In some cultures what I do is considered normal. - Attolia
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Tagged > Human
 42yrs • F
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
 39yrs • M
"The human heart refuses to believe in a universe without purpose."
 36yrs • M
"Anger is a fabrication of the human mind, it only obstructs the true beauty of things"
 41yrs • F
"To err is human, to forgive, divine"
 36yrs • F
If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't. -Emerson M. Pugh
 33yrs • F
"Was the world made only to nourish human lonliness?" -Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart
 49yrs • F
One People, One Earth, One Future
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19104 Views
Religion Forum
I think at least in part the problem most readily occurs with the preception of God. Most religious thinking wants God to be human. Not only do they conceive God's acts as relative to human acts...
 32yrs • F
There\\\\\\\'s a thin line between life and lifelike
THREAD Human Values Network
1 Posts • 4508 Views
The Human Values Network is a website dedicated to spreading awareness and information about human values in order to protect human beings. The Human Values Network strives to spread visual media and...
 49yrs • M
Democracy is Blind
 34yrs • M
He who doesnt learn from history dont care because they\'re making it.....****
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsWhat is existence?
29 Posts • 15378 Views
Philosophy Forum
To exist you have to live your life as a human being, expressing your emotions in various ways. But to be human, you need to have emotions. We call ourselves 'human' because we believe that we do have...
 53yrs • M
...stone by stone, the human castle rises... - Pablo Neruda
 59yrs • M
chill out
 34yrs • F
"If the human mind were simple enough to understand, we would be too simple to understand it."
THREAD Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9194 Views
Philosophy Forum
According to me you have to live your life as a human being, expressing your emotions in various ways. But to be human, you need to have emotions. We call ourselves 'human' because we believe that we...
THREAD About You / IntroductionsIntroductions
0 Posts • 25084 Views
Talk Talk
Things i'm into: humans, human behavior, human thought, human scent, human realationships... breakdancing, philosophy, religion, music, graffiti, adult swim.. The reason i'm here?? Excercise...
THREAD Life & DeathHuman Life?
24 Posts • 7147 Views
Philosophy Forum
I am in no way religious, friend. If you understand what follows from the primary argument, then you understand that if there is a debate about embryonic stem cell research, it has to do with first es...
 35yrs • M
get yours...before I take hers
THREAD Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views
Philosophy Forum
Well another 16 year old. ~lol~ I believe that a computer will never be able to "think" like a human being. In order to think like a human you must be one. A computer, no matter how intelli...
 38yrs • M
Ignorance can be helped, but stupidity cannot.
THREAD FuturologyThe end of the universe
40 Posts • 18445 Views
Philosophy Forum
The problem lies in language and human perception. Beginnings and endings are human terms and are subject to human interpretation. They are part and parcel of culture which is hardly scientific except...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAbortion
76 Posts • 20396 Views
Religion Forum
The fetus is scientifically human and life, but people are trying to determine if it is a human being. How do we determine through science that a human is a human being? The answer: You can't! So...
THREAD Life & DeathHuman Life?
24 Posts • 7147 Views
Philosophy Forum
Many believe embryos are living humans such that to conduct stem cell research on one is tantamount to murder. Is an embryo a human life? Why or why not? Is it still a human life if both the egg and t...
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