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Tagged > Natural wonders
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27222 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
To break the "social contract" requires on to reject the morality expressed by the social order. A society's moral code organizes individual relationship to the community. As a fully...
THREAD GovernmentJeb Would Make a 'Great President,' Bush Says
4 Posts • 2210 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Neocon Gingrich Proposes Jeb Bush as Ruler Kurt Nimmo | May 30 2006 Newt Gingrich, the neocon troll who put out a contract on America, is pushing Jeb Bush as ruler, not in 2008 but down the roa...
THREAD ChristianityWas Christ really resurrected?
67 Posts • 17361 Views
Religion Forum
Bullshit, there are thousands of religions, don't delude yourself many with ancient origins and prized texts that will factually corrolate with basic history. DUH!!!! Buddha has a follow...
THREAD EconomyEducate Yourself About Money
34 Posts • 9995 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The point we differ on, I think, is that you're for some kind of government and think that government is a beneficial institution. I disagree. I think the disagreement or missunderstanding yo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63973 Views
Religion Forum
Thanks Aura! I might have to check out those sources you mentioned. Let me just reply to these few things you said: "I really don't know why you keep going on and on about illusion, because...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19533 Views
Religion Forum
a. As if my vote would count - if I.D. can't be taught in science then neither should evolution, but if we agree to teach I.D. then I don't have a problem with evolution being taught in scie...
THREAD SocietyWould society be better without money?
92 Posts • 67539 Views
Philosophy Forum
The Planet is socialism, communism, and cohabitation. The life on the earth exists without the need for money or trade. Mother nature leads this example that the humans haven't evolved far enough...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21638 Views
Religion Forum
okcitykid said:These are the worde of a bigot - I'd be ashamed to talk that way. Making comments in opposition against another's worldview isn't racism my friend. You paint me as being...
THREAD GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39578 Views
Philosophy Forum
Do not place your limitations on my words. Relationships grow and change, there are many dynamics at play. And the biggest are fear based caused by insecurities of not meeting your own expectations...
11 Posts • 5836 Views
Talk Talk
Welcome Kind_Heart! I'll try to answer some of your questions honestly. Bear with me though.... I tend to ramble. :D First off.... I totally know how you feel. I first had sex the summer...
THREAD SocietyBody scanners
56 Posts • 33443 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Norman dodd was the lead investigator of the Reece committee's congressional investigation of the organisations such as the rockefeller and carnagie foundations. By a stroke of luck they were gi...
THREAD Life & Deathare u ready to step outside the box? part II
10 Posts • 3944 Views
Philosophy Forum
There are two camps to be distinguished in the race for collecting as much humans to 'believe' their given explanations which hold their own truth in one or another way. Before you read on,...
THREAD BiologyGMed Organisms
33 Posts • 10567 Views
Science & Technology Forum
wesdawgy Why can't they just inject the nutrients in the grain, or whatever other foods? There is no difference between the nutrients synthetically made and naturally nade is there? Organic C...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyQuantum Physics Double Slit Experiment
50 Posts • 16990 Views
Science & Technology Forum
atomic structure Internal structure of an =>atom, 1) the nucleus: The core of the atom is the nucleus, a dense body only one ten-thousandth the diameter of the atom itself. The simplest nucl...
64 Posts • 19281 Views
Philosophy Forum
The psychological impact of her association with her religon and its practices has been reported all over the world to produce physiological changes. But this cannot be measured by modern science, and...
THREAD I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8227 Views
Talk Talk
Hello, It sounds to me like you're defining your own self worth and capabilties by how other people see you and how much attention you gain from them, thus the negative perception you have of...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIntellagentdesign
82 Posts • 19533 Views
Religion Forum
and science is based on fact, not beleif. No its not - it starts out as a theory, and you set out to prove that theory, and once it is proven it is no longer a theory. Evolution has been a theory f...
THREAD HomosexualityWhy Condone Fruitless Deviant Behavior?
94 Posts • 27222 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
.. hows about you try and understand... leftwood- ":straights tend to be with straights." ------------ ------------------------------ --- then.. no "straight"(natura...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
"'look at the birds of the air, they toil not yet God has provided for them. They gather the seed yet they do not sow?" They still have to work by gathering food, or yes, they starve...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWomen - to be the only one and their lack of freedom
6 Posts • 3801 Views
Psychology Forum
I agree with most of what you're saying. Esspecially about needing to rid the self of guilt. Post orgasm guilt is very strogn in society these days, and I have spent a great deal of effort, while...
THREAD PoetryEchoes
258 Posts • 67321 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
I have just written what I believe to be by far the best poem I have ever written. It is lyrical and littered with litterary device, but, in order to fully appreciate it, I feel I must elaborate on my...
THREAD SpiritualityEnlightenment
7 Posts • 3653 Views
Religion Forum
I think we're generally arguing the smae principle but with confusion over the semantics of words. I'll procede assuming you misunderstand me completely in hope that this makes sense.we can...
THREAD War & TerrorismExcerp: Rape-Slaying in Iraq by US Soldiers
0 Posts • 1892 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I remember in an English class the teacher saying how stupid and foolish the German's were to let Hitler do what he did. To carry on knowing that deep down what they did was wrong. But; there...
THREAD Science vs ReligionDid Darwin Dethrone God?
29 Posts • 8013 Views
Religion Forum
How-Evolution-Flunked-the-Scie nce-Test 1. Spontaneous Generation How does the evolutionist explain the existence of that first one-celled animal from which all life forms supposedly evolved? For m...
THREAD A bit of common sense
13 Posts • 3611 Views
Talk Talk
A document on the Cuban Missiles strike in the 60s against Fidel Castro was released that stated categorically the USA staged Cubas attack. The USA instigated it. But, we stil do not know why. Are...
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