in the realm of science especially in reference to ancient organic life forms generally unpreservable, not withstanding the possibilities of extra terrestrial life f... |