I'm Stuck In a Rut, and I Can't Move On...
23 Posts • 8237 Views Talk Talk |
Thank you for all the advise, and I understand what you're saying. I know that I shouldn't value myself according to other people's opinions. I usually am my own person, sometimes when... |
Reality & Metaphysics'reality'
100 Posts • 23036 Views Philosophy Forum |
I think it depends on the religion. What some religions see as human forgivable mistakes, others see as sin. And this whole thing goes back to the existence of God. What is sin? Is t something that Go... |
People hate vegetarians
104 Posts • 31810 Views Talk Talk |
"deal with it in a consistent"
why not deal with every case seperatly and treat evrybody as if they are different, and therefore deserve a separate treatmen?t because their motives might... |
99 Posts • 21720 Views Philosophy Forum |
Right, and you don't find it "rediculous" that you just keep posting and posting to continue adding onto a defense that was weak to begin with?
I don't need to know you, all I n... |
Ethics & MoralityWar - What The Hell Is It Good For
164 Posts • 32946 Views Philosophy Forum |
"but none of their mistreatments was ordered by Bush - it was done by morally imperfect soldiers."
This is not something we can know, for a few reasons, one, how soldiers are trained affe... |
Society & Sociologyreality!!
22 Posts • 6964 Views Psychology Forum |
I don't enjoy watching tv. I just find real life more interesting. Everytime i watch tv i always ask why am i watching someone else's life when i have my own life to play with. For example w... |
Gender PsychologyNew Songs
17 Posts • 6654 Views Psychology Forum |
Much music are you talking about the channel? I used to have it and it was pretty sweet, they had one show called electric circus i think that showed different raves or something, dont remember it was... |
Balding Sucks!
2 Posts • 3602 Views Talk Talk |
I'm 20 years old and I'm balding. Life is unfair. I feel over the hill. I know I shouldn't let this get to me and that I should just roll with the punches but man! This hurdle was set t... |
Physics & CosmologyFrontiers of Quantum Mechanics
10 Posts • 6596 Views Science & Technology Forum |
Well, there is a new thing being discovered as we speak called a quantum computer. Conventional computers use silicon and electricity to make on/off (1/0) switches also known as bits. These quantum co... |
Life & DeathWhat does our existence in life mean?
20 Posts • 9200 Views Philosophy Forum |
"If we all are so bad people, why do we exist?"
The fact that people are bad has nothing to do with our existence. We simply exist and some people are bad.
I could be wrong, but you s... |
Reality & MetaphysicsThe Matrix Is Real
123 Posts • 36763 Views Philosophy Forum |
what makes you think i havent thought of that. you peoples problem is that you asume the people you are talking to are not as intelligent as you. you go in to these discusions under the influence your... |
Society & SociologyPeople
46 Posts • 15158 Views Psychology Forum |
people who blame their failures on their parents ,or anyone they can just so they don't have to deal with their own mistakes.also people who sit back and bitch and moan about how fucked up every... |
ConspiracyConspiracy Confessions
29 Posts • 11229 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
JFK Secret Society Speech
Listen to this incredible audio recording of a speech made by JFK before the American Newspaper Publishers Association where he warns the press about the secret societies... |
Society & SociologyOld People
10 Posts • 4335 Views Psychology Forum |
So then is it possible the elderly pedestrians are pushing their luck trying to commit suicide by walking slowly tempting people to run them down- that would make sense to me.
Also though people ge... |
War & TerrorismA Conservative Reviews "Fahrenheit 9/11"
30 Posts • 8570 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Saddam needed to be ousted even without a coalition of 60 countries. I thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people will justify lies?
Look in a historical perspective at Nazi Germany.
Seeing... |
SocietyHorrible Things Happen, and I must be Okay with it.
0 Posts • 555 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
some people think that terrible things happen and i cant do anything about it cause im just one person. and others think this is horrible im going to do something about this.
it sucks to hear people... |
PoetryPlease check my poems out
1 Posts • 2789 Views Stories & Poetry Forum |
i just want someone to rate these. these arent my best but just some of my poems that i wrote and posted at the evil myspace
i like haikus
but others can suffice
outbreak :title
outbreak on... |
God in Religionlife, Gods doing?
8 Posts • 3035 Views Religion Forum |
Youre actually quite lucky Mugen. I was full of the same inquisitiveness and musings as you when I was 18. But there was no great repository of knowledge all in one place known as the internet back th... |
Society & SociologyNot all Muslims are terrorists,so end your hatred!
68 Posts • 35956 Views Psychology Forum |
People judge people based on the group they are in. It's the way of the world unfortunately. Muslims will be disliked for 9/11 regardless of weather or not they support it. Just like Americans ar... |
Ethics & MoralityInherently Good or Evil?
15 Posts • 12932 Views Philosophy Forum |
rschulz-I think what you say is 100%true.
we percieve and then think our perceptions are true without oftentimes seeing the other side of the coin.We give labels and judge to our convenience.
I thin... |
Ethics & MoralityCan War be a good thing?
86 Posts • 28632 Views Philosophy Forum |
When i was speaking about acting insanly i did not mean what you think I meant. When one person kills another, especially for the first time, human minds do not handle t well. despite what most people... |
Religion & HumanityImagine a world without religion.
25 Posts • 9334 Views Religion Forum |
religions track record of humanitarian services is non existent, so what of the instances where people have killed for their religion, and the majority of religions see murder as the the ultimate wron... |
GovernmentThe Anti-Bush Thread
0 Posts • 38348 Views Politics & Current Events Forum |
Ya, another article of Bush's SS, Home Land Defence has been granted greater access to interior (within the USA) to secure information on terrorist within our own borders.
*lol* *clown* :D What... |
Why be polite?
39 Posts • 27340 Views Philosophy Forum |
The reason we have manners is because being blunt would mean people will have to face the truth. For example a women is sensitive about her weight. People tip toe around it because they're afraid... |
Society & SociologyWhy must intelligent people be so sarcastic?
64 Posts • 87305 Views Psychology Forum |
back to sarcasm....people use sarcasm as a defense mechanism,in my opinion,or to be funny,or because they dont know how to express themselves any other way....so....there are people of all intellegenc... |