17 Posts • 8490 Views Art Forum |
i am a musician too! i love music - any music! and i have tried hard to make a career for myself as a songwriter and recording artist but hey, its hard coming up with new ideas and perfecting your cra... |
Music and India Arie = love
2 Posts • 2014 Views Talk Talk |
right now im having many love problems...im in love with my best guy friend of 4 yrs....he just told me he has loved me for a while...however...we cant go out b.c its too complicated...WHAT IS THAT SU... |
Gender PsychologyNew Songs
17 Posts • 6651 Views Psychology Forum |
Much music are you talking about the channel? I used to have it and it was pretty sweet, they had one show called electric circus i think that showed different raves or something, dont remember it was... |
Music Downloads...
5 Posts • 3294 Views Talk Talk |
I dont think there is any where you could download music right off the page except for purevolume.com
the best mp3 download program I have come accross is WINmx, takes a little getting used to, but... |
About You / IntroductionsMost And Least Favourite Musical Artists
4 Posts • 2611 Views Talk Talk |
My favorite artist to date would have to be Lupe fiasco. This is because his lyrics are meaningful and have a purpose. He also does not use vulgar lyrics unless they necessary. For rap and hip hop tha... |
22 Posts • 6773 Views Talk Talk |
guitar is a tool, music is in our heads.
i think I've been playing electric for abt 10 years now, classical a bit longer i think, but not quiet sure how long.
I'm more into experimenta... |
Child & Family PsychologyMusical Reminders
0 Posts • 3062 Views Psychology Forum |
I must admit, I have always attached great meaning to songs and often find myself remimded of this.
If you like, I'm quite similar to the John Cusack character in High Fidelity as I see music as... |
sublime music
1 Posts • 1703 Views Talk Talk |
What up just to let you know sublime has just put out this new box set called 'Everything Under the Sun'. The box set has more tracks than you can possibly know what to do with and the DVD that comes... |
ChristianityWhy do teens find Chruch Boring?
50 Posts • 21556 Views Religion Forum |
The church I attend is a pretty good mix of neon lights and Bible scripture. We start off with a modern, and surprisingly good, band. Then the pastor talks primarily about applying Christianity to wor... |
Relationships & LoveYour dream girl (or guy)
109 Posts • 31951 Views Psychology Forum |
That's just the physical part
My Dream guy:
a guy who loves music, who has a good singing voice, nice skin, intellectual, respects all women, funny, a guy who's not afraid to communicate... |
What makes you Happy?
13 Posts • 3021 Views Talk Talk |
finding smart, intelligent people makes me happy, along with good conversations and good music. and ironically smoking cigarettes makes me happy, i find it wierd. it makes me feel alive. there's... |
16 Posts • 18744 Views Talk Talk |
Originality IS important to me, the last thing I want is to see someone else with the same tat as me. And I know what you mean about the music idea and stuff too. I've thought about it like that... |
Immortal Technique
13 Posts • 7945 Views Talk Talk |
Kanye is a fucking idiot. His first cd's main point was to try and convince young black teens that college is for suckers. The exact opposite of what a smart black role model would be doing. If J... |
70 Posts • 22667 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Hey anyone like punk music?
Like the Sex Pistols or the Distillers anything like that?
I never thought I would end up liking that sort of stuff but it really grows on you.... My lady loves that... |
 50yrs • F
Rock out with your cock out-Jam out with your clam out!!!! |
Writing AdviceSubmit your song idea!
1 Posts • 2870 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
We want to write songs specifically for you. What does that mean you ask?
Think funny, sad, interesting, serious, annoying, happy, really anything goes. For example, maybe something really crazy ha... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22262 Views Psychology Forum |
Joel's right (although I will admit to singing "Aww skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet!" in my car along to 'Get Low.' Just because I think it's funny...totally vulgar..... |
Relationships & LoveIs there solace in being alone?
8 Posts • 3357 Views Psychology Forum |
I think that this loneliness will be a nice experience if you find a way to live it. Being alone is the hardest thing, you gotta learn to be it. Face your silence and nakedness for a while, cause when... |
 37yrs • F
Enjoy Dancing with Life |
Just some fantasy
4 Posts • 2460 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Seriously though. Im just joking.
And I think that what youve written is actully good. Its better than most R&B. And what's even more impressive... is that you actually wrote it. Most pop... |
Society & SociologyMusic
77 Posts • 22262 Views Psychology Forum |
well, if you can call metal, punk, or techno music, then i don't see why you can't call rap music as well. even though i really don't like most rap, i agree that it is a genre of music.... |
Gender PsychologyNew Songs
17 Posts • 6651 Views Psychology Forum |
I agree. It's hard to imagine that a couple decades ago, complaints were everywhere over songs that would seem like nursery rhymes to some of the, as Cynic-Al posted, the "(c)rap" of to... |
Favroite movie quotes
78 Posts • 22304 Views Talk Talk |
I'm sure there is another thread like this somewhere, deep in the archives of captain cynic, but I'd rather not dig to fiind it. So here, I'll just start a new one. Favorite movie quote... |
The Nirvana Era
0 Posts • 745 Views Philosophy Forum |
Actually my favourite albums were created in the 90's,.Of course most ideas are recycled and packaged as new but every new idea in general is built on someone elses ideas. Everybody is standing o... |
Movie ReviewStardust
0 Posts • 552 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
I don't remember too much of the movie, because it was alll that great, like you said decius. The music and special effects were pretty good though, that much I did enjoy.
I think the only re... |