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Tagged > How do volcanoes work
THREAD Have you met Mr. Straw Man?
1 Posts • 2430 Views
Philosophy Forum
Have you met Mr. Straw Man? Quickie from Wiki: 'A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create...
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24689 Views
Religion Forum
It's going on two (2) Months and no one still gives a damn about you... So... what level of what ever have we completed recently...? Or has the role playing and the board games all twisted in...
THREAD Is there anything you shouldn't educate children?
28 Posts • 5989 Views
Philosophy Forum
Quote "Wow, did you just snap like a twig" ... please, if thats one of my twigs snapping, just wait till the the hole damn tree comes one day. Quote "Because the more I look...
THREAD GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Wow, let's see, I'm counting, oh yes, war has stopped none of these but has cost the lives of millions of innocent civilians in wars caused by and against them. Slavery has since become a...
THREAD ConsciousnessDifferents Forms of Consciousness
5 Posts • 3089 Views
Philosophy Forum
I saw this post and it stuck out to me. This is my understanding as I have learned it. A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys;...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12226 Views
Psychology Forum
Jacker Jones what have you done for this post, your motto is obviously an eye for an eye and hers is the whole world will go blind so drop it and agree to dissagree not move on to prisons ect. ect....
THREAD horse portraits
1 Posts • 2585 Views
Philosophy Forum
horse portraits Colour theory in art lots of information and examples in colour theory in art Colour theory in art is our third principle and when you look around you there's subtle colou...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityCan we connect philosophy with racism?
2 Posts • 2533 Views
Philosophy Forum
Can we connect philosophy with racism? In Antebellum South the white man would not work for anyone because he considered laboring for hire made him no better than the black slave and his superiorit...
THREAD Frosty Spring
1 Posts • 2929 Views
Philosophy Forum
A pure, humble life is a healthy, beautiful life. That is my philosophy. The word beautiful belongs to pure, healthy nature. As someone once said, 'Health is beauty, beauty is health.' In order for th...
THREAD Things Id do if I ever became an Evil Overlord.
8 Posts • 3165 Views
Jokes & Games
My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones. My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through. My noble half-brother whose throne I usu...
THREAD Tear me apart
8 Posts • 2900 Views
Psychology Forum
Sorry, I got a little off topic in the above post - I'll try to stay as focused as possible from now on. which would you say you may fear more, deep down, becoming your dad, or not being able...
THREAD ConspiracyExcerp: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
214 Posts • 62681 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Stanley Hilton, a government insider, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11 He had an interview with Alex Jo...
THREAD FuturologyNature of Technology?
3 Posts • 3596 Views
Philosophy Forum
Hello everyone, I'm obviously new to the forums here but I'm looking for some ideas/advice. Hopefully some of you can provide me with some insight. Philosophy of Technology: It's Nature...
THREAD Memories
5 Posts • 3629 Views
Talk Talk
We thought we have it bad Hey Dad," one of my kids asked the other day, "What was your favorite fast food when you were growing up?" "We didn't have fast food when...
THREAD Rehab & AddictionAlcohol vs. Marijuana
72 Posts • 107378 Views
Health & Wellness Forum
Why is alcohol legal, why is marijuana not? I offhand want to say that in my entire life I have been pretty frequently exsposed to some form of drug or another, and in the cases of marijuana and al...
THREAD ConsciousnessA change in conscious thought and understanding
1 Posts • 3979 Views
Philosophy Forum
A letter for HOPE (Helping other peoples experience) In the past year, I have undertook various journeys; thoughts, actions, and dreams. I always imagined that I had something very special for t...
THREAD A number on numbers
1 Posts • 2368 Views
Philosophy Forum
A crank is someone who sees the truth through a fool's eyes. It is a barb I hope the following will not earn, although that is, I dare say, preferable to the mute indifference I expect it to elicit. W...
THREAD SocietyMy thoughts on our world at 3 am
1 Posts • 2341 Views
Philosophy Forum
First let me just say, the spacing may be erratic, because when I get flows of...thought, I just write it down, and this time it was on note pad, so forgive me. Stop thinking about the world in te...
THREAD Gender PsychologyWhat type of women do men want?
3 Posts • 7981 Views
Psychology Forum
I've noticed a recurring pattern in friends and acquaintances regarding the type of women they prefer... and I'm talking fairly good looking, alpha-male athletic types... While these type of...
THREAD ChristianityMisrepresentation
81 Posts • 21640 Views
Religion Forum
wesdawgy said:How do you explain Jehovah, Yahweh, or any other names that were changed in the catholic version of the bible then? This isn't a very specific question, but I think I might know wh...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyMy Step-daughter molested my son. I don't know what to do anymore. Please give me advice
2 Posts • 8936 Views
Psychology Forum
My step-daughter is 10 and my son is 5. The first time it happened, he was 3 and she was 8. She was found grinding on him (like missionary sex). She pretty-much got a slap on the wrist & a good ta...
THREAD Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12226 Views
Psychology Forum
Get inside your parents heads one on one with focus not being on anything personal, just find out who they are as people first. What is there philosophy on different specific aspects on life. If you c...
THREAD computer-illiterate parents
5 Posts • 4384 Views
Talk Talk
it's a quiet evening at the rollergirl household... lovebirds are tweeting contentedly after a bath under the kitchen sink faucet. kazaa calmly performs illegal activities while unsuspecting poli...
THREAD Society & Sociologywhy is suicide frowned on???
85 Posts • 25377 Views
Psychology Forum
Suicide is a polemic topic, such as everything that involves death, I've read some of the posts and my position about suicide is this: Suicide is a decision that you can take, maybe it's the easy w...
THREAD SocietyFacts vs Bush-Bashing
13 Posts • 4415 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Well that's my point exactly, Innocent until proven guilty. That's how a trial works, that has nothing to do with the fact of the matter, either someone is guilty or they are not, regardl...
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