Human Nature & EmotionMy Happiness Equilibrium Theory..What Do You Guys
22 Posts • 12040 Views Philosophy Forum |
I mean, not a life without sad or anger or "bad feelings", but that you can say:
Best Friend=Nightmare
31 Posts • 8842 Views Talk Talk |
lookim the same age as you and i know that chicks can be weird. but i do drama and well have for the past three years and we arnt weird. she sounds as thogh she is just insecure and that she is a cool... |
Habits & BehaviorCodependency Rocks...
2 Posts • 3170 Views Psychology Forum |
:p My first post here - so Hi y'all.
Codependency is one of the subjects that I see myself as an expert at.
Feelings come into the person, then emotions come out.
And everybody ever on t... |
Please someone tell me I'm wrong?!
7 Posts • 2201 Views Talk Talk |
OK. Its been OVER a month since she dumped me... Her reason was "I don't love you like that anymore..." WTF KIND OF REASON IS THAT?!?! Am I the only person who doesn't believe her!... |
Intimacypain and the first time
28 Posts • 8855 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
I hate to sound like a prude - but here is a fine example of why love is important.
If its going to hurt for her on that first time - well then - she better love the guy, otherwise, there is nothin... |
Video GamesDecius and his Wii
0 Posts • 935 Views Talk Talk |
I wanted to make this picture almost immediately after seeing Decius, but I just now got around to doing it. I related to the picture so much at the time, recreating it brought back all of those feeli... |
Relationships & LoveSimple Question
10 Posts • 2643 Views Psychology Forum |
I feel like my answer is relevant enough so sorry if it's not a direct answer to your question.
I think the quote you presented is more of an approach to relationships. In the sense that if in... |
Blah, Blog, Blohhhhh!, = healing
1 Posts • 1806 Views Talk Talk |
You know with all this technology and more avenues to express personal opinion, of only the fortunate whom have access, it seems rather silly that the focus of the connected at places like YouTube, co... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThought and Reality
26 Posts • 7613 Views Philosophy Forum |
i believe that... we can brainwash ourselves about a certain subject.. to a point that we aren't living the way we were destined to. which would lead to questions of reality. are we real? or were... |
Emotions & FeelingsGUILT - is it a correct emotion?
9 Posts • 4982 Views Psychology Forum |
I mean if you never feel guilt your probably a sociopath. Would it be good to be a sociopath? It would probably be pretty empty to not feel remorse or to have no morals
Or, if... |
I still need help I may have post this up be4...
1 Posts • 2714 Views Talk Talk |
Hey there ya'll I need some help here if I have post this up before I am sorry but, I need some more advice I don't know what to do still... I just met this guy in November then all of a sud... |
God in Religionwhich God do i follow?
31 Posts • 10018 Views Religion Forum |
Never act on a feeling. Feelings are unstable and change from day to day, you must test things for yourself. Actively search for the true God and you will find Him with no mistake. But be warned the l... |
Habits & Behaviorbottled up
11 Posts • 3260 Views Psychology Forum |
I used to be like that a lot when I was little, but I didn't really have a choice in the matter. About 6-10 years later, now that I'm out on my own, I've finally be able to introduce my... |
Right or wrong....
300 Posts • 59342 Views Philosophy Forum |
If you had feelings for other people then you would not want them to feel bad also, or do you think you are so unique that it would only make you feel bad and therefore other people should experience... |
Intelligence, Memory & BrainWhat is effective communication?
18 Posts • 8400 Views Psychology Forum |
From witnessing certain topics being handled and discussed on the forum, and of course through my own experiences with trying to discuss topics with certain people on CC and in my own life, it is inte... |
Religion & Humanityreligion in schools
9 Posts • 3688 Views Religion Forum |
Hmm . . . mixed feelings ?
Consensus, note said statements first then at some time after having logged these incidents, like on a weekend when you are not in your normal student mode look through the... |
After effects of Grieving
4 Posts • 3149 Views Talk Talk |
i belive that everything that happens in life effects or scars you in some way...for me, i have to not worry about and allow my scars to make me stronger,to teach me something,allways allow yourself t... |
What's wrong with the world? How do we change
93 Posts • 44055 Views Philosophy Forum |
only the insane can reach enlightenment, the sane will always say it's impossible. Do not try to pry into every concept for too long such as honor because just like everything else you will find... |
Video GamesLeague of Legends
0 Posts • 234 Views Talk Talk |
Now, I respect your attempt here at trying to make a friend, its commendable, and I empathize with any fear you MAY feel while expressing your desires, and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings wi... |
Seeking Advice About an Online Friend
7 Posts • 2828 Views Talk Talk |
I would say she does not look at me as "just some online girl"... I mean, she is a fantastic knitter and she even made me something and mailed it to me. And I know she is always there to hel... |
What I'll Never Be
63 Posts • 16273 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
It's not that good but i think its so-so
What I'll Never Be
I'll never completely show my intellect.
I'll never acknowledge what i project
Never stand for what i am
Never ap... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27336 Views Philosophy Forum |
otherwise i do not care if i hurt their feelings
I seriously doubt you would follow this philosophy if it were someone your trying to impress, like for instance your boss, bitches or even police... |
11 Posts • 5844 Views Talk Talk |
Welcome Kind_Heart!
I'll try to answer some of your questions honestly. Bear with me though.... I tend to ramble. :D
First off.... I totally know how you feel. I first had sex the summer... |
Religion & HumanityWhy I don't preach anymore
28 Posts • 7481 Views Religion Forum |
you can give advice even lead them to their feelings but you cant know what they feel it lies within thmself you cant learn every little thing about a person so you shouldnt judge them..
dont ever... |
Human Nature & EmotionThe greatest emotion of all
37 Posts • 9672 Views Philosophy Forum |
Its so unreasonable to proclaim one emotion as a basis for all others, because emotions play off of other emotions. Take into account that there are millions of feelings one can observe. If you try to... |