This sounds like a debate for... Super Hero Mania
161 Posts • 41097 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
got to see this during Smallville earlier. it barely shows anything. i hope the whole movie isnt that dark. it does look cool though, more edgy than the old superman... which is good and bad. |
Poetry*Smiles with in Solitude*
202 Posts • 49735 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Sitting here in an empty chair
sitting in deathly silent air
falling for the pictures made up by my mind
of horrid situations that ever slowly grind
upon my resolve, as I read the black text
I ca... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
15 October 2012
Black Sun and Inverted Starfield
Image Credit & Copyright: Jim Lafferty
Does this strange dark ball look somehow familiar? If so, that might be because it is our Sun. In the... |
PoetrySlit Throat Peace
4 Posts • 4958 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
(I just want to add this because I'm new to the forum and not sure how it will be received. This poem is rated M on my writing site and is classified as horror. It's dark. End PSA.)
Today... |
Mental IllnessEminem Schizophrenic or Bi-Polar or both
7 Posts • 30065 Views Psychology Forum |
I'm a pretty big Eminem listener. I got Relapse the day it came out, it is really dark. This song is a solid example of just how dark the album is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =v3hJqsgjtII. Howe... |
Iron Maiden
6 Posts • 2461 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I would love to be in that last concert (fear of the dark) especially when the crowd sings and claps (in the second minute.)
Iron maiden is an instrument of torture. Pretty name. |
Random PicturesRandom picture thread.
1169 Posts • 301039 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
lol, Emrald, my computers really dark and it kinda makes your dog look like a skunk :D I would imagine it\'s very cute though. What kind is it?
I have a golden retriever. Here's a picture... |
FuturologyThe next stage of Evolution?
36 Posts • 13279 Views Philosophy Forum |
Well humans aren't going to evolve physically anymore because animals evolve to better suit themselves to their environment. We change our environment.
That being said in order to alter our en... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
28 November 2012
Jupiter and Io
Image Credit & Copyright: Alessandro Bianconi
On December 3 (UT), Jupiter, the solar system's largest planet, will be at opposition, opposite the Sun in... |
Physics & CosmologyOrigin of space
12 Posts • 7523 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well this is it, you can make a measure of matter and the effects of forces but how do you make a measure of nothingness which in itself seems to dwarf infinity, light cant escape from a black hole ne... |
About You / IntroductionsWhat's In Your Name?
92 Posts • 27085 Views Talk Talk |
Like Dugbug, Evilia is one of my Everquest characters names. My Dark Elf cleric. I also have Shenai (Barbarian Warrior) BTW I no longer play. BOY do I miss that game. ;) |
Movie Trailers & ClipsMovie Trailers
41 Posts • 13600 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
shes confident and girlie. dont really know enough about her to call her slutty, she was married to that dude from Dark Angel for a short time, that was pretty dumb *lol* |
FuturologyWhat do you think the Future will be like?
43 Posts • 16790 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Actually, recent studies have shown that the universe is not going to collapse upon itself. Instead, being driven by dark energy it will continue to expand at an ever increasing rate, becoming much da... |
Random QuestionsImportant Physical Feature In A Mate
15 Posts • 4771 Views Talk Talk |
personality and attitude. aptitude too, they must know how to work people like they are putty in their hands... AND they must be dark, moody and beautiful; the list goes on but fat, ugly, aggressive a... |
Binary Reasoning
8 Posts • 5320 Views Philosophy Forum |
a dark gray is 75% black. binary logic serves a very good purpose, but relying on it exclusively for life hinders you from things in the long run. |
DreamsImagination/Dream theory
14 Posts • 7767 Views Psychology Forum |
Imagination plays a large role in my life, I am like the Tiger Woods of daydreams. Imagination to me is much more about ideas although I consider myself a very visual person. Imagination takes me to m... |
Dark Tranquility
1 Posts • 2116 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
Speed metal at its finest. Listening to this on a computer sucks, unless you have a wicked sound system.
1. Lost to Apathy
2. Monochromatic Stains
3. There In |
Rant OnPeople! BAH! Humans suck!
5 Posts • 6243 Views Talk Talk |
You are truly right my friend... I agree with you 100%. But I am happy to see that there is yet hope for humans, because, people like you are finaly coming out and trying to fix things, although it... |
29 Posts • 8390 Views Talk Talk |
Tempest on the Atari rocks. Dark Wizard on the SegaCD is my all time fav... i know ive posted that somewhere on here before.... oh, and of course there is Pong, who doesnt love that game? hehe
PS -... |
Alternative BeliefsWhat do you believe?
67 Posts • 16812 Views Religion Forum |
I belive in the prime 4 elements of earth wind water and fire along with their subsections ice electricy metal and wood along with life death light and dark. I am also an aethist. |
35 Posts • 25162 Views Sexuality & Intimacy Forum |
Poor you...If my memory serves me correctly, the last sex thread came back to you...as well?...
Ummmmm mmm...
I have LOTS of fantasies...have even written some...BUT...th... |
Why Teachers Go Crazy!
22 Posts • 6879 Views Jokes & Games |
SILVIA: Dad, can you write in the dark?
FATHER: I think so. What do you want me to write?
SYLVIA: Your name on this report card. |
No Pets Allowed!
1 Posts • 3718 Views Jokes & Games |
Two buddies were out for a Saturday stroll. One had a Doberman and the other had a Chihuahua. As they sauntered down the street, the guy with the Doberman said to his friend, "Let's go over... |
Physics & CosmologySomething out of nothing
40 Posts • 8909 Views Science & Technology Forum |
But where does anti-matter and dark matter fit in to all this?
I'm asking cturtle because you obviously have some interest and knowledge in all this particle physics stuff. |
Pictures of Our Pets
14 Posts • 5417 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
That's not really what I meant. I know It's a Sugar Glider but I've never heard of that before. I meant is like a ... rodent of some sort? Like I said My computer screen is too dark. So... |