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Tagged > Geological wonders
THREAD ChristianityTruth about 666, the beast and seal of the beast
117 Posts • 24736 Views
Religion Forum
Holy convienient contrivences batman...! Well I guess that settles it... You have no VISIBLE mark to show us.. Your whole World of Beast is a Fantasy World... Since all of your battles take p...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13387 Views
Religion Forum
Debatable yes. Not highly debatable. It is approximately 65 million years that seperate us from dinosaurs (at least estimate). Our current species only came into existence approximately 15,000 years a...
THREAD God in ReligionProve the existence of god
52 Posts • 12985 Views
Religion Forum
Well being a very devout catholic i know where you're coming from when you say that all religions say everyone else is wrong. Although devout I don't believe that. I believe that bits and pi...
THREAD ChristianityAdam...?
43 Posts • 11237 Views
Religion Forum
Many ppl in the west up until a few hundred years ago believed that the earth was only 4000 years old and that all life forms that exist today were created fully developed, then scientist discovered g...
THREAD IslamDefending Muhammed
62 Posts • 16007 Views
Religion Forum
Most islamic clerics are denouncing the violence over the cartoons, I found that to be a good sign - but now thier is one who offers a million for the head of the cartoonist - well now, that is dissap...
THREAD PoetryMy poem
14 Posts • 3595 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
how could they not care life so sweet so short to see a spirit shrivel in the darkness to cringe away from those who pity to hold your pride and dignity close for no others to shred in anger or...
THREAD Poetry~Scene Beyond My Six-Dollar Lattee~
3 Posts • 2900 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Musicians play for trumpet case loot, and their tunes circle Pioneer Square as steps to an underground town are buffed by the modern dance of a headstrong troupe. Rain doesn't slow the cel...
THREAD BooksLove in the Time of Cholera
2 Posts • 3009 Views
Talk Talk
I really enjoyed reading this book and have read it several times over. In fact, I need to go ahead and re-read it. There is another book by the same author called 100 Years of Solitude. These boo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionScience gives proof of God.
19 Posts • 6827 Views
Religion Forum
NATuralMan We know for a fact that many species have died out over the eaons in different periods, and that some are indeed quite "new", in geological terms. This would mean that &quo...
THREAD Science vs ReligionCreation or Evolution?
67 Posts • 19114 Views
Religion Forum
Ethereal- if you want the evidence straight up, you will need to first learn the basics of evolution and secondly- understand it. If you never have learnt the basics of evolution, go read a book from...
THREAD Tiny refugee
2 Posts • 2654 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Alone a child refugee walks through barren land His sole-worn feet strolling around a desert of sand. Where the mist breathes the smoke of war His lonely sole can bare no more. Alone he walks ca...
THREAD God in ReligionCan someone disprove this logic?
101 Posts • 19643 Views
Religion Forum
Have you ever watched a horror film when you were a small child? The films channels your thought to go into unkowns...places which are dark. The child born into Christstianity says God will be b...
THREAD evolutýon????
83 Posts • 20549 Views
Philosophy Forum
There is massive understanding on the origin of life. If you want the evidence straight up, you will need to first learn the basics of evolution and secondly- understand it. If you never have learn...
THREAD Quick question for everybody
6 Posts • 2399 Views
Talk Talk
God should be packaged in a glass container. Everybody wonders if He is real, and if he is, where is He at? If the containers were totally transparent that He is dwelling in, then we would be able yo...
THREAD Biotechnology Activists: ias in activism and forum
15 Posts • 5185 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Science and its wonders are not inherently good or bad. Is a nuke good or a bad? A genetically modified tomato? Soap? In the same way, nature isn't good or bad it just is. Go on believing that...
THREAD God in ReligionWake up and discover that God never existed
48 Posts • 13387 Views
Religion Forum
Damn! again i got logged out before I finished. I wonder whether a point in time existed when men started to become less the hunted and more the hunter. I will be juggling around history here, plac...
THREAD ChristianityChristian Q&A
0 Posts • 3762 Views
Religion Forum
1.How can one thing truly be identical if it is all three things, but those three things cannot be each other? If they are all God, then the father, the son, and the holy spirit would have to be ident...
THREAD Science vs ReligionEvolution of God
43 Posts • 12269 Views
Religion Forum
A non believer would take it as silly - no offense taken. I think it very interesting how so many religions are so much the same, and maybe are the same, with just a different look and background....
THREAD AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85909 Views
Science & Technology Forum
26 March 2013 Waterfalls, Auroras, Comet: Iceland Image Credit & Copyright: Stephane Vetter (Nuits sacrees) If not distracted by the picturesque landscape, waterfalls, stars, and auroras, yo...
THREAD Physics & CosmologyComparison: Universe>Cell
5 Posts • 3187 Views
Science & Technology Forum
Right on! First post. I'll get to the point. I recently watched a pretty interesting video on the universe that raise a pretty profound question in my head. The video was about the big bang an...
THREAD ChristianityHands up if you're a Christian
54 Posts • 12249 Views
Religion Forum
"Yes, do you? See how you can even laugh at that, yet I know it apply's to me, you are understanding it but think it does not apply to you, right?" I have no idea what you are trying...
THREAD Intelligence, Memory & BrainCropping and Selection…
1 Posts • 1982 Views
Psychology Forum
One may crop things like sound and vision, and other moments make selections in regard to editing experience… The selections may bring things together as well as add to experience… C...
THREAD Why do we search when no answers are given?
16 Posts • 5411 Views
Philosophy Forum
One of the unfortunate things is that life isn't like one of those huge epics where there's a particular wiseman with a long white beard who has the answer to EVERY question you could ask. W...
THREAD Sociological Conundrum
0 Posts • 1956 Views
Philosophy Forum
Wow, firstly, I'd thanks the powers that be for the fact that I've been designing post apocalyptic technologies since I was in high school. Secondly, I'd thank the powers again that...
1 Posts • 2237 Views
Stories & Poetry Forum
Stony, stony crack in the wall You know your headed, headed for a fall Man runnin' No end in sight The boss screams “Take off tonight” Makes his way through the cloudy streets Wou...
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