15 Posts • 8138 Views Talk Talk |
1. Dark Wizard
2. Zelda
3. Final Fantasy
4. Pong
5. Mortal Kombat
6. Pitfall
7. Mario
8. Sonic the Hedgehog
9. Rainbow Six
10. Age of Empires
guess i sorta cheated... clumping all the grea... |
Physics & CosmologyLunacy & Science
17 Posts • 7448 Views Science & Technology Forum |
I noted that there has been no responce but I also noted that there were a few views so I will try to remember what I started the thread & try to continue, may be some will find it useful?
In gen... |
Pictures of Ourselves
281 Posts • 71088 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
did you actually stay at that hotel? i stayed there a few years ago. it was decent, not five star by any means though.
oh yea, and i was just there a few weeks ago. hard to tell since its dark, bu... |
Reality & MetaphysicsDoes Time Even Exist?
85 Posts • 29884 Views Philosophy Forum |
Eh, a new beginning . . . Will they ever learn?
*clown* As the universe spin on into the dark deep of the void. Flowing energies exchanged & light (life) flickers briefly then the light dies ou... |
Online Gaming.....
18 Posts • 7379 Views Talk Talk |
I play Trystell Dark Ages at www.tabcreations.com also
play Imperial Conflict, they are both free online games I play when I am at work with nothing to do. |
3 Posts • 2950 Views Philosophy Forum |
God to me...is the nothingness that's reality....the light, the dark, the intangible sources of nature....the creative spirit... the curious mind......gravity....space...T ime...Love...Silence...... |
Religion & HumanityBah'ai the religion
11 Posts • 4123 Views Religion Forum |
well we celebrate everyone and all religions also here are a few websites to give more info they will tell much much more sorry for leaving you in the dark.
www. us.bahai.org/
ww... |
Heaven's soldier
7 Posts • 2671 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
Hey guys,
I'm not writing a story or a book but this is just a little something I put together when i was bored. Lemme know if you like it or not. All criticisms are appreciated.
As the da... |
15 Posts • 8138 Views Talk Talk |
Red faction
Mechwarrior 3
Mechwarrior 4
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy
Command & Conquer
Midnigt Club 2
Legend of the Dragoon
Fallout tactics
Dark reign 2 |
And The Story Goes On......
56 Posts • 12013 Views Talk Talk |
Once apon a time there lived a grumpy old gnome, his name was Fred Al Gor. He liked the simple life, Farming his potaoes and fisshing in the creek. His home was hollowed out stump with a great browm m... |
PoetryDust in the Wind
41 Posts • 13284 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
You are the one
Who is always there.
My rescuer from the dark
That tangles and ensnares.
You are who's hand I grasp
To pull me from my dreams.
Into the reality
Of your lov... |
Serenity of a New World
6 Posts • 2416 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
I'm glad you saw it that way. A lot of my writings (which i don't post) tend to be very dark. So I really wanted to trymy hand at creating a place of peace. The more I wrote it, the more I r... |
42 Posts • 10541 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
if one is happy
then who is sad
if there is light
were is the dark
if you can see the sun
then were is the moon
if i am here.....
.....then were are you?
loved by many
loves but one
just o... |
ChristianityExcerp: America is not a Christian Nation
155 Posts • 43970 Views Religion Forum |
Im being absurd? We are talking about the present not ancient history. So you completely misunderstood his accusation and twisted my response.
Furthermore, it is not absurd to hold the belief that... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
22 December 2012
Saturn at Night
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Space Science Institute, Cassini Imaging Team
Splendors seldom seen are revealed in this glorious picture from Saturn's sha... |
God in ReligionThe Problem of Evil
202 Posts • 41983 Views Religion Forum |
it replaced a " :" that was next to a capital "P" : P :P
evil is the lack thereof when referring to god.
How is evil a result of free will?
evil is allowed... made possible... |
6 Posts • 4921 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
im not a fan of tactics, never really got that far into it tho. FF7 is awesome... also check out the umm well i forget its official title but its got three of the old FF games combined into one on the... |
PoetryMy poem
14 Posts • 3592 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
opposite am i
to favor the dark
not being watched
in suns bright light
brings my paranoia to a new height
sunlight is gods spotlight
raised to fear
the one you should love
raised to believe... |
Video Games
76 Posts • 25211 Views Talk Talk |
dark cloud 2 made up for one. and i always feel like im inside of the ff worlds, and part of that reason is the battles, and hey youve never finished a final fantasy! like i said, you prbably see the... |
Unchained Melodies
24 Posts • 6372 Views Photos, Videos & Music Forum |
I live in world in which how white the teeth in your mouth are, is more importance than the words that come out of it.
I have LONG had a problem with this fixation on beauty over brains.
I have... |
For a Million $, Would You...
48 Posts • 11701 Views Psychology Forum |
ok.....heres the thing...this is an imagined scenario...the whole killing some one for millions right....well,i can see myself doing it in my head, but, if it were real i don't really know that i... |
AstronomyAstronomy Picture Of The Day
216 Posts • 85854 Views Science & Technology Forum |
2 December 2012
The Gegenschein Over Chile
Image Credit & Copyright: Yuri Beletsky (ESO)
Is the night sky darkest in the direction opposite the Sun? No. In fact, a rarely discernable faint g... |
Worst executed critical lines in a movie
0 Posts • 1570 Views Movie/TV Reviews |
He knew only that the Chancellor promised to help him. That line is the last line prior to his fall when he reaffirms that Darth Sidious will help him. After this is learned he then makes his fall com... |
Religion & HumanityReligion's Purpose?
16 Posts • 8930 Views Religion Forum |
Religion has been around waaay before the Dark ages.
However, yes, religion is an exellent way of providing moral justification (for just about anything from aggression, human sacrifice or benevolenc... |
Alternative Beliefsreal or just a myth?
57 Posts • 18618 Views Religion Forum |
Hey maybe the aliens are here allready and actually they are Vampires! That has got to be it- that makes a lot of sense it is always dark in space right?
One thing though aliens coming to earth cou... |