Last Concert You Went To
15 Posts • 4232 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
Green Day - Sept. 19, 2005
it was the second time seeing them this year. i was pretty far back this time, not in the pit like before. in some ways it was nice cuz i could see the band the whole tim... |
SocietyAtlas Shrugged a Cynical Review
28 Posts • 9373 Views Philosophy Forum |
Sadly the question of slavery is not Smith's best recommendation for adoption as an economic system.
He does not speak out against it as such; not in a legal sense at all, except to... |
War & TerrorismIraq buildings NOT burning.
42 Posts • 12128 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
patri, just from me to you, I served is Nam. I had friends die in Nam, I had more friends die after Nam as the results of the chemical weapons & contaminated medical suppllies (blood, unsterile sy... |
independent films
4 Posts • 3814 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
anybody ever watch ifc or the sundance channels of you have digital or sattelite or something? ive been watching them a lot for about two years, and some of these movies are better than most mainstrea... |
Child & Family PsychologyDenial
32 Posts • 12236 Views Psychology Forum |
But the way I see it, that sentence isn't about avoiding responsibility. Yes, everyone is responsible for their actions, but I think it means you can always seek some kind of understanding as to... |
Taste in Movies
14 Posts • 3598 Views Talk Talk |
I think it depends on the type of rehashed dogshit we're talking about. I wouldn't begrudge anyone a film of the genre a friend of mine calls "action porn". Sometimes a favourite f... |
SocietyReform or Revolution?
10 Posts • 3685 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"Reform or Revolution? "
howabout evolution? many people are happy with the way their govornments are working, or they wouldnt of continued on the paths they have for so long, so those no... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
The sky is falling! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
After Bush destroys the clean water I have it on good information that he plans to blow up the moon. Its been reported that he is convinced that the man on... |
God in ReligionDoes GOD Not Existed?
171 Posts • 42413 Views Religion Forum |
that's a good point...
my answer is...> u say there are lots of people around the world dying because of AIDS...or war..or there are lots of inoccent children in hospitals thar are going to d... |
There will never be a timemachine.
32 Posts • 9070 Views Philosophy Forum |
^^ahhh true....but like you said, 'too much of One thing is never good'...Why go over the limit? then you would start the wheel all over again, the perfect movement can only be stopping beca... |
DreamsDream Interpretation Thread
76 Posts • 25005 Views Psychology Forum |
i'm not sure if its a good thing or not
i tend to remember some of my dreams
but if i'm scared in a dream when i wake up i can never remember why
i think it has some thing to do with how... |
Opposite of time...
3 Posts • 7086 Views Philosophy Forum |
I salute you all... i am new on this site... i had no time to read all of ur posts, but i will soon, they are very interesting, and i love interesting things, i also like to philosophize and for the f... |
ChristianityCatholics vs Christians
158 Posts • 58960 Views Religion Forum |
Well they believe those gods as are real as your God.
If God is false, would you be worshipping idols?
Let me make this less complicated. The question was in regards to Catholics worshipping idol... |
Shadow of the Colossus
2 Posts • 3171 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
also known is NICO, also considered ICO2. one of the more original games out there right now. i played ICO long ago, it was a very strange yet beautiful game. this one can be called the same, but i am... |
7 Posts • 3006 Views Talk Talk |
Not specifically moving objects with the mind, but in a more general sense of the word Telekinesis - influencing physical matter with brain waves.
Is this possible? Has it been documented? Either b... |
RelationshipsSoul Mate?
30 Posts • 9806 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
After a long marriage to a wonderful guy, and now 5 years with another guy I feel so deeply connected to in every way , I honestly believe that true soul mates are a huge rarity and if you search endl... |
Emotions & FeelingsEmotional Spreading
98 Posts • 20496 Views Psychology Forum |
the more i ponder this the more perplexing it is to me. all things considered, ive gone through my life as a pretty happy fellow. i make solid attempts to perpetuate my good attitude among people i en... |
I Need Advice On How To Deal With Insulters
2 Posts • 2139 Views Talk Talk |
There is another forum (a non-Captain Cynic one) that I visit as often as I visit here. I won't mention where this forum is, in case this gets deleted.
Everybody who regularly posts on the se... |
Habits & BehaviorRandom Hatred
77 Posts • 16740 Views Psychology Forum |
Im unsure what subject Attolia meant specifically about the medias short attention span- but it seems like every month their is not only a new accessory for the stars there a new "issue" wit... |
War & TerrorismExcerp: Truth of War
124 Posts • 34072 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
"it's a judgment of our commander in Afghanistan, General Eikenberry, that in fact the violence that we saw in Jalalabad was not necessarily the result of the allegations about disrespect fo... |
atmosphere - say hey there
6 Posts • 2183 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Yea "fuck you lucy" is such a good song..
Do I sound mad? Well I guess I'm a little pissed
Every action has a point, five points make a fist
You close 'em, you swing 'e... |
PoetryPoetry from kids
2 Posts • 2968 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
My son wrote some poetry for the Young Authors and I thought I would share some of them with all of you though he didn't win anything for them. He is an 8 yr. old 2nd grader.
Wild Tigers
Wi... |
God in Religionwas GOD bored?
14 Posts • 4839 Views Religion Forum |
Recently (over a year ago), I joined the Unitarian Church but I'm not real happy with it. I don't know if they are unitarian, but I know some bahi's, whom give it good report?
It'... |
Atheism & AgnosticismThe last leg for Atheism
185 Posts • 40575 Views Religion Forum |
Some view life as pain and suffering and wish nothing more but to end it.
They would intentionally kill all life for its own well being.
To them killing is a beautiful and very right thing.
I t... |
GodQuestioning God's Existence
98 Posts • 24608 Views Philosophy Forum |
You guys are talking about beliefs and ideas but why do you guys believe what you believe. Is it because you were put in that situation from birth. Every person you have ever met has influenced every... |