Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
scraps of stories i couldn't finish
1 Posts • 2826 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
all this shit's been taking up space on my computer, so before deleting it i figured i'd do something constructive:
The first thing he remembers is his mouth. There is a feeling of detach... |
Rehab & AddictionMedication for depression?
25 Posts • 13224 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Im not really close to my mum mainly my brother, but at first my partner was annoyed but when he realised i/he couldnt really change anything we just deal with it. Im not making exuses for my mum but... |
College Freshman
2 Posts • 3197 Views Talk Talk |
This fall im going to college. i am probably the most antisocial person youll ever meet. Does anyone have any tips about interacting with people my first year? Should i try and be social and try new t... |
Physics & CosmologyFrontiers of Quantum Mechanics
10 Posts • 6596 Views Science & Technology Forum |
*devil* I *HATE* that paradox! I don't know why but it just isn't logical that the cat would be alive and dead at the same time *sobs quietly* Likewise the whole qubit processing doesn'... |
CelebritiesRichard Dawkins is Hot
2 Posts • 7292 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I posted this on another forum and received mostly negative replies. Am wondering what do people, mainly women here think? |
Habits & BehaviorHead games
33 Posts • 11372 Views Psychology Forum |
I read alot of female bashing in this thread (though when I started this bashing of the males or females was not my intention) but us women can say all the same things about men. We can't underst... |
Society & SociologyThe Internets Rape Of Innocence
17 Posts • 6029 Views Psychology Forum |
but i wasnt really talking about sex
dude, i am DEFINETLY not scared of pussy.
the "open" women are the least intimidating people i have ever met. |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57912 Views Religion Forum |
Satan was a beloved and beautiful angel. His pride, which besought and he fed from evil, filled him with hate. And hate did fill him.
God is perfect and cannot be filled with evil. Evil cannot fill... |
GovernmentWhat has the US become?
47 Posts • 15229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Dugbug: your plan has been well thought out, I could tell you put some time in it.
But our government will always be privy to information that we can not have access to. Has our government abused t... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6378 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
With all this talk about the "average" guy in bed and all the stereotypes of what we should be applying to ourselves as either sex, I was reminded of an old song: Joe Jackson's Real Men... |
110 Posts • 24289 Views Religion Forum |
In the old testament God tells his people to go to war and leave no women or children alive.
Historically the only reason to keep women and children alive was for sexual gratification and slaver... |
War & TerrorismThe 9/11 Mosque
7 Posts • 2891 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
I think it's really sad that people will so blatantly associate 9/11 with islam in general.
It's sad that key people aren't outraged that anyone even consider this to be an issue.... |
Sexual PsychologyA backlash against sexual attitudes?
25 Posts • 6911 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Define safety. Maybe I don't think it's safe for women to have one-night stands or for men to drink alcohol. Define safety. In all aspects of physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual. |
ChristianityBlessed Are The Peace Makers
48 Posts • 12728 Views Religion Forum |
he Pope leads my religion.
You don't even do that very well because the pope was against the war, he condemned it before it started.
Defensive - what did those men, women and children who... |
Gender PsychologyIf women ruled the world...
61 Posts • 16877 Views Psychology Forum |
I wasn't aiming that last comment toward you, I was aiming it at the person who kept saying a women-led world would be oh so much better than the one we live in now. This is pretty delusional.... |
Gender PsychologyWhat kind of guys do chicks like?
55 Posts • 22928 Views Psychology Forum |
one big problem that happns in relationships is that guys do tend to think "she might be the one" .... meanwhile women think "lets see where this could go" ....youll have a lot bet... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87304 Views Psychology Forum |
The more inteligent they think they are, the more they feel they must assert this inteligence at every available opportunity. if they cant agree fine, then discuss it and answer the question, dont go... |
Viral VideosLaina Walker
12 Posts • 15277 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Could it not be seen as making light of the pain that girls/women cause in this regard?
I think it promotes the opposite - it emphasizes the unpleasantness of such behavior - and bringing attention t... |
Random QuestionsFemale wanted
3 Posts • 2433 Views Talk Talk |
Seeking female companionship.
Male, attractive, divorced about ready to give up.
Any women on reciprocal side of that equation.
Smart asses please just fuck off before hand.
Not desiring such psue... |
Sexual PsychologyThe Inappropriate Mother
0 Posts • 1992 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I think your reasoning is pretty solid. The one thing though, I don't think the mother's son is the perfect version of what she wants in a male. The son is not developed to any real semblanc... |
Gender PsychologyThe right to dress provocatively?
80 Posts • 38019 Views Psychology Forum |
I would then say, Decius, you have no idea of what a rapist thinks. LOL
Its not about the woman, and her looks, it is a violent tendency stems from hate for a woman, and all she stands for. It is a... |
Relationships & Lovefutility of romantic 'love'
76 Posts • 20636 Views Psychology Forum |
All MEN lust after "other " women, but your man loves you , he might look, have a secret thought, but his heart is yours, always yours, forever yours, because he loves you , and will never b... |
6 Posts • 3335 Views Talk Talk |
Is it because you Get Fast cars and Fast women?....
j/k |
IslamMuslim women who cover their hair
27 Posts • 77133 Views Religion Forum |
Women can be just as superficial as men. Anyone can be taught to be more or less superficial. |
About You / Introductionsnumb-pissed off-angry-depressed
12 Posts • 6538 Views Talk Talk |
i havent been online to talk to you guys in a while sorry about that, but then again its my fault. of course
havent called my friends within the last 2 weeks, my fault.
my friends dad gets mad at hi... |