Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist |
"It's not all relative"
12 Posts • 3650 Views Philosophy Forum |
My understanding is that the bone structure and musculature of the women is almost identical to the mans except her pelvis and pelvic floor differs to accommodate child birth. Beyond that physically t... |
LawWhy is Prostitution Illegal?
96 Posts • 51790 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
WOW! I have a strong opinion on this one. First of all, I am not a prude, by any stretch of the imagination. I agree that, from a man's perspective, there is an ideal dream floating out there abo... |
Its 6:51am
7 Posts • 3648 Views Talk Talk |
Its 6:51am. Tonight, changed my life. For the better, or for the worse, Im not sure yet. The girl that I once loved, has betrayed me....again. Im asking myself so many questions, I cant sleep. Why? Ho... |
17 Posts • 7575 Views Talk Talk |
Since I dont own a credit card or have a high speed internet connection even if I wanted to watch porn I couldn't. But it is always there. It seems that everyplace you go on the internet it will... |
Random QuestionsMissing Person/Abduction Related Question
2 Posts • 3827 Views Talk Talk |
Hypothetically, if a women, early 20s, physically fit & able to take care of herself, were to be possibly "randomly" abducted, what would be the proper course of action by law enforcemen... |
What is ' Existence ' ?
8 Posts • 3429 Views Philosophy Forum |
I would also like to make a statement about the section titled EMOTIONS! It is a bit contradictory to me that you think all science (scientists), view emotions as problems!!! You also go into stating... |
GovernmentHumans must unite.
46 Posts • 15506 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Education is probably the closest we get to helping the population problem, no doubt.
There certainly is an interesting correlation between poverty and population - BUT not in the way most people t... |
Serial KillersTed Bundy
5 Posts • 9291 Views Psychology Forum |
In his final interview, only hours before he was put to death, Ted Bundy did not blame but correlated his addiction to sexual violence to the manner in which pornography demonstrates the pleasure deri... |
War & TerrorismUN Bombing in Baghdad
10 Posts • 3767 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"What do you believe in? Anything? Or are you merely a nay sayer that has nothing better to do then champion unjust causes and the "inalienable" right to do whatever pleases you with no... |
Biracial Children
18 Posts • 22664 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
There is only one race. The human race. I condisder those who say otherwise to be rather foolish. I'm "white," my girlfriend is "black." Who the freak cares? grrr, not even a... |
Random QuestionsYoung love
25 Posts • 6685 Views Talk Talk |
I think... one cannot say it is love unless it is reciprocated. My girlfriend is 16 and I absolutely believe she loves me as much as I love her. I also think it has something to do with how one goes a... |
RIP Nick Desimone
22 Posts • 8571 Views Talk Talk |
he got shot in the head while he was sleeping, by a jealous ex of his current girlfriend. The police report say that he was asleep AT his girlfriends house, and the ex slid in through an unlocked slid... |
JokesYo' Mama Jokes?
163 Posts • 103722 Views Jokes & Games |
yo mama so stupid she sits on the tv and watches the couch
yo mama so stupid she tripped over the cordless phone
yo mama so fat when she went to mcdonadles and they gave her they key to the sto... |
Any Help at all...
3 Posts • 3033 Views Talk Talk |
Okay let me give you a little knowledge on the situation. There is this girl i have been seeing for a while, and i thought that she was the one. I told her i loved her because i really felt like i did... |
Sexual PsychologyA submissive woman
3 Posts • 4610 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
OK, I don't know where to start, this is about a woman being submissive but not in the terms weknow today, but, in the terms women were seen in the past.
It may seem I am talking as if I was i... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43983 Views Religion Forum |
I am quite aware of the definition of secular thank you. In the case of a government, secular indicate that its policies and agendas do not support any one religion at all, as opposed to a state spons... |
What's Worth Dying For?
54 Posts • 13277 Views Talk Talk |
I wouldn't want to be your girlfriend, sister, mother, or anyone else people usually care about, because loving someone is being willing to put your life in line of danger for them. Maybe it'... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34663 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm going to wade, in, didn't and won't read the 6 pages of drivel. Women are without a doubt the most untrustworthy and predatory creatures on the planet. Never has one YET been troubl... |
Sexual PsychologyFemale Sexuality
0 Posts • 1077 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Having studied gender for 6 years in school, and roughly for about 12 years since, I can say that this is an uneducated, misandrous and very biased assessment of 'traditional' gender roles.... |
Gender PsychologyWhy do women lie?
15 Posts • 9711 Views Psychology Forum |
Its a mechanism of defense in order to not hurt others. Well actually to not hurt ourselfs. It's not just women guys do it too. People tell themselves they lie to protect the people around them w... |
DepressionI can't stand being around people anymore!
7 Posts • 29832 Views Psychology Forum |
Come across this site while looking for answers. People seem to be nice here so i thought i would give it a go.
The past 18 months or so i've been pulling further and further back from people.... |
Society & SociologyI just can't tolerate STUPID people!
184 Posts • 77264 Views Psychology Forum |
My theory is, stupid people have stupid kids, and their stupid kids have stupid kids...and so the population is littered with these dense idiots.
So much for evolution, eh? *lol*
Regrettably, I... |
Gender PsychologyI Hate Women
84 Posts • 34663 Views Psychology Forum |
We are all each other's gaoler, I get it. What's not to get?
But this is a concept. Something of the mind. It doesn't help.
It helps you explain your perceptions. But solves not... |
10 Posts • 4328 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Ok trying to curb bias, being a bit of an artist of various forms I happen to be a big Brad fan, no he's not the all around best actor, but as one person put it the most soulful, there is extreme... |
Random QuestionsWhy I come to this site?
8 Posts • 3806 Views Talk Talk |
I cant figure it out. I get mad sometimes when Im on here and then at times I laugh my ass off. Its like the black hole of the internet. Please just block me from this site so I dont get bored and com... |