 36yrs • M
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 48yrs • M
sports jazz girls all music pop movies action |
Musical Consistency
0 Posts • 1814 Views Psychology Forum |
hmm my taste in music has changed. I don't listen to any of the same music as when i was 10-13ish. My style has completely changed. I am thinking this happened because when i was 12 i had severe... |
O Fortuna
5 Posts • 2253 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Poor Karl Orff.
Becuse of this one song, he has got to be one of the most overused (in my opinion.) composers of all time.
With the exception of Excalibur over 20 plus years ago where it was used... |
70 Posts • 22667 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Reggae, Rock, Latin, Hip-Hop/Rap, Elton John-like songs (what?).
I listen to any type of music so long as it sounds good (i.e. I like the beat/I like the lyrics). |
Definition of Cool
4 Posts • 2897 Views Talk Talk |
reading is cool.... lol so is music... alllllllll kinds of music!!! yeah yeah thats cool in my book.... lol stupid pun.... hehehe |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34714 Views Talk Talk |
Do you believe that rap music causes young people to act violent, or to become more anti-social towards other people? |
 34yrs • M
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Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34714 Views Talk Talk |
Parents of the jazz age believed the music was a terrible influence upon their children. Almost every new form of music is looked upon as scandalous when it emerges. Often, the creators of the media a... |
Movie ReviewWhere the wild things are
1 Posts • 3245 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
For the most part I loved this movie, although they could have left out a lot of the music which to me, made it feel like some kind of music video at times. The only thing I'm really annoyed at i... |
Does rap music insight violence amongst young peop
38 Posts • 34714 Views Talk Talk |
rap music is just another in the long line of scapegoats we choose to explain why we live in a violent culture. its rap, or its marilyn manson, or its quentin tarantino and oliver stone. kids today ar... |
 45yrs • F
i know |
About You / IntroductionsTell a random fact about yourself.
663 Posts • 160002 Views Talk Talk |
Wyote, I'd say boredom sounds pretty darned good! :D Yowza, your freshman year wasn't intense or anything...
Spiderz, music is not a weird obession (there are many others who share it). W... |
PerceptionThe Surreal Aspects of Life
0 Posts • 946 Views Psychology Forum |
I get drawn to things. Sometimes there good sometimes they are bad.
It tends to be whatever sparks my interest. Sometime thing sthat piss me off fuel me to go and solve them; to put it right. Other... |
Last guys finish last
43 Posts • 10426 Views Philosophy Forum |
yes, good guys (or good people in general) do finish last. People who steal, cheat and lie get further ahead.
Maybe she's just not attracted to your friend.
i don't find jerks or perv... |
2 Posts • 2359 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Poking fun at industrial music, Kompressor actually gained a bit of credibility and legitimacy. If nothing else, this stuff is good for a laugh.
Synthesize |
Coldplay: Clocks
14 Posts • 4107 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Tbh I've never really liked Coldplay they have one good song and thats Viva La Vivda the song its got an alright beat to it other than that I'll stick to my alternative and punk music thanks |
What is the Captaincynic theme music?
3 Posts • 2102 Views Talk Talk |
What is the Captaincynic theme music? Surely, there must be a song, a melody, at least a jingle. |
 35yrs • M
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Which bands did you grow up on?
9 Posts • 2671 Views Talk Talk |
I grew up with a lot of people, conclusion: grew up on most music. It's all good. [: |
17 Posts • 8490 Views Art Forum |
Azure, now that you mention it, of all the musicians I have known; those as good to far far better than I; there seems to be two things always in common: 1) they say they like, and listen to all music... |
The shocking things that get let onto the internet
3 Posts • 2700 Views Talk Talk |
the guitarist and pianist are good, the pianist went to cambridge uni (ivy league equivalent) on a music scholarship. its just the fact that the songwriter insists on writing his own stuff lol |
Kings Of Leon
3 Posts • 4910 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Has anyone heard of Kings Of Leon? They're a band from the south. I first heard about them when they got a great review in Maxim Magazine. I downloaded a few of their songs off the net, liked the... |
 36yrs • F
Nothing's imposible... Just hard |
 66yrs • F
unspoken words are flowers of silence |