Nation feels helpless/hopeless
2 Posts • 2714 Views Talk Talk |
Intellectual and MIT professor Noam Chomsky made a reference to a poll of the nations feeling of helplessness that he says shows record high over the past few years.
In an inteview he and Alex Jone... |
God in Religionwhy do you believe in god?
253 Posts • 122955 Views Religion Forum |
As for proving that God exists, I believe that is not impossible, but it is outside of my ability to prove.
I don't think we were meant to know either. Why should you have to know if God exist... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31800 Views Talk Talk |
"Then why go on?" - "same reason as you do, cus i can "
Well let's hold hands and rant some more eh?
"and yet you assume ive been keeping up,"
From the mout... |
I need help making a decision about a relationship
5 Posts • 3672 Views Talk Talk |
Welli it's a long story... thanks to anyone who takes the time to read it.
2 weeks ago me and my girlfriend (leah) were having problems, we have been arguing alot lately, mainly because i can&... |
Religion & HumanityUnhealthy Confrontations
12 Posts • 5898 Views Religion Forum |
Decius wrote:
"3) Logical premises are always in existence, for any abstract concept, no matter how distant or presumptious. All the information necessary to make the most logical conclusion... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44059 Views Philosophy Forum |
I stand corrected for lack of a better word....weakness is the lack of understanding though...:)......
and ekimup...justification is not needed!...why do you need to explain yourself, so that you c... |
124 Posts • 33710 Views Talk Talk |
The problem with you Americans is you have to be different to the rest of the world. Even with the way you measure the temperature. :P ;)
Just out of interest, here is a converter of what things a... |
ConsciousnessThe prince
7 Posts • 5661 Views Philosophy Forum |
*yuck*The Journal of Forth Horseman by Zach
Taking claim and giving acclaim. The soul will need universal claim to kingship to receive due honor and reputation that is relative of sense implications... |
124 Posts • 33710 Views Talk Talk |
Things always seem to change over time, friends, perspectives, the sound of the heater on my car as I keep putting off fixing the blower, a host of things. One of these things that has changed has bee... |
30 Posts • 9562 Views Talk Talk |
Decius, I think that evolution and degrees of pain, if true would only be applicable to emotional pain, because it is so obvious that animals feel pain, they react not one bit differently than we do,... |
Science vs ReligionScience: The One True Religion
27 Posts • 7259 Views Religion Forum |
If religions seek God, and the truth is God, then, to me, the process of knowing God is through understanding.'
Both religion and science aim to gather more understanding. Whilst religion is m... |
Religion & HumanityReligion fear tactics
30 Posts • 7308 Views Religion Forum |
well if i had cancer. and didnt know, i would fear someone telling me. it would scare me. but it was necessary. and ultimately helped me.
Your analogy does not fit.
It assumes that religions kno... |
ChristianityCellphone VS Bible
41 Posts • 13761 Views Religion Forum |
Questioning the usefulness of a bible is different than questioning the existance of a creative force often labled as god.
And arguing with a person who has decided to believe something instead of... |
ElectionsReasons Why Hillary Clinton Will Not Be The Democratic Nominee for President
1 Posts • 2160 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
When Bill Clinton came to Microsoft to give a speech, he was received warmly by a crowd who were impressed by his wisdom and his view of a better, more helpful and compassionate world. People naturall... |
15 Posts • 4665 Views Talk Talk |
I get all kinds of spam. People I don't even know want to give me millions of dollars just because they heard I could be trusted *roll*
This one is a classic I just thought I would share:... |
I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8234 Views Talk Talk |
I understand what you're saying about thinking "me me me" all the time. I know that I'm not the center of the universe, and I don't expect to be either. I'm just not trea... |
Self-centered or introspective?
28 Posts • 16570 Views Philosophy Forum |
"I can talk to any adult for hours, and pray to one day find some people my age to actually hold good and meaningful discussions with."
Don't stress, go with what works, you'll... |
General HealthWhy I Love Green Tea
0 Posts • 2209 Views Health & Wellness Forum |
Ok, after some more digging I feel a bit more confident in where this is going.
Free radical research is both inconclusive and contradictory in its findings. It is a theory not a fact born in the f... |
Religion & HumanityThe True Religion?
96 Posts • 29261 Views Religion Forum |
Amen, Dreamer.
Truth to many people is relative. But The Truth to the universe is stable, stationary, constant.
Religion is aside from the truth almost. The churches today believe in the bible, bu... |
War & TerrorismThe Iran War
23 Posts • 8179 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Watched c-span today as they debated & voted? Well the voting part must have been electronic or prerecorded with the individual votes deleted because the vote was called for then a cry of ya/na he... |
Human Nature & EmotionArtificial Intelligence
15 Posts • 4623 Views Philosophy Forum |
the human brain is basically just a complex computer. how do we know that real "feeling" isn't experienced in some sense by all ordered systems(ie things that have a purpose that they &... |
SocietyIf You Haven't Realized how Corrupt Politics can be..
3 Posts • 2136 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Take a look at all the good in the world, that you can see. Now multiply that by 100,000,000 times the biggest number you can think of. That's almost part of some of a little bit of a morsel of a... |
ChristianityThe fraud of Christianity
102 Posts • 24280 Views Religion Forum |
the reason i beileve in christianity is not only because the bible says so but im a penecostal and we believe that speaking in other tounges is proof that god exist.
How many people that claim to... |
124 Posts • 33710 Views Talk Talk |
I have an intense dislike for Tim Burton films. Especially when they have Johnny Depp in them. Which feels like 95% of the time.
And movies in general that have the same fucking plotlines over and... |
Random QuestionsWhat job Do You have
27 Posts • 7008 Views Talk Talk |
One, what's with the name? Greed?
Im curious as to your beliefs about the validity of the wars your excited to join. Kind of a political question.
Do you feel you are defending t... |