93 Posts • 30327 Views Philosophy Forum |
afterlife, God the father, Jesus Christ the son, and the holy spirit, al of it comes down to one thing, faith.
You can give "what ifs" and "well if this happens this will happen......d... |
Just For FunCD Collection
13 Posts • 4009 Views Talk Talk |
Hm..... I take the time to buy the CDs from stores..... because I have the fear of many download website frauds out there.
In the order that I purchased these CDs, here is my collection
01. Dut... |
Creative MusingsIt was better left in the dark.
35 Posts • 9578 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Well the reason i have posted it here is because i have grown to love captaincynic, perhaps its just a habit, its been in my life for a while, and i trust it even though its before the whole world, no... |
hi my names chopped liver
17 Posts • 5418 Views Talk Talk |
Okay I need some moral support/advice as a male should I be the one to initiate physically if im interested in someone, I just cant I feel like to much of a bastard.
O but wait it gets better so I... |
Extra Dimensions for Senses
1 Posts • 2108 Views Philosophy Forum |
The lights behind our eyelids, dreams, intuitions, imaginations, plans...
They're all candidates for the mind working with information in extra dimensions... (At least, by a theory I've b... |
interesting thoughts by an interesting person
4 Posts • 2976 Views Talk Talk |
I can associate I have and still feel like that once in a while.
But after two years of fucking with my own mind everything is starting to make sense.
A person needs to have a purpose to continue... |
8 Posts • 4353 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i was told by my teacher that this peice is crap, due to the fact i did not entirly use the laws of a sonnet.
a dream is but a dream
formulating in the crevices of my rampant mind
life is but a t... |
6 Posts • 3449 Views Psychology Forum |
I was pretty depressed from about 18-20 and I still get days where I just don't feel happy. Everybody has ups and downs. But one of the things that really helped me was keeping a journal and writ... |
How to love emotionally
10 Posts • 3910 Views Talk Talk |
This is really frustrating me. What is love supposed to feel like? Like a burning passion? Up until today, I've pushed myself to suppress emotion and now I've forgotten how to feel and how f... |
Science vs ReligionMiracles
9 Posts • 3600 Views Religion Forum |
OK, been a while since i started a thread but i've been reading the threads around here and thought i would throw this out for anyone with a truly open mind. About a year or so ago, i had to be a... |
Free Speech
0 Posts • 8800 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think that any form of speech is alright no matter what side of the spectrum it is on. As long as it is speech and only speech, no one can get hurt.
But while we are talking about freedom of speech... |
Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views Psychology Forum |
Decius, you've hit bottom as a cynic. To censor my criticism of you in a thread that contains posts lamenting the lack of free speech in America is the definition of hypocrisy. But, according to... |
Child & Family PsychologyRecapturing youth?
15 Posts • 4184 Views Psychology Forum |
I must be honest, I havn't read the thread.
But I guess I did a little, "Recapturing" of my youth a few days ago.
See, I was walking around downtown and me and my freinds were goi... |
189 Posts • 72928 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I hate Paedophiles half of you fucker's would hate them too if you were molested by one
I believe I have the same opinion as 99% of normal society if you don't agree then your sick.
I don'... |
Irregular Numbers Concept
2 Posts • 7975 Views Philosophy Forum |
You may be used to quantifying things in terms of whole numbers or fractions most of the time.
I know I am. It seems to make up pretty much all of my everyday maths. And I'm sure we're all... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 22943 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sure, but my world is my own...I know nothing of anyone else's perception of the world...and if what I percieve in a tree is different than your perception, then our trees are different...that... |
AliensIs Bush An Alien From Another Planet?
12 Posts • 4013 Views Science & Technology Forum |
for him to be an alien he would have to be from a species that is more advanced, so that they could space travel.
I'm sure aliens have retards too.
Besides, aliens could be good at space tr... |
Mental IllnessDrunk, but not on alcohol...
3 Posts • 2411 Views Psychology Forum |
It occurred to me today, that some mental disorder may be more comprehensible when you look at it in the right light.
Most people usually see people who are drunk in an altered state of mind. Their... |
1 Posts • 2223 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Stony, stony crack in the wall
You know your headed, headed for a fall
Man runnin'
No end in sight
The boss screams
“Take off tonightâ€
Makes his way through the cloudy streets
Wou... |
Gender PsychologyJeans and heels are painful
39 Posts • 14955 Views Psychology Forum |
the question is do you only want someone who is physically attracted to you. personally i would prefer a girl who isnt wearing a tiny mini skirt in the middle of winter, or feels that six inch heels a... |
Society & SociologyStupid people complaining about stupid things!!!
27 Posts • 15747 Views Psychology Forum |
I can't stand when people inflict their own pain and complain about it. I am currently on vacation with my family and all my step mother does is clean. I offer to help and she says no. I offer to... |
SocietyAdvice for the youth...
20 Posts • 6261 Views Philosophy Forum |
I didnt say that you can never return. There is no lightside or darkside of the force in real life. No "once youve crossed over you can never return."
I said there are certain things you... |
ElectionsJust watched another John Kerry master plan
27 Posts • 6563 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
ya, a lot of things change and need to change with the added need to adapt in a society such as this, and trust me, we come from a seriously mixed breed but that does mean we have bits of everyhing, j... |
This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 40972 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
no point in making a new thread i suppose.
i loved Batman Begins. my only serious complaint pertains to the way Scarecrow is "defeated." it was fitting and quite funny, but it wasnt very... |
Random QuestionsWhat is your current occupation versus....
16 Posts • 6822 Views Talk Talk |
If i could choose... I'd be a student for life. There are just too many things i am curious about.
I never cared in high school, and went to postsecondary for IT with a mjor in networking and... |