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Tagged > Judicial system
THREAD Is this relative? HELP!
17 Posts • 7458 Views
Philosophy Forum
shadowcult: I was wondering if when I land, is the earth on a new orbit slightly differing from the last (even unnoticeable different), before my initial jump, or dose the center of gravity between th...
THREAD TechnologySolar Panels – Several Thousand Dollars? I don't think so...
18 Posts • 5866 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Zachfrenzel, you're dead right about the pitfalls of Solar and batteries... Although, I guess wind is a slightly different story... Geothermal could be the way to go, although I wonder on it&...
THREAD EconomyWhy not tax the Rich?
52 Posts • 23556 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
[The ones who should pay the most taxes are the ones taking the most advantage of a capitalist system.] OKkid, you're right on. What everyone doesn't seem to get, is that when the price o...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismO no, Atheism
17 Posts • 7144 Views
Religion Forum
well, that was fun. keep in mind that a lot of "atheists" think of religion the same way. i'm assuming the point of this video was the pointlessness of "general" beliefs...
THREAD SpiritualityThe Logical VS The Faithful
0 Posts • 10410 Views
Religion Forum
68 firebird its sad that you have no faith. Have you ever experienced somthing amazing? How was it logical? Where did love and our emotions come from? As I see it your emotions are like these these sy...
THREAD ElectionsFit For Presidency
12 Posts • 3292 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm not sure who you are talking shit to, but I have noticed you haven't provided any answers and you've posted in this thread twice, so you are in fact referring to yourself. This i...
THREAD PerceptionSymbols
9 Posts • 3917 Views
Psychology Forum
Thanks for the link ChrisD! I had checked that one out before, and probably to my own disadvantage, I didn't take the time out of my busy schedule to read everything Jozen-Bo wrote... He did g...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8784 Views
Psychology Forum
Well summit, that's what I was trying to go for in my earlier post. I was just looking at stuff angel had said. Angel: no, that inner voice is not just your thoughts. That would be your consc...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Cancer Treatment: Helpful or Harmful? ----the human immunity is important in against disease Cancer is a malignant tumour,not a benign tumour.it is an incurable disease; the patient moves towards t...
THREAD Alternative BeliefsGod = The Universe
72 Posts • 21977 Views
Religion Forum
Religion and Science are two very different beasts. One is faith based, the other empirical. They may not even belong in the same room. However, they are forced together because very real changes are...
THREAD Dieting & Ideology: Delusional Duality?
1 Posts • 2166 Views
Philosophy Forum
Dieting & Ideology: Delusional Duality? I suspect most of us have seen the NutriSystem commercial on TV many times. This is a 'weight loss' system said to 'Transform Your Body'. It is touted t...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8784 Views
Psychology Forum
the more you are in tune with this 'inner voice', the more clearly it is heard and more it shares with you A very valid point mugen. I am reading some psychological texts atm, but I guess a...
THREAD SocietyJoe Stack Flies his Plane into an IRS Building
0 Posts • 2130 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Okay if labels are going to be thrown around I probably agree he was not a terrorist. He didn't care at all about inciting terror. He wanted vengeance. A better more fair question to you woul...
THREAD GovernmentBush Presidency a Budding Criminal Dictatorship?
25 Posts • 7071 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well, it looks like my question was answered, the next question is when are we going to do something about it. This suggests addressing congress' lack of action through the November elections....
THREAD GovernmentIdea of the "perfect" government?
42 Posts • 30264 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
As I stated in my post their system ultimately failed because of just such squabbles. It was here... well we saw what happened when the clans didn't stick together. It still had certain adv...
19 Posts • 6685 Views
Philosophy Forum
Examples of this are several mathematical systems of geometry. One system states that parallel lines all pass by the same point, another that all parallel lines never pass by the same point What are...
THREAD Justifying cheating
4 Posts • 1967 Views
Talk Talk
Can you justify any of these situations? Try one, all, or take a general approach. Situation 1: you have no intentions of going into the medical field, so you see it as right to cheat on your biolo...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13118 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i don't think true anarchy (the complete absence of any kind of government, laws, etc.) could last longer than a week or two. eventually everyone would group up into little factions in order to s...
THREAD SocietyThe New World Order: The Final Showdown for America
7 Posts • 2704 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Ron Paul - The American Power Structure (1988) Revealing interview from the August, 1988 broadcast of Frank Morrow's "Alternative Views" found at archive.org. It cements Dr. Paul...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40565 Views
Religion Forum
We are all part of a singular consciousness only devided by the self. When you die your system of energy that is your whole making dissapates and your consciousness fades. Without memories we are all...
THREAD Ailments & DiseaseCancer Treatment: Helpful or Harmful? ----
1 Posts • 4322 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Cancer Treatment: Helpful or Harmful? ----the human immunity is important in against disease Cancer is a malignant tumour,not a benign tumour.it is an incurable disease; the patient moves towards t...
THREAD Religion & HumanityA Just Religion
65 Posts • 16243 Views
Religion Forum
I'm an atheist, and I haven't killed anyone yet. Conversely, I know very religious people who haven't commited murder either. A system of balance, keeping the powerful from going ov...
THREAD Video Games
76 Posts • 25211 Views
Talk Talk
I remember having a 3-D application to my Sega Master system that was kinda fancy, run on wires and what not, and haven't seen the like since, I had a kina maze/platform game and even a light gun...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsSense of Wonder
7 Posts • 6134 Views
Psychology Forum
A FEW NIGHTS AGO, I thought the word fear... then i felt an overwhelming sense of it. I then thought the word euphoria... and suddenly experienced it. I sat down and started reading some work on...
THREAD Illuminati
22 Posts • 11344 Views
Philosophy Forum
I have a problem with the term New World Order, since the same familys, or groups of people have been running shit for a long time, since they are linked with that term you would think when you say NW...
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