Faith is god,God is Faith - anarchist
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Tagged > Hypothetical question
THREAD Society & Sociologyvoyeurism
25 Posts • 8030 Views
Psychology Forum
I don't like to watch that stuff, but when I was younger I dd. I believe that when I was younger I was curious, now that I have experienced it, I don't much care for it. Why would we be c...
THREAD grandfather time
7 Posts • 4605 Views
Philosophy Forum
This Topic has probably been raised before but im going to pose a question anyway: Im sure most of you know the grandfather theory: What would happen if you went back in time and killed your grandfa...
THREAD Venting!!!!
28 Posts • 7150 Views
Philosophy Forum whats your point. why would you ask all of the questions on God, and people searching for truth? ..when you clearly believe that people should find the correct path, why question or criti...
THREAD Why ask why?
11 Posts • 6568 Views
Philosophy Forum
Right - It can't be sinful to ask why, and we should for the sake of the community to prevent us from being led astray. Fear keeps the flock in line. If you question, you doubt, and doubting is a...
THREAD God in ReligionWhy Do You NOT Believe In God?
192 Posts • 40939 Views
Religion Forum
ya, not to be mean patrish but you sound more like a bad salesman, your only proof behind your argument is words from the bible and faith based opinions of it, you hardly answered any questions or ide...
THREAD To not exist
20 Posts • 6426 Views
Philosophy Forum
It isn't so much as to organized religion. But is more to the question of God's existence that really spreads the distance between the two. The only people that can see from both sides is so...
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5940 Views
Religion Forum
That's not to say you wont know who you are anymore, you will simply be completely different from what you are right now. would we be conscious of the change, or will it be played off as amn...
THREAD Religion & HumanityWhy -are- so many people of Abrahamic religions?
2 Posts • 4181 Views
Religion Forum
This question was posed to me by my father (Not directly. He said "I would be more swift to brush away Christianity if there weren't so many people who believed in it," and I kinda deri...
THREAD Random QuestionsWhat's your favorite word?
54 Posts • 25291 Views
Talk Talk
Your question, "what is your favorite word," reminded me of an unfinished essay, shown below. ==================== ====== I recently heard a talk about color. The speaker asked "Why...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14747 Views
Philosophy Forum
One question you might wonder is (presuming there is a God) why he would create this world rather than an alternative? If he has the would think he could create a world without pain and su...
THREAD why continue?
63 Posts • 20660 Views
Philosophy Forum
To those who ask themselves why continue, (and i have asked myself that many times also) you must try and reverse the question. Ask yourself why not? Think of all you have and not all you dont have...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityThe Car Sale
0 Posts • 554 Views
Philosophy Forum
From the seller's perspective, the primary concern is quick money as can be inferred by the low price and stipulations of the selling contract. The initial response would therefore be to sell to the s...
THREAD Every now and then
9 Posts • 2719 Views
Talk Talk
some people seem to think that the best way to deal with your fear or problem is to face it. so say what you want to say. i have the opposite problem, i say things without thinking enough first, and h...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73023 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
strangler......i highly doubt that one out of every 5 people has the urge to bed a child.....and furthermore the sites that you for people who are into diddling children are fuck...
THREAD What IS existance?
59 Posts • 15355 Views
Philosophy Forum
I try not to question whether or not the things i do in life are right or wrong according to some 'supreme being'. The truth is that there really is no right or wrong, these are simply abstr...
THREAD signs of liking
2 Posts • 6058 Views
Talk Talk
heyhey. i have a question about likeing people and starting relationships. it would probabyl be most helpful if guys answered but girls can too. what do guys do when they like a girl? are they shy? ta...
THREAD Politics: How They Corrupt Education
14 Posts • 7235 Views
Talk Talk
The question is not "why do eliminate what works", its "why do we preserve what doesn't?" The simple fact is the majority of public high schools are just fucking daycare cente...
THREAD ChristianityThe Bible and the End?
7 Posts • 3316 Views
Religion Forum
We all know what the Bible says about Revelation, and how the Lord will return to end the holy war ect... My question is, so does that mean life is just a lottery and that if you were born and died sa...
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat If Everything Is Fake And You Are The Only Thing That Is Real?
46 Posts • 44878 Views
Philosophy Forum
Whom are you expecting to answer you? If you are expecting an answer there must be someone other than yourself in existence! Rather a silly question to raise.
THREAD God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20507 Views
Religion Forum
sometimes infinite sometimes finite (but if he is always infinite would you say he cant question himself eing deciveed and not knowing everything? or is that for if hes finite?_
THREAD War & TerrorismAbout the war......
56 Posts • 18044 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
btw, I could answer your question and get "a cookie" but it wouldnt be fair so ill see if any one else can answer it. :p
THREAD The Hardest Question?
110 Posts • 42920 Views
Philosophy Forum
i belive the hardest queation is what happens when ur dead thats the hardest question to answer*dead*
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19600 Views
Religion Forum
You are over generalizing, not all acts of self preservation are selfish. SELF preservation, you are incorrect. As for offspring, they are a part of self, you'll figure this out when you be...
THREAD LawThe International Criminal Courts and the US
0 Posts • 733 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Maybe Decius. I've been toiling this around in my head for a while. I ask myself the question what would happen if the poorer countries were to get rich and it was the richer countries who go...
THREAD Relativity:The miracle of movement
24 Posts • 6197 Views
Philosophy Forum
Now that the smoke is gone, the question of movement has become quite clear! We pass by time in reality, our perception of time moving in a line is the illusion. Time has no movement, thus we are abl...
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