 39yrs • M
< no additional information provided > |
 54yrs • F
THE ROCK is # 1 |
Random QuestionsWhats your favorite song
81 Posts • 18728 Views Talk Talk |
I don't have a favorite but these are my top songs:
1.Sweet Child of Mine by Guns N' Roses and just about anything else by them
2.Break Me by Jewel
3. Jessy's Girl
4. Hotel Calif... |
Gender PsychologyAn Abundancy of Rudeness
0 Posts • 1174 Views Psychology Forum |
Having re-read your last two posts, Decius, I have realised my last post was unnecessary.
What you have said has great merit and importance.
But I must say, as I have contemplated this situation... |
Lets learn a little #1
12 Posts • 4067 Views Talk Talk |
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? i'd have to say ignorance. and girls who dress like sluts.
2. Is there something that you like to do that people find absolutely disgusting or hideous? i hav... |
Time Gravity
8 Posts • 3109 Views Philosophy Forum |
E=mc^2 Einstein's famous equation which shows matter and energy are essentially different forms of the same thing. Einstein thought light could create gravity. That means gravity c... |
 64yrs • F
Great Actors |
 37yrs • F
i love james marsters. he\\\'s such a great actor and the hottest vampire iv\\\'e ever seen on television |
 34yrs • F
memeries are great but dont let them cast shadows over your dreams |
ElectionsDamn, Clinton sure is good
3 Posts • 3581 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
He he.
I didn't post this to give the democrats a boost in popularity. I live in a country where bullshit is on every single level of politics. I put it there just to show something else. That... |
Physics & CosmologyWhere does the material from black holes go?
17 Posts • 9026 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Remember, black holes may be portals, or doors, or anything (as Ancient mentioned). This is not well understood by scientists yet though. It may be true that wormholes don't exist at all.
It... |
3 Posts • 2073 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Nice set of video's
I always watch stuff like this and think to myself, wow it would be great if we could privately school or home school everyone. Because as the video's say it does inst... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24284 Views Religion Forum |
I don't think God wanted to make it easy. Something as great as eternal happiness shouldn't be handed out like flyers. Great things come with great prices. |
Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19106 Views Religion Forum |
religion is why, science is how.
Believe what you wish, however you should understand that science does help to explain the 'why', 'when' and 'how'.
So science is... |
AstronomySuns Boiling, and Black Holes Freezing…
23 Posts • 6699 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Ever heard the saying 'Once in a blue moon'; as the moon reflects the light of the sun then should not it appear red as the light would be shifted toward the infar-red region by traveling fu... |
 31yrs • F
< no additional information provided > |
Song LyricsMad World
22 Posts • 9562 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
You'll Never Guess Who Died
Come into this world, Oh
With your hands tied up
I can see your pants around your ankles and the floor
You and I did spend that one day
In bed counting sheep
M... |
GovernmentIs There Really Such A Thing As A Conservative?
53 Posts • 12648 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The sky is blue - but we can change that if we change the shade of glasses we are wearing.
This is what you're doing when you look at Bush
And Leftwood - I desigree, I think you're bei... |
GovernmentThe Pro-Bush Thread
3 Posts • 3317 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Bush is great because he gives me reason to smile (no, laugh) at our government.
Bush is a great president because God knows he couldn't cut it as a fry cook at McDonald's and we don'... |
expanding universe: Red Shift
8 Posts • 3952 Views Philosophy Forum |
Edwin Hubble's observation of a red shift in starlight led to the conclusion that our universe is expanding...
this is because starlight that is emitted on the blue end of the spectrum shifts... |
 31yrs • M
i wanna hurt you just to hear you screamin' my name |
you must be 18 to enter her?
9 Posts • 7430 Views Jokes & Games |
Which hole?:( |
new boobs
10 Posts • 3696 Views Talk Talk |
why? im not being an ass hole. i just want to know. |
Something like human
1 Posts • 2168 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I was something like human
in the blue morning
when you came
to make it grey
burning grass to ash
melting flesh from fragile
Mutating bird's chirps to
missile screams
changi... |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160019 Views Talk Talk |
i live with an ash hole of a bf and i like it |