Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived. - Oscar Wilde
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Tagged > Interaction
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73019 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
I am not a pedophile so i can't agree or disagree with you But i would assume you are correct Also take into consideration the reason such behavior is frowned upon is because society says its so,...
THREAD Discussion Etiquette and General Forum Rules
14 Posts • 174500 Views
Captain Cynic Guides
Captain Cynic is a positive space where individuals can delve into their interests. Being a discussion site, the dynamic nature of interaction cannot always be positively facilitated by rules. As such...
8 Posts • 2300 Views
Talk Talk
Chained wings I have often heard people describe that feeling as the God-shaped hole! I just think it is that feeling that everyone feels when they realise that they are only a tiny part of the grand...
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20510 Views
Philosophy Forum
Evolution is not a singular event. If a creature developes to a new species it isn't jsut a flash of light and all monkeys are magically humans, it is a slow process, humans phase in. Consecutive...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8778 Views
Psychology Forum
The origin of thoughts is known already. Thoughts come from neuromagnetic signals which arise from structures that mediate our various sensory and cognitive mechanisms within the limbic system of the...
THREAD DepressionThings to do when you're depressed
0 Posts • 874 Views
Psychology Forum
listen...those observations of a life, mean taht there are ppl that ,in thoery, are pointsless in this life...they accomplish nothin...with like bare minimum human interaction...and there are ppl taht...
THREAD So incredibly confused...
6 Posts • 2372 Views
Talk Talk
Your arguments and miscommunication could be caused by competition towards each other's different opinions? That's normal. The key factor is 'balance' - balance the time you spend alone v.s the time y...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7251 Views
Religion Forum
Rather a limited view? Look again at your own cultural (religious) beliefs, doesn't it form the aspect of rules for social relationships? For example the judeo-christian bible, the O.T. contain...
THREAD RelationshipsSex and Friendship
6 Posts • 3751 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Why is it that a serious relationship is usually defined as a friendship with sex? Why can't sex just be its own thing and not be confused with love or any of that bullshit. If the time is right...
THREAD God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42105 Views
Religion Forum
What do you think life would be if they hadn't done this. Do you ever stop to think of what this life of Adam and Eve consists of? I don't have a clear memory of what exactly was stated to d...
THREAD Society & SociologyOver population and the effects it has on the human psyche.
8 Posts • 12793 Views
Psychology Forum
I think overpopulation does have a drastic effect on our minds and bodies. Living in cities and being constantly overwhelmed with human contact we tend to be more stressed and more on edge. And that s...
THREAD Before Your Birth?
4 Posts • 2779 Views
Philosophy Forum
I believe that humans are born with a small amount of knowlege about human eveolution and history. For example, How is it possible that a child that was seperated from all human interaction since birt...
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7006 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Doesn't every writer put a bit of themselves into everything they write? I'm sure it just happens that way after all all our knowledge is accumulated from the world around us and then used i...
THREAD SocietyAnarchy, misundersood
41 Posts • 13111 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
i agree wholly with your sentiments. unfortunately you have completely failed to understand anything vaguely relating to anarchy. all you are against is central government. africans and indians lived...
THREAD DepressionI hate people and feel better alone
33 Posts • 141004 Views
Psychology Forum
I feel the exact same way, Ericka. For me, lack of fulfilling human interaction is just the beginning. It's to the point where I no longer know what is worth doing here on the planet. Work, re...
THREAD Mind Within or Mind Without
4 Posts • 2424 Views
Philosophy Forum
Interesting question. But does the mind contain our soul as well? Anyway that aside, I actually believe that our mind which is a complex interaction of chemical and electrical information carried...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsParticle Memory
2 Posts • 4155 Views
Philosophy Forum
(I like this idea...) Every particle essentially has a code. When a particle interacts with another, it retains a memory of which particle it interacted with, and a memory of the nature of the int...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyWave Structure of Matter
0 Posts • 660 Views
Science & Technology Forum
If you're referring to wave mechanics that was the original formulation of quantum mechanics then it goes something like this. A function called a wave function is associated with every particle....
THREAD BiologyChimps - are they really that close to us?
13 Posts • 4379 Views
Science & Technology Forum
That's fine, you mentioned it as a possible of a most important difference, where as I would say that opposable thumbs and higher brain functions, conceptual thinking, are far more important of a...
THREAD Christianitychurch
4 Posts • 3722 Views
Religion Forum
The problem with the churches I've attended is that there is little interaction. I'm not talking about kneeling and singing and putting your money in the plate. I'd like a more round ta...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhole is more than the sum of its parts?
14 Posts • 3926 Views
Philosophy Forum
The obvious is too often forgotten. It is the first step to clarity. Emotion; yes that could be something. Emotion exists in our minds beyond the fact of the matter. But its more than just emotion....
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsFears with Aging
5 Posts • 2802 Views
Psychology Forum
The group I was referring to is the group whose social status is so widely spread out, psychologically and monetarily. The age group I suggested was 25-30, but I think it is probably more accurately 2...
THREAD Relationships & LoveThings you should know before you marry
9 Posts • 3054 Views
Psychology Forum
If they would still love you if you lost a leg. Or both legs. :-) Seriously, the following things need to be discussed (either formally or informally) prior to considering marriage, I think: Mon...
THREAD Science vs ReligionIsn't Religion Just a Science or History?
72 Posts • 17178 Views
Religion Forum
"Dark matter (I think its called) has been discovered that passes right threw the earth. If I did a search I could find the links to these scientific studies." Dark matter is something in o...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainInner Voice
20 Posts • 8778 Views
Psychology Forum
Mugen and Angel: I appreciate your input. Thanks for the link as well. I understand what you are discussing about, and it is indeed interesting. I do meditate a little. Now of course what you guys...
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