Tagged > Long term memory |
what we want
12 Posts • 3202 Views Talk Talk |
i know how you feel, (ancient that is) (i think im closer to understanding women than awakened). ive got a gf ive been going out with for about 2 yrs. we get on really well, very similar personalities... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainHow is our focus
9 Posts • 3732 Views Psychology Forum |
focusing on one main idea- moment to moment you are shifting focus to different "facets" of that idea.
each moment you could perceive many things consciously while recording many more &q... |
God in Religionproof of the existence of God, maybe...
14 Posts • 3754 Views Religion Forum |
I understand that, I just wanted to make sure I was getting it right. I've questioned that myself, but don't see much of a point of it, after talking to my Geometry teacher about it. Long st... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22928 Views Psychology Forum |
Girls in general are all the same. It's the little things they do that makes them think their different. That's why women are impossible to figure out. Too many little things. It doesn'... |
War & TerrorismThe Iraq War
34 Posts • 11939 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
What happened? Remember the world before Desert Storm. Everyone was glued to the TV in mortal fear remembering Vietnam, praying it would not happen again. Desert Storm brought us victory and new pride... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
that sounds true.
the classic story about the frog turning into a prince is actually the other way around. that once u kiss your prince - he has found what he wanted and turns into an ugly frog imm... |
Star Trek - Over the Moon or Spaced Out?
14 Posts • 4650 Views Talk Talk |
I am thinking that a lot of you either love or hate Star Trek-
I confess to being a trek junkie! I love all the series although I coninually miss every damned episode of Enterprise. It is all good... |
ChristianityTwo more Popes shall reign and the End is come
33 Posts • 14295 Views Religion Forum |
I would also like to point out, that these prophecies never state that the world is going to be blasted into a cinder floating about a dead sun. The prophesies may well mean an end, but in my opinion... |
Gender PsychologyBuff Man = Man - Not so buff man = Not a man at all
0 Posts • 9747 Views Psychology Forum |
I think it's largely bullshit isn't it?
It's just societal. We both know that society's view is completely insane.
I know some disgusting human beings who are well respected... |
SocietyDoes it strike you as funny...
5 Posts • 3211 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I am not quite sure how my thread turned into yet another Bush debate, and that seems rather irrelevant. The point is that Bush is an example of a typical politician, not an abnormal one.
Behind e... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Corruption and rigged elections conspiracy theory, give me a break, I've watched hearings on the shit, the machines were obviously rigged, contracted through conflicts of interest, and like in 20... |
Atheism & AgnosticismHands up if you are an atheist
57 Posts • 12470 Views Religion Forum |
For those of you who feel you have "experienced" god, was he gentle?
Sorry, what I meant to say was, take a religious reutrality pill for a sec and think back to your experience. Then, th... |
Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25427 Views Psychology Forum |
I believe that there are only two possible situations when suicide should be allowed/not frowned upon:
1. When faced with a terminal illness/become a "vegetable" with no hope of ever recove... |
Atheism & AgnosticismIf you had a gun to your head, what would you choo
30 Posts • 8580 Views Religion Forum |
loss of respect greatly increasing.....
" seriously doubt that. There are people who live to 90 and feel they haven't lived a good enough life. What makes you think you've achieved t... |
4 Posts • 2288 Views Talk Talk |
I was sitting on the couch in my house last night and I watched another re-run of "Married With Children" that I had seen about 9000 times, when I thought "Wtf am I doing?" I reali... |
GovernmentJesus for President?
45 Posts • 9634 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
You pose a curious question.
I could be enlightened.
I wouldn't tell anyone if I felt I were.
I don't think you can just put great people up as leaders - obviously, you could even argue... |
I would like an opinion on this letter
9 Posts • 3328 Views Talk Talk |
Step to the thread (Why has my life turned out this way?)
There you will find the man who write me this letter
He not only lost the woman and their child, he also lost a ten year friendship with my... |
ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views Religion Forum |
Look everyone-
Nick is a toothless dragon... because....
HE is the one that claimed that HE had a mark on his face... now he is claiming that WE added the cheek to the list of places to look for... |
Society & SociologyExcerp: Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment
34 Posts • 12843 Views Psychology Forum |
Dear Group Members,
This article is about the link between Mind and Social / Environmental-Issues. The fast-paced lifestyle of Industrial Society is causing exponential rise in psychological probl... |
SocietyWhat one quality would make the world better?
51 Posts • 21155 Views Philosophy Forum |
radical openness as exole said open mindedness
thx, just because you spent a long time doing a terrible thing does not mean that your skeletons are who you are now.
you should describe your sk... |
Attempting to balance philosophy withother intrest
8 Posts • 3029 Views Philosophy Forum |
this may be a supid thread.. but i was wondering if anyone thught of if they focused on an intrest they had (not philosophy or directly realted to it) would you be afraid that you would loose your phi... |
SpiritualityI'm think I'm losing faith in God.
48 Posts • 17260 Views Religion Forum |
theist, one who believes in a god, and atheist, one who does not believe in a god. Only then would you have to withhold any judgment because it would be a perfect coin toss at that point.
Once gen... |
Epistemology: Truth & KnowledgeIs there a path to wisdom?
12 Posts • 3447 Views Philosophy Forum |
i do understand your point, But i guess that's why i'm not that satisfied with my job, there are millions of ways to solve a puzzle, finding those different ways gives me joy, not satisfying... |
GovernmentMy Democrat amigos MUST READ!
30 Posts • 7042 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
No offense CT, half the time I do not follow you.
When Revelations says...'Get out of her...' (Babylon was a city of pagans, and sin..and in no way does it represent Catholics. Gee patri,... |
GovernmentFive Reality Checks For Democrats
12 Posts • 4534 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Since when did morals only equate to religion?"
That's exactly something I've been specifically curious about, seems to me just an underlying "belief" that is natural... |