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Tagged > Hate women girlfriend stupid feminist
THREAD ElectionsCain and Paul
24 Posts • 6544 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
I'm mostly prolife. However Mr. Cain believes that victims of rape incest and when the birth of the child puts the mothers life at risk should be forced to have the baby. He actually said this. N...
THREAD Favroite movie quotes
78 Posts • 22306 Views
Talk Talk
These are all from Lion in the Winter. Henry is the king. Elenaor is the queen. Both are so malicious and hate each other very much. The Princes are their sons who are plotting to usurp the throne....
THREAD Life & Deathwhat is your theory on life?
270 Posts • 55447 Views
Philosophy Forum
I like that conway.. I think that's a marvelous new way to look at fate. That is what I was talking about when I said you have startling ideas. My perception of what you are saying is that fate o...
70 Posts • 22671 Views
Movie/TV Reviews
I try to be as open as I can about music.. I'll try anything but I don't like everything. Ihip hop.. not your basic jay-z or 50 cent bullshit but real hip hop artists that don't get as...
THREAD JokesStick Pin
2 Posts • 4003 Views
Jokes & Games
A man goes up to the minister at the local church. "Reverend," he said, "we have a problem." My wife keeps falling asleep during your sermons. It's very embarrassing,...
THREAD Society & SociologyRacism on SNL
0 Posts • 14665 Views
Psychology Forum
Ok, hear me out, then tell me if I am wrong. All my life I have heard the "Golden Rule." You know, do onto others as you would want done to yourself. Well, for some reason I took the sayi...
THREAD Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32933 Views
Philosophy Forum
"Besides - changing a subject does not win an arguement, it just avoids the truth, a speciality of the Bush administration. " Actually that specialty is yours. I simply pulled out a trick...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57892 Views
Religion Forum
If you understand God, then you understand His nature. He is the Holy Spirit who Inspires. Note when Jesus breathed the Spirit upon His apostles; They could speak tongues, their eyes and ears were ope...
THREAD War & TerrorismAmerican warmongers
72 Posts • 23901 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
The guy had men on the government payroll who's job it was to rape women in front of there husbands and fathers to punish the men. Don't the mass graves bother anyone? I for one don't c...
THREAD Chuck Norris is the biggest bad-ass ever!
15 Posts • 15074 Views
Jokes & Games
Oh, and to all those who celebrated Christmas, Chuck Norris says thank you. Chuck Norris is what Willis was talkin about. Chuck Norris did not speak for one day. That was, in fact, the day the m...
THREAD God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57892 Views
Religion Forum
"I believe that selfishness is at the heart of all that evil is. But are you saying that you don't think selfishness is the biblical definition for evil? I may not have understood that last...
THREAD StoriesFinish The Story
11 Posts • 3674 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Extracting herself from her deepest feelings of weakness, she had again reverted back to her one reliance of security. Destroy your enemy... Yet, is that all there is in this limitless world? she as...
THREAD Gender PsychologyChicks and Fake Phone numbers
64 Posts • 45433 Views
Psychology Forum
Sorry guys, but if he wanted Bekka's number then he should have just bought Bekka a drink. The fact that he bought drinks at all did not give away his intentions. I would tend to think, as a lot...
THREAD Society & SociologyFree Will
16 Posts • 5556 Views
Psychology Forum
An interesting subject, which many have discussed, discussions which have led to nothing but more arguments. Here's a thought Every living sentinent being must have some form of free will. If...
THREAD ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15986 Views
Politics & Current Events Forum
Exactly, and like someone said in another thread the only thing even making it an issue, because even churches have admitted gay clergy, is religious fanatics, the same type of people that wage holy w...
THREAD Gender PsychologySex, Money, and why?
8 Posts • 3719 Views
Psychology Forum
I see that function and role prostitution has major has had its affects on any society. [link]http://www.n Prostitution[/link] History Prostitution is sometimes r...
THREAD Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35951 Views
Psychology Forum
God! I hate ignorant people!*angry* *angry* I have a Muslim friend who is the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met. I know a lot of Muslims and know a lot about their religion. I mean, Muslims...
THREAD Shattered Views...
8 Posts • 4894 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Lost (A child's nightmare) I am lost in a valley only the dead walks The angel he left me to my curiosity stalks I lost the angel's footsteps are gone In a valley of the dead I walk alone The...
THREAD IslamWhat's Wrong With Islams Leaders?
85 Posts • 23084 Views
Religion Forum
I heard a news report that there were Israeli air force pilots who were dishonorably discharged because they refused to fly into the occupied territories and shoot innocent people. I think these pilot...
THREAD PoetryThe poems that we read
17 Posts • 15221 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
JAQUES: All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages....
THREAD Remembering The Moon
27 Posts • 7017 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
The rustling faded and a very slight whimpering, like an injured puppy came from the farthest corner of the garden. Behind the greenhouse was something that every nerve in my body was telling me I was...
THREAD ChristianityGive up sin?
22 Posts • 5946 Views
Religion Forum
Good Thread - one of the best to me... subjectively speaking anyways... Devil - *devil* - an angel, like others, created with.... No choice. Angels - again No choices... merely expressions of...
THREAD Habits & BehaviorHumility
0 Posts • 1492 Views
Psychology Forum
Humility is synonymous with the ability to learn - open-mindedness. It's accepting that someone else may teach you something that will take precedence over a previous lesson. Very few people in t...
THREAD Atheism & AgnosticismSupreme Court Stymies Atheist In Cross Issue
2 Posts • 2836 Views
Religion Forum
Hey - I made a post about this on my blog also: Some people have called me a liberal (there is no such thing), but my closest friends are progressive, but this is where we will part ways. THAN...
THREAD Christianityis the bible CONTRADICTORY?
47 Posts • 14470 Views
Religion Forum
thank you for the sign of respect for the beliefs of others. the new testament was written by the Catholic Church during the crusades to give a written scripture to their teachings of hate and racism...
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