Religion & HumanityAll Religions are paths to god
99 Posts • 21555 Views Religion Forum |
There are some really fanitical Christian terrorist groups the FBI keeps their eye on. Every religion has their nut cases.
It really comes down to what you believe about your creator. Is your creat... |
God in ReligionThe God Thread
158 Posts • 42143 Views Religion Forum |
THAT IS the point that i was trying to make, well I wouldn't aurge that point because in that we agree. I stopped going myself to a large extent although I did go last Sunday. I had been having s... |
ElectionsIgnorant Voting the Death of Democracy
60 Posts • 15986 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
That's very comforting to hear pat, and your joke was great.
But still, if you are a Bush fan it seems that you might be more concerned with his backround then, and if you are say better infor... |
PhotographyOriginal Photography Post
74 Posts • 30641 Views Art Forum |
Here are some of my own original photographs from my hometown.
My town is a mixture of both heaven and hell. The best of the best, the worst of the worst - you can find it all in Memphis. We live i... |
23 Posts • 26627 Views Philosophy Forum |
So -- are you saying that, if I help someone else because I like the way helping others makes me feel, because making someone else feel good makes me feel good, that I'm doing it for the wrong re... |
Rehab & AddictionAddicted to Drugs in my Teens
5 Posts • 2939 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
who is addicted to sex is driven to feel up by perceiving himself individually free from others and everything
so there is different concept of uplifting when freedom is the exclusive truth of sup... |
DEAD CD'S - What to do with them?
4 Posts • 2805 Views Talk Talk |
Ok folks how many of you have tried to burn a cd and had it fail? I have done quite a few and I am wondering what the heck to do with them......
Lets here some wird and crazy ideas on what we can d... |
Why live if you're just going to die?
74 Posts • 59348 Views Philosophy Forum |
I'll agree, at times, sitting at home, in a pair of sweats, watching a movie, or eating ice cream, rules. It just rules. Or sitting at home, pondering things, being on this board and having a dis... |
Random QuestionsLittle annoying things
42 Posts • 16994 Views Talk Talk |
peo ple who say "waRsh" when they mean "wash" ... seriously... where is the R?
Those are good, lol.
What about the 'hundred year olds' th... |
SocietyWhy Do They Hate Us
53 Posts • 13192 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
This has been very interesting communicating with a few of you in the last few days. I find it, not only an eye opener to the fact that liberals distort the truth for the most part, but also a little... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16818 Views Religion Forum |
ghandi was a racist. and mother thereasa was a crook.
Even if these allegations are true that doesn't make purpose a bad thing. Everyone who has ever or will ever do anything good will have al... |
Kids these days!
29 Posts • 6753 Views Talk Talk |
Alot of us kids are screwd up, i dont know the reason we are screwd up, but i think i turned out kind of ok.I think its because my parents have taken care of me and really loved me, i hope my kids tur... |
2 Posts • 13285 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sometimes, to explain something, you have to create a word, but most of the time you don't. Sometimes those big words explain things better. but it's just bothersome to get that dictionary o... |
SocietyFor Country of for Government?
14 Posts • 3577 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
no. once that man starting violating the good interest of the country. it is fooloish to think that the founding fathers got it right. and even if they did, that was a completly diferent time. the bes... |
EconomyIt's a great day in America!
34 Posts • 9651 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Well I tried to tell all you bleeding heart liberals that you were in the minority but you wouldn't have any of it.
Looks like the American people have spoken HuH?
I wonder if all you backw... |
girl troubles
5 Posts • 2820 Views Talk Talk |
My girl and i are very different, however it is not the matter of music she likes and clothes she wears that really matters to me (in truth i'd like a girl that either dressed like a punk or a go... |
ScriptsTwisted Fairy Tale Script
3 Posts • 10490 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
*devil*Now that is twisted! What on Earth made you want to write such a dark script? I hope I don't sound mean, but as a play, it really needs a lot more work, your scenes are going to be so shor... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40578 Views Religion Forum |
Creation is good
Destruction is badDoes everyone believe this? Is this a frame of reference we all use to determine good and bad. Who defines what creation is and what destruction is? |
Life & DeathMusic theory to life theory
4 Posts • 3713 Views Philosophy Forum |
The tuning of instruments dates back to the greeks. The Pythagoreans came up with a ratio 2:1 the golden ratio. They used it to tune their lyres and harps. There is one problem with this type of "... |
Drugstrips (drugs)
54 Posts • 17735 Views Psychology Forum |
An acid trip in the barracks, some of the guys go out to the local fair. Return with one timer bugged out, freaked on farris wheel, tripping out on ants (stuck on insects). Bummer trip, plug the guy i... |
Michael Moore
14 Posts • 5382 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
i found a pretty good website that picks apart fahrenheit 9/11 in a fairly descent non-bashing mannor. any dolt should be able to see that this movie is highly opinionated. i still dont understand why... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57891 Views Religion Forum |
Why is there good, and why is there evil?
The one great thing I enjoy about Religion, is that religion needs science as much as science needs religion. You have to remember that religion isn't r... |
Human Nature & EmotionHappiness
58 Posts • 13913 Views Philosophy Forum |
Analytical asks: "Can money buy you happiness?"
Of course not.
The ''nice things" of which Joel speaks do not necessarily accompany happiness.
There are ways to acheiv... |
God in ReligionIf there's a god, why is there evil?
222 Posts • 57891 Views Religion Forum |
God created everything - God created evil. To think that God created evil to make us love him is pretty sick. I think if I believed that God was playing some kinda game like that with me, I would hate... |
Religion & HumanityPoints on Religion
75 Posts • 15796 Views Religion Forum |
it is not taught because it is proven...
evolution has so many holes in it.
it is taught because it is science... now before you bash me for saying that, read on.
teaching religion teaches o... |