God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122959 Views Religion Forum |
People who don't believe in Bible's God can also behave well and live well.
Evolution is a basic foundation for modern science. We can test it?---Sure we can! In many patients, bacteria... |
SocietyDefine the word "American"
72 Posts • 18690 Views Philosophy Forum |
I disagree jacker, human's not americans are greedy. The main difference between us and many older countries is that we don't have a code. We... lack the traditions, family ties, etc. People... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
I already told you I have not seen it done but that doesn't mean I won't ever get a chance to see or even do it.
Oh, I'd be willing to make a wager on that.
Just because you have... |
all powerfull
22 Posts • 5635 Views Philosophy Forum |
Food for thought....
all things are matter, including physical objects, thought; knowledge and spirituality. Matter is anything occupying space and having space. Does 'God' take up space? y... |
always count on my friend
9 Posts • 3346 Views Philosophy Forum |
The idea of time travel itself is just a human phantasy.
But sure we can play with it.
Ok so you go back in time 5 seconds and kill yourself. Whoops.
So one of two things happens.
One you kill you... |
Original thought.
17 Posts • 8064 Views Philosophy Forum |
i think it is possible to have an original thought, but only by applying our unoriginal human thought proccess to a current idea or thing, for example using logic to solve a new problem, the solution... |
The Human Race
5 Posts • 4066 Views Philosophy Forum |
" From the way we masticate, which is strikingly similar that of an animal (and logically so)"
Well sure, we chew like cows.
"I find it somewhat amazing that the majority of us is n... |
Society & SociologyGOD and goofy belief systems.
210 Posts • 40741 Views Psychology Forum |
Alright ethereal, now you've stepped in it. If there's one thing that pisses me off, you just said it. So they can help it huh? Well then if they can choose not to be homosexual, then they must have c... |
Religion & HumanityRant
20 Posts • 7038 Views Religion Forum |
one thing in particular has always struck as just plain stupid in christianity ( i suspect a similar situation exists in most other relgions, but i know most about crhistianity due to having been rais... |
17 Posts • 6670 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
my opinion is the government or church or ne one has the right to ban it but ppl should be more careful as to what their doing if you didn't want a kid u should have used protection or not spread... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views Religion Forum |
Yep, can't wait to start burining witches again. Maybe we can find some indiginous people to slaughter, oh wait, we're covered there, but slavery, we need to start bringing them home and cal... |
ConsciousnessI Got A New Theory on the Human Mind
31 Posts • 10195 Views Philosophy Forum |
Perhaps read the statement again. The statement mentions-
Thu human mind is capable of solving any problem it can think up.
Ask yourself the variables of interest. The most obvious variable is capa... |
SpiritualityThe Curse Of Faith
2 Posts • 2530 Views Religion Forum |
Pat Condell is a very inspiring and often comical individual. His rants are motivating and influential, often sparking long debates on the internet. This particular rant has struck a chord with me, mo... |
Random QuestionsShedding the Mortal Coil
18 Posts • 7259 Views Talk Talk |
I've been intrigued by the idea of puting taxidermy on my will. I think I got the idea from a TV series, but went as far as checking out the legalities of it. Alas, I was faced with the ugly trut... |
Habits & BehaviorMonarch Conditioning
0 Posts • 715 Views Psychology Forum |
Are you referring to trauma based conditioning, such as the production of a Manchurian Candidate or conditioning which promotes a monarchy? I'm going to assume you mean the first one. In which ca... |
Atheism & AgnosticismAetheists Are Illogical
70 Posts • 24971 Views Religion Forum |
Hi guys, I know that some of you are atheists so I was wondering if you guys could explain why you think there is no God. I was thinking the other day about how complex the universe is. The essence of... |
Gender PsychologyThe difference between men and women.
5 Posts • 3773 Views Psychology Forum |
On this topic, I find great solace in Carl Jung's analytical psychology theories, I think he had some excellent ways of interpreting the differences between men and women. You can find a slew of... |
A New "school"
6 Posts • 2947 Views Philosophy Forum |
Schools need a course that teaches kids how to make connections within their community. A course that teaches how to find resources that are helpful to them, like grant money or housing shelters. It w... |
Famous PhilosophersNeo-Socraticism
2 Posts • 2885 Views Philosophy Forum |
“lazy observerâ€
To make statements, to make conclusions is not be a true open philosopher. You can say my statement is quite contradictary.
As i said before, what if we're all wro... |
DreamsCrazy Dream
7 Posts • 4170 Views Psychology Forum |
I once has the oddest dream myself. It wasn't so much what happend in the dream but how I felt. I was simply drifting along. There was no body or anything in my dream... onyl feeling. It was warm... |
Religion & HumanityWhat defines good or evil?
33 Posts • 10274 Views Religion Forum |
"Although everyone may not agree on which elements are feminine and which are masculine, they all seem to agree that they are one or the other."
I'm sorry but this is so fundamentally... |
Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20397 Views Religion Forum |
When you see abortion as murder, you will never see it as acceptable.
No, abortion isn't murder. A fetus mightn't be a person under the law and thus cannot be classified as a victim, but... |
GodWhy did God create the universe
119 Posts • 39611 Views Philosophy Forum |
Believe it or not, I agree completely. If you understand the true nature of space and time you discover that the entire universe, all things and all beings, all space and all time (past, present, and... |
93 Posts • 25433 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Why is it that when everybody begins to develop some fabrications of intelligence they suddenly deny their God? Now, I don't know how many people believed in God to begin with but I would assume... |
God in ReligionWhat do you think about God?
14 Posts • 3462 Views Religion Forum |
Faith in God is a faith that the Absolute will devour your imperfections, that the liquid ivory of the Fountain of Youth will rush forth to fill the cracks of your fractured soul.
It is human to st... |