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Tagged > Humans
THREAD Rules To Live By
29 Posts • 7257 Views
Philosophy Forum
well said wyote. we have rules to prevent the strong using the weak, and so that people can live together. what jacker talks about is complete anarchy, which is impossible. if there were no set rules,...
THREAD What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44039 Views
Philosophy Forum
any human contribution is destruction!....nature can never expend itself....look at the food chain without man!....it's perfect isn't it?.....man "thinks" that he can help because...
THREAD ChristianityShaytaan - Iblis
4 Posts • 2295 Views
Religion Forum
I have noticed that we do an awful lot of talking about God, is he there, is he not, is he racist ect.... But what about shaytaan, or Satan, Iblis is his name in Islamic tradition for all those who di...
THREAD Life & DeathLife for people in their 20's
19 Posts • 6177 Views
Philosophy Forum
For people who would criticize your view, Conway and Cynic, it is likely that they are among the many people that feel an inexplicable sense of fear at the idea that something is beyond their grasp or...
THREAD AnimalsAdorable Animal Pics
23 Posts • 24605 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
Ummm .. I didn't realize human babies were cute. I never thought they were either, however I can't say that I have decidedly decided that they aren't given the fact that I think I was...
THREAD Religion & HumanityYou cant handle the truth
51 Posts • 12090 Views
Religion Forum
As humans we are always wondering what is out their but being the stupid beings we are, we are impatint and want answers now. From this religons were born to soothe the masses and to give us"mean...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismO no, Atheism
17 Posts • 7140 Views
Religion Forum
Even though it appears to me that no God is required to have an existence like the one we've got, I consider it perfectly rational to believe in something because it makes you feel good. If you (...
THREAD Conscious and Sub-ConsciousUnconscious, Subconscious, Preconscious and Conscious
13 Posts • 10660 Views
Psychology Forum
To the original poster; How odd! Do you think it is possible to skip stages of consciousness in the patterns of sleep so that one might be able to controll all aspects of sleep. To the extremety...
THREAD Life & DeathVoluntary Human Extinction Movement
233 Posts • 131921 Views
Philosophy Forum
The problem, as I see it, with this movement is that the people that are in it .. are likely to be those that are most able to educate others about the dangers of over population. Since the members of...
THREAD BiologyWhat if humans have evolved much earlier
7 Posts • 3541 Views
Science & Technology Forum
In recent years there has been much archeological evidence to suggest that anceint civilisations are much - much older than we expected. In light of this evidence many top archeologists have hypothosi...
THREAD Can science explore nothingness?
30 Posts • 7671 Views
Philosophy Forum
Diverisity is in unity. Can science and philosophy explore nothingness? Science has the potential to explore all that there is ... thereby proving the non-existence of nothingness... which...
THREAD Alternate Universe Theory
22 Posts • 14747 Views
Philosophy Forum
Yeah, He could create a world like that, but the thing is that I think He didn't have that much of a choice in creating the universe, and just had to give it a number of artibary 'charctaris...
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionMeaning of Life: Love?
11 Posts • 3837 Views
Philosophy Forum
= Oblivion In nature, the meaning of life it to survive. Darwinism and whatnot. But to humans, would the meaning of life not be Love? *devil* Well I am the true "cynic" here, so I say...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19083 Views
Religion Forum
Its difficult to give up, for one simple reason; humans are highly advanced curious species, who require the regular intake of knowledge and stimulis in order to carry out a rather meaningful and/or s...
THREAD PedophiliaPaedophilia
189 Posts • 73023 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Sex is a biological creation, first and foremost, for the purpose of reproduction. As I wrote, only god knows what is the purpose of sex. Only the creator can know it. And you are not god. Sinc...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12226 Views
Psychology Forum
If they can't accept these things why should you accept them? It's not a matter of should, it is that I do honestly have love for them, depsite what they have done in the past. I think wh...
THREAD God in ReligionGod's Behavior
32 Posts • 8689 Views
Religion Forum
I have to agree with wraith here. Try for concise, to-the-point sentences. Wordiness doesn't always make you sound intelligent. Are we physical beings with occasional spiritual moments; or spi...
THREAD Nature & GeographyAre natural disasters more frequently nowadays?
28 Posts • 13674 Views
Science & Technology Forum
humanity as a whole has shown that we are adaptable after all we have already survived one ice age I think we both agree on the general consensus of this topic. However just keep in mind that this...
THREAD GodWhy Question God's Existence
45 Posts • 12490 Views
Philosophy Forum
If you had a child and told him or her that they must not take a cookie from the cookie jar lest they get a spanking. Would you be a vindictive asshole for keeping your word and spanking the disobedie...
THREAD Homosexualityborn gay
182 Posts • 46303 Views
Sexuality & Intimacy Forum
Perhaps it would have been better had I lied -- and said I dont judge pedophiles or any one who harms children ??? I wont I DO see your confusion - here quote: ---------------------------- -----...
THREAD BiologyCloning
93 Posts • 25408 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Cloning is a bad thing. Assuming there was a god, then us creating entire human beings would take creation out of Gods hands. Not to mention, we'd have to pass laws against clone discriminati...
THREAD Vegetarian or No?
58 Posts • 13821 Views
Talk Talk
Despite the fact that I'm pushing a year late for a reply, I still want to question decius on one point. You talk about world agriculture and economics, keeping animals is actually an economicall...
THREAD populations in ecosystems
17 Posts • 6053 Views
Philosophy Forum
We have the technology in place at this very moment to colonize other planets, and the moon. The problem is the will to do so, and the funding. Also, when one looks at the percentages of humans ali...
THREAD BiologyPreliminaries to Social Advancement and Intelligence?
12 Posts • 3247 Views
Science & Technology Forum
"We think abstractly, develop strategies and make advancements together etc., so once we have secured bare survival, our intelligence continues to branch as we find new problems to solve."...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEVOLUTION
226 Posts • 63978 Views
Religion Forum
I know this may sound like an attack on evolution after reading my post above, but it's not. Like I stated at the beginning of my post, all I was trying to state was my own personal opinion and o...
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