Guys are like lava lamps, fun to look at but not that bright! - sew
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Tagged > Huge trees
THREAD Reality & MetaphysicsMaterial Body's Importance: Right or Wrong
17 Posts • 7370 Views
Philosophy Forum
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you're saying here, but it seems to me that you're not placing any value on your life now. I don't believe in God, which I know is goin...
THREAD Emotions & FeelingsMixed Emotions/Open Your Mind
16 Posts • 7780 Views
Psychology Forum
HI! im new here to this website thing. Well i just made a huge mistake a few days ago. Im engaged and i cheated and now i really am feeling that guy and i think that he is the kind of guy who hit it a...
THREAD Creating Web Sites
11 Posts • 4127 Views
Talk Talk
It's best to just write it by hand in notepad, becasue the programs that do it for you allways leave a huge mess of code which is hard to read if you need to fix it later.
THREAD MSN Enters search engine war!
0 Posts • 1492 Views
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They all came out shaky in the beginning, it's still loading up as a search Beta url so I'm sure they've got some tweaking to do. But when Microsoft does, that sort of tweak is like a h...
THREAD Arts on UGN! Submit your works!
75 Posts • 19673 Views
Photos, Videos & Music Forum
A couple more ( i loved making these- can you tell?) I liked the idea of religious tryptyches as well and here are a few inspired by them. the last one- 'Rebirth' was huge it was like 5�...
THREAD Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I stopped reading this thread because I can't read people's arguments when they're not formatted gramatically and it's just one huge ass paragraph with no transitioning of sentence...
THREAD Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59357 Views
Philosophy Forum
i feel emotionally for that view as well.. but when i think of how we discrimnate against (kill with no conseequences) a fly or whatever i feel revengful and sometimes wish the death and or torture of...
THREAD Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15796 Views
Religion Forum
Hitler, wether you want to believe it or not, was one of the smartest, if not the smartest man in human history. Think of what he did in 5 years, then compare it to anyone else. He united his co...
THREAD SocietyGay Marriage?
17 Posts • 5294 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Is it time for socity to move past what the idea of what is normal? Of course it is IF it conflicts what contempary society wants. It will do, just not today, its getting there, it takes society a...
THREAD Movie ReviewCasino Royale
0 Posts • 750 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
Personally I didn't liek it, I've never been a huge Bond fan I thought there were some ok parts but it wasn't that enjoyable for me, I felt myself losing interest in it after a short wh...
THREAD Religion & HumanityAn answer
31 Posts • 9548 Views
Religion Forum
Simple: creation starts; evolution follows. Its like creating a huge snowball then chucking it down a mountain slope. No smoke without fire kinda stuff.
THREAD Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 16994 Views
Talk Talk
My wife always tears off the toilet paper high up, where, as a bloke of 6 feet, find huge difficulty in finding the end to wipe my arse. Anybody else have this problem or am I alone?
THREAD casual, non sexual touching?
14 Posts • 25110 Views
Talk Talk
That was totally not even meant to be a date, but it just sort of happened. :) Im not complaining...but still the situation is a bit awkward because she just got over a huge relationship this summer,...
THREAD SocietyThe Capitalism Debate!!!!
95 Posts • 29198 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Democracy - free will. You have an apple with a stem and you have an apple without one. Its still an apple and it still tastes the same. I think what we having here is a problem in communications....
THREAD Is Recycling a joke?
10 Posts • 9623 Views
Philosophy Forum
The environmental movement left us with recyclying- I ask you is this some sort of pitiful joke? The late 80's and early 90's spawned a huge awarness of environmentalism- that movement is...
THREAD two questions
21 Posts • 8241 Views
Philosophy Forum
To answer the question: who are you? It is a basic answer to me that you, are simply you. Thats it. good point. but that's like saying an apple is an apple. it's also a fruit, red (...
THREAD Elections2004 Election
0 Posts • 6604 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Okay someone here has to be in Colorado and over 21. If you are please reply because I seriously need someone to get me a huge ass bottle of Bacardi and a case of Smirnoff Triple Black ice right now....
THREAD American footballers are pansies
42 Posts • 12473 Views
Talk Talk
Ever since I moved in with my mom and stepdad, Im pretty into Football. .... It's fun and exciting. Pad's or no pads, you cannot say that they are pansey's. Some of those dudes are...
29 Posts • 8394 Views
Talk Talk
Tempest on the Atari rocks. Dark Wizard on the SegaCD is my all time fav... i know ive posted that somewhere on here before.... oh, and of course there is Pong, who doesnt love that game? hehe PS -...
THREAD God in ReligionGod?
88 Posts • 20533 Views
Religion Forum
If you wan't discuss and theorize about God, use philosphy and logic. If you want to know God, know Life for yourself, get rid of all logic. God is right inside you, literally, you are just so in...
THREAD bonding/friendship
7 Posts • 2512 Views
Talk Talk
Well I am 22 and have have been pretty much in the same boat as you since before your age. From my experience I can tell you, if it hasn't happend for you yet, it's most likely not going to....
THREAD Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34659 Views
Psychology Forum
Great point Magic, which reminds me, even for myself, how I didn't, and wonder if I even do yet, but the same goes for all boys too. Again, another valid and often missed part of the problem, ac...
THREAD Fitness
20 Posts • 7033 Views
Talk Talk
:D :D :D I LOVE WEIGHT LIFTING It is kind of like my life, well theres my girlfriend too. But im trying to be a bodybuilder. Not like to those huge guys in the magazines, like Muscle And Fitnes...
THREAD And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12016 Views
Talk Talk
Fred grabbed the wheel and dove his flying boat down just above the trees scaring a number off birds half to death- away off he could see his elven half brother shaking his fist at him- so long sucker...
THREAD PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15220 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Into My Own BY Robert Frost One of my wishes is that those dark trees, So old and firm they scarcely show the breeze, Were not, as 'twere, the merest mask of gloom, But stretched away unto...
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